截至2018年底,我国投入运行使用的污水处理厂达4 332座,污水处理能力达1.95×108 m3·d−1,治理规模居世界首位[1]。这意味着,会有大量的剩余污泥伴随着污水处理的过程产生。据统计,我国剩余污泥年产量已超过4×108 t(按含水率80%计)。其中,仅有20%左右的剩余污泥能够得到安全处置[2]。滞后的污泥处理处置能力带来的环境问题已日益凸显,部分未经妥善处理的剩余污泥所含有的病原微生物、重金属等污染物会重回环境,造成对环境的二次污染。因此,污泥的处理处置问题受到了广泛关注[3]。传统的厌氧消化技术由于存在有机物利用率低、甲烷产率低、污泥停留时间长等问题,很大程度限制了污泥处理处置资源化与减量化的效率[4]。
Effect of microaerobic pretreatment on municipal sludge anaerobic digestion and methane production
摘要: 针对目前市政污泥处理资源化与减量化效率低的问题,利用微好氧预处理技术进行预处理,提高其甲烷产量。利用有机物溶出效率、VSS减量、甲烷产量3项指标对预处理效果进行了评价;研究了不同参数条件下微好氧预处理对市政污泥厌氧消化产甲烷的影响;探讨了微好氧预处理对污泥胞外聚合物的影响。结果表明,微好氧预处理可以促进污泥溶解性有机物释放、提高VSS去除率;在最佳反应条件下(曝气强度0.30 m3·(min·m3)−1、预处理时间12 h),相对于未经过预处理的工况,甲烷产量可提高26.77%;微好氧预处理对剩余污泥活性细胞的影响主要发生在胞外聚合物部分,同时也存在对活性微生物的破解作用。市政污泥经过微好氧预处理后,可有效提升后续中温厌氧消化或高温厌氧消化的甲烷产量。Abstract: Aiming at low efficiency of municipal sludge resource reuse and reduction, microaerobic pretreatment was used to improve the methane production from municipal sludge. The pretreatment effect was evaluated by soluble organic dissolved rate, VSS reduction and methane production efficiency. The effects of microaerobic pretreatment on anaerobic digestion of municipal sludge under different conditions and extracellular polymeric substances were studied. The results indicated that microaerobic pretreatment could promote the release of soluble organic matter in municipal sludge and improve the removal efficiency of VSS. Under the optimal reaction conditions: aeration intensity of 0.30 m3·(min·m3)−1, pretreatment time of 12 h, the methane production increased by 26.77% with comparison with the sludge without pretreatment. The effect of microaerobic pretreatment on cells in excess activated sludge mainly occurred on the extracellular polymeric substances(EPS) and the disintegration of microorganisms. Microaerobic pretreatment could cause the significant increase of methane production rate of mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion.
Key words:
- microaerobic pretreatment /
- municipal sludge /
- anaerobic digestion /
- methane
表 1 供试污泥主要性质
Table 1. Main characteristics of experimental sludge
污泥类型 pH 总固体/% VSS/% SCOD/(mg·L−1) 总COD/(g·L−1) 市政污泥 6.56±0.29 3.96±0.02 2.45±0.01 402.33±57.33 37.85±3.87 接种污泥 7.61±0.15 2.14±0.22 1.23±0.05 254.30±26.63 16.18±1.19 -
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