${\rm{SO}}_4^ - \cdot $ )[4],能够氧化降解包括氯代烃、多环芳烃、苯系物等在内的多种有机污染物[5-6],过渡金属铁活化是其中主要的一种方式。铁是一种可以大规模应用于污染治理的环境友好型材料,相比普通铁粉,纳米零价铁(nZVI)由于其粒径小,比表面积大等特点,具有优越的吸附性能、更高的还原能力和更好的迁移性能,因而被广泛应用于土壤和地下水原位修复[7]。有研究[8]表明,在有氧和厌氧条件下,纳米零价铁表面均可以发生腐蚀反应且可释放Fe(II),进而活化过硫酸盐,产生${\rm{SO}}_4^ - \cdot $ ,以降解目标污染物,如式(1)~式(3)所示。然而,在酸性介质中,纳米零价铁的腐蚀过快,短时间内释放出大量的Fe(Ⅱ),高浓度的Fe(Ⅱ)反而会清除反应体系中的
${\rm{SO}}_4^ - \cdot $ ,降低污染物的降解率[9];在反应过程中,Fe(Ⅱ)被迅速氧化为Fe(Ⅲ),如式(4)所示,致使催化剂的活化能力降低,也不利于氧化反应的持续进行[10-11];此外,当溶液pH大于4时,Fe(Ⅱ)和Fe(Ⅲ)易形成沉淀,导致溶解性铁离子浓度降低[12]。有研究[13-15]表明,加入螯合剂(如柠檬酸、乙二胺四乙酸等)可以消除过量Fe(Ⅱ)对活性氧自由基的清除,减缓Fe(Ⅱ)向Fe(Ⅲ)的转化,阻碍铁离子的沉淀,提高氧化剂和催化剂的利用效率,从而提高污染物的降解率。ZHANG等[16]发现,在纳米零价铁活化过硫酸钠体系中,加入螯合剂柠檬酸,可以促进2,4,6-三氯苯甲醚的降解。DANISH等[17]发现,螯合剂草酸、柠檬酸、谷氨酸的加入,可以提高纳米零价铁活化过碳酸钠体系中游离Fe(Ⅱ)的浓度,强化活性氧自由基的产生,进而提高三氯乙烷的降解率。在众多螯合剂中,广泛存在于自然界中的天然有机酸柠檬酸(CA),是一种鳌合能力优良、可生物降解的绿色螯合剂,可大规模应用于环境修复领域。到目前为止,CA对nZVI活化过硫酸盐降解有机污染物的影响尚鲜有报道。本研究选用CA为螯合剂,过硫酸钠(PS)为氧化剂,TCE为目标污染物,主要研究了CA对PS/nZVI体系降解TCE的强化作用,考察了PS、CA和nZVI投加量、溶液初始pH和无机阴离子对PS/nZVI/CA体系中TCE降解的影响,探究了反应体系中活性氧自由基的产生及其降解TCE的作用机制,最终在实际地下水中验证PS/nZVI/CA体系降解TCE的效果,为该技术应用于实际污染场地地下水修复提供技术支持。
Enhanced trichloroethylene degradation in aqueous solution by citric acid and nanoscale zero-valent iron activated sodium persulfate system
摘要: 采用螯合剂柠檬酸(CA)强化纳米零价铁(nZVI),活化过硫酸钠(PS)体系,降解水溶液中的三氯乙烯(TCE),分别考察了PS、CA、nZVI投加量、溶液初始pH和无机阴离子对TCE降解效果的影响,确定了在TCE降解过程中起主导作用的活性氧自由基,并验证了PS/nZVI/CA体系降解实际地下水中TCE的效果。结果表明:投加适量的CA可以明显提高PS/nZVI体系对TCE的降解效果,但当CA浓度过高时,TCE降解反而受到抑制,过量或不足的PS、nZVI均会降低TCE的降解率;当溶液初始pH为3~9时,PS/nZVI/CA体系可有效降解TCE;溶液中存在的Cl–和
${\rm{HCO}}_3^ - $ 会抑制TCE的降解,其中${\rm{HCO}}_3^ - $ 的抑制作用大于Cl–;自由基清除实验和电子顺磁共振实验表明PS/nZVI/CA体系中产生了HO·、${\rm{SO}}_4^ - \cdot $ 和${\rm{O}}_2^ - \cdot $ 活性氧自由基,其中HO·、${\rm{SO}}_4^ - \cdot $ 对TCE降解起主导作用;CA的加入有利于实际地下水中TCE的降解,PS/nZVI/CA体系相比PS/nZVI体系,更适应实际地下水中各种水质条件的冲击,具有实际应用前景。-
- 纳米零价铁 /
- 过硫酸纳活化 /
- 柠檬酸 /
- 三氯乙烯(TCE)降解 /
- 自由基清除
Abstract: The chemical degradation performance of trichloroethylene (TCE) in aqueous solution by citric acidenhanced nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) activated sodium persulfate (PS) system was investigated. The effects of various factors, including the dosages of PS, CA, nZVI, initial solution pH and common inorganic anions concentration (Cl–,${\rm{HCO}}_3^ - $ ) on TCE degradation were evaluated. The generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was elucidated by free radical scavenger test and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) analysis. Moreover, TCE degradation performance by PS/nZVI/CA system in actual groundwater was tested. The results indicated that the addition of CA in moderate dosages could remarkably enhance TCE removal, but excessive dose of CA had an inhibitive effect on TCE degradation. Excessive or deficient dosages of PS and nZVI could cause the reduction in TCE degradation rate. TCE could be effectively degraded by PS/nZVI/CA system within a wider pH range of 3~9. Cl– and${\rm{HCO}}_3^ - $ in solution had inhibitive effects on TCE removal, of which the inhibitive effect of${\rm{HCO}}_3^ - $ was higher. The scavenging tests and EPR detection confirmed that HO·,${\rm{SO}}_4^ - \cdot $ and${\rm{O}}_2^ - \cdot $ were generated, and HO· and${\rm{SO}}_4^ - \cdot $ were the dominant radicals responsible for TCE degradation in PS/nZVI/CA system. PS/nZVI/CA system had better adaptation to the impact of actual groundwater constituents than PS/nZVI system, and TCE degradation efficiency by PS/nZVI system was improved by CA addition when implemented in actual groundwater, indicating that PS/nZVI/CA system has practical application prospects in the remediation of TCE contaminated groundwater. -
表 1 溶液初始pH对TCE降解率及终点pH的影响
Table 1. Effect of initial solution pH on TCE degradation efficiency and final solution pH
序号 初始pH 终点pH TCE降解率/% 1 3.0 2.92 94.80 2 5.0 3.26 92.49 3 7.0 3.28 91.92 4 9.0 3.33 90.35 5 11.0 10.81 11.57 表 2 实际地下水理化性质
Table 2. Physico-chemical characteristics of actual groundwater
pH TOC/(mg·L−1) Cl−/(mg·L−1) ${\rm{CO}}_3^ - $ /(mg·L−1)7.82 13.2 38.6 95 ${\rm{NO}}_3^ - $ /(mg·L−1)${\rm{SO}}_4^{2 - }$ /(mg·L−1)Fe2+/(mg·L−1) 总铁离子/(mg·L−1) < 0.1 46.4 1.2 2.1 -
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