Direct reaction mechanism between typical coagulants and disperse dyes in aqueous solution
摘要: 为了深入揭示分散染料的混凝去除机理,选择AlCl3、FeCl3、CaCl2作为混凝剂,分散红玉S-2GFL、分散黄棕S-2RFL、分散蓝BBLS作为去除对象,在不投加其他任何颗粒物的条件下,通过测定染料粒径、Zeta电位和改变混凝剂投加顺序等方式,探究了分散染料与混凝剂的直接反应机理。结果表明:3种混凝剂均可使染料颗粒表面电位接近0 mV,此时AlCl3和FeCl3对染料的去除率超过60%,但 CaCl2对染料去除率仅为15%左右,说明此体系下电中和不是染料被直接混凝沉淀去除的单一主导内因;投加3种混凝剂后染料粒径均明显增大,说明混凝剂水解产物与分散染料结合是导致染料被去除的重要前提之一;通过改变混凝剂投加顺序发现,对于同种染料,先投加混凝剂的去除率远低于后投加混凝剂的去除率,说明混凝剂水解终产物的物理吸附不应是染料与混凝剂结合的主因;沉淀物的傅里叶红外图谱显示,在580 cm−1和475 cm−1处分别检测到Al—O和Fe—O的特征峰,且XRD结果进一步显示AlCl3、FeCl3与染料结合形成了新的共聚物,这表明选用的无机混凝剂去除这3种分散染料的主导机理应是特定的化学结合作用。以上研究结果对丰富混凝去除相关染料的作用机理和开发相关复合药剂具有一定的理论指导意义。Abstract: In order to reveal the removal mechanism of disperse dyes by coagulation, AlCl3, FeCl3 and CaCl2 were selected as coagulants, and disperse red S-2GFL (disperse red dye, DR), disperse orange S-2RFL (disperse orange, DO), disperse blue BBLS (disperse blue, DB) were selected as model compounds. Without adding any other particulate matter system, the direct reaction mechanism between disperse dyes and coagulants was investigated by measuring the particle size of the dye, Zeta potential and changing the order of coagulant addition. The results showed that the three coagulants could lead to the surface potential of the dye flocs approaching 0 mV, the dye removal rates by AlCl3 and FeCl3 coagulation were higher than 60%, but the removal rate by CaCl2 coagulation was only about 15%, this indicated that charge neutralization was not the single dominant internal factor for dyes removal. The dye floc size increased significantly after adding three coagulants, indicating that the combination of coagulant hydrolysate and disperse dye was one of the important prerequisites for dye removal. By changing the order of coagulant addition, for the same kind of dye, its removal rate when dye added to the coagulant was much lower than that when the coagulant added to the dye, which indicated that physical adsorption of final coagulant hydrolysis products was not be the main mechanism for the combination of dye and coagulant. The FT-IR results of precipitated polymer showed that the characteristic peaks of Al—O and Fe—O were detected at 580 cm−1 and 475 cm−1, respectively, and the XRD results further showed that a new copolymer formed through the combination of AlCl3, FeCl3 and dye, which indicated that the dominant mechanism for the removal of these three disperse dyes by inorganic coagulation should be a specific chemical bond. This study has certain theoretical guiding significance for enriching the mechanism of coagulation in removing related dyes and developing related composite coagulants.
Key words:
- coagulation /
- disperse dye /
- chemistry combination /
- reaction mechanism
表 1 混凝实验程序
Table 1. Parameters for the coagulation experiment
程序 转速/(r·min−1) 时间/min 1 150 1 2 300 1 3 50 15 4 0 30 表 2 混凝前后pH的变化
Table 2. Changes of pH before and after coagulation
染料 混凝剂 投药前pH 投药混凝后pH 分散红玉 — 6.35±0.05 6.37±0.02 AlCl3 6.35±0.02 4.35±0.01 FeCl3 6.35±0.01 3.56±0.01 CaCl2 6.35±0.02 8.98±0.04 分散黄棕 — 6.32±0.03 6.32±0.05 AlCl3 6.33±0.04 4.60±0.03 FeCl3 6.34±0.01 3.56±0.03 CaCl2 6.33±0.04 9.18±0.04 分散蓝 — 6.34±0.03 6.35±0.05 AlCl3 6.36±0.01 4.33±0.03 FeCl3 6.33±0.04 3.49±0.02 CaCl2 6.35±0.02 9.05±0.04 注:—表示无混凝剂。 -
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