过去40年,我国城市生活垃圾产量以5.82%的复合增长率持续增长[1]。填埋作为最主要的垃圾处理方式,消纳了近70%的生活垃圾[2],但也占用了累积达3.5×1010 m3的土地资源[3]。受地区气候条件和垃圾组成等因素影响,在不加人工调控的情况下,传统填埋场一般要在封场后30~50 a才能完全稳定。因此,垃圾填埋场不仅占地,且这种占地效应是长期的[4-6],这极大地制约了填埋场地及其周边区域的开发建设。近年来,随着城市化进程的加快,原本处于城市远郊区的填埋场逐渐进入城市近郊区甚至主城区范围,填埋场越发成为城市建设的“眼中钉”[6]。我国高度重视垃圾填埋/堆放场所的人工整治及土地再利用。国家环境保护“十二五”、“十三五”规划都强调要对垃圾简易处理或堆放设施和场所进行整治,对已封场的垃圾填埋场和旧垃圾场要进行生态修复、改造[6]。国务院《关于鼓励和引导民间投资健康发展的若干意见》国发〔2010〕13号中更指出,鼓励民间资本参与土地整治和矿产资源勘探开发。另外,《生活垃圾填埋场降解治理的监测与检测》《生活垃圾填埋场稳定化场地利用技术要求》等政策法规的相继颁布实施,也大大推动了填埋场的治理及土地开发利用工作。
国内外封场后的填埋场主要利用方向有休闲娱乐用地(如生态公园、高尔夫球场等)、林地、农业用地(如植物园、苗圃等)、硬化用地(如道路、停车场等)等[7-9]。如杭州天子岭填埋场、广州李坑填埋场封场后建成了生态公园;深圳玉龙坑填埋场内建起拥有60个标准杆位的高尔夫球场;武汉市金口垃圾填埋场修复后成为了第十届中国国际园林博览会主会场等[6, 10]。然而,这些封场填埋场工程往往是采取异地转运、原位封场、开挖筛分、好氧稳定化等技术,对整个填埋场进行污染整治与修复,涉及的工期长、投资高[6, 11-12]。相比之下,因局部占用填埋场土地,需采取的小范围整治工程则鲜见报道。
A case study of remediation of closed landfill for road construction
摘要: 以重庆市九龙坡区科技路尾段二期道路整治工程项目为例,分析了封场后填埋场土地再利用的工程措施及效果。拟建道路穿越了重庆市九龙坡区兴隆垃圾填埋场。通过场地稳定化监测与评估发现,整治区域内垃圾有机质含量低、产气趋于衰竭,但部分区域CH4和H2S含量分别达到66.2%(体积分数)和62.2 mg·m−3(质量浓度),存在气体横向迁移引发燃烧爆炸或影响道路结构的风险,也易造成空气污染。鉴于此,本项目设置帷幕灌浆系统、填埋气主动导排及在线监测系统分别用于填埋气的阻隔、疏导和监测。结果表明,实施帷幕灌浆后,可切断垃圾填埋场与道路间填埋气的横向通道。当监测系统监测到气体浓度超过预设限值(CH4的体积分数>5%,H2S的质量浓度>0.6 mg·m−3)时,主动抽气导排系统自动启动,气体浓度可降至报警值以下。因此,联合帷幕灌浆、填埋气主动导排及在线监测技术可实现对填埋气的有效阻隔与控制,实现老龄垃圾填埋场场地的安全利用。Abstract: Taking the 2nd stage construction project at the rear of Keji Road in Jiulongpo District of Chongqing as an example, this paper analyzed the utilization effects of the applied engineering measures on closed landfill sites. The proposed road is going to cross Xinglong landfill site in Jiulongpo District, Chongqing. According to the results of site stabilization monitoring and evaluation, the organic matter content of landfilled waste in the reclamation area was low and the gas production tended to be exhausted. However, the methane and hydrogen sulfide content in some regions remained as high as 66.2% and 62.2 mg·m−3, respectively, suggesting potential risks of fire and explosion caused by gas migration, affecting road structure or causing air pollution. In view of this, the configuration of curtain grouting, landfill gas venting and online monitoring systems were applied in this project to block, transport and monitor landfill gas. Results showed that the implementation of curtain grouting can effectively cut off the path of gas migration between closed landfill and the proposed road area. In addition, when the gas concentration was detected by the monitoring system exceeding corresponding limitation (methane>5%, hydrogen sulfide>0.6 mg·m−3), gas concentration can be reduced to below the alarming values by the active landfill gas venting system. Therefore, the combination of curtain grouting, landfill gas venting and online monitoring systems can effectively block and control the landfill gas in order for safe utilization of aged landfill sites.
Key words:
- landfill site /
- curtain grouting /
- landfill gas venting /
- online monitoring
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