随着经济发展和城市化进程的加快,我国城镇生活污水排放量急剧增加。截至2017年底,全国城镇生活污水排放总量为600×108 t,并以6%的速度逐年递增[1]。剩余污泥是污水处理的副产物,产量大且对环境造成二次污染。国家 “十三五”规划明确提出,到2020年底,地级及以上城市污泥无害化处置率达到90%以上[2],这对污泥处理处置将是巨大挑战。剩余污泥中含有大量水分(含水率约为99.7%~99.1%),脱水是污泥减量化、无害化、资源化最关键的一步[3]。目前,城镇污水处理厂污泥脱水工艺主要为简单的机械脱水与化学絮凝工艺,很难满足目前的脱水要求。经大量研究发现,污泥絮体结构和水分存在形式复杂,其中含有部分较难去除的结合水[4],这成为污泥脱水的瓶颈问题。
${{\rm{S}}_2}{\rm{O}}_8^{2 - }$ 投加比对污泥脱水效果的影响,发现Fe2+和${{\rm{S}}_2}{\rm{O}}_8^{2 - }$ 的最佳投加摩尔比为1:1。这些研究均表明Fe2+活化过硫酸盐调理可提高污泥的脱水效果。然而,由于污泥的特性及脱水过程的复杂性,过硫酸盐改善污泥脱水性能及其相关机理的认识仍不全面。基于此,本研究采用亚铁离子(Fe2+)活化过硫酸钾,分析了过硫酸钾、硫酸亚铁、反应时间和pH对污泥脱水效果的影响,并探究了不同过硫酸钾投加量条件下污泥中胞外聚合物(EPS,主要包括蛋白质和多糖)和调理污泥上清液中SCOD的分布状况;探讨了过硫酸钾调理污泥的机理,为污泥的强化脱水及资源化处理提供技术参考。
Improvement of sludge dewatering performance by Fe(II)-activated persulfate
摘要: 针对污水处理厂剩余污泥脱水困难的问题,采用Fe2+活化过硫酸钾高级氧化法提高剩余污泥脱水性能,使用污泥含水率和污泥比阻对调理前后污泥脱水效果进行分析;研究了过硫酸钾投加量、Fe2+投加量、pH和反应时间对污泥调理效果的影响;探究了过硫酸盐调理污泥过程中溶解性有机物质和胞外聚合物(extracellular polymeric substance,EPS)的变化特性。结果表明:过硫酸钾调理的最佳反应条件为pH=7.5,反应时间为20 min,过硫酸钾和Fe2+的最佳投加量分别为15 mmol·L−1和18 mmol·L−1,在此条件下,污泥含水率和污泥比阻值分别可达78.89%和0.3×1012 m·kg−1;污泥含水率和比阻的变化可能与污泥调理后絮体结构形态变化有关;调理污泥后,上清液中溶解性有机物质含量与过硫酸钾投加量呈显著正相关关系,而EPS不同组分中蛋白质和多糖含量在Fe2+投加后均减少,表明Fe2+的投加可以破坏污泥絮体,分解胞内物质;利用Fe2+激活过硫酸钾所生成的硫酸根自由基可极大改善污泥的脱水性能。Abstract: Aimed at the difficult dewatering of excess sludge in sewage treatment plants, the dewatering performance of excess sludge was improved by the advanced oxidation method of Fe2+-activated potassium persulfate in this study, and the sludge dewatering effect before/after conditioning were characterized by sludge moisture content and sludge specific resistance to filtration (SRF). The effects of potassium persulfate dosage, Fe2+ dosage, pH and reaction time on sludge conditioning performance were studied. The changes of dissolved organic matter and extracellular polymers during the persulfate conditioning process were investigated. The experimental results showed that the optimal reaction conditions for potassium persulfate conditioning were following: pH=7.5, the reaction time of 20 min, potassium persulfate dosage of 15 mmol· L−1 and Fe2+ dosage of 18 mmol· L−1. Under this condition, the sludge moisture content and sludge specific resistance to filtration could reach 78.89% and 0.3×1012 m·kg−1, respectively. The changes in sludge water content and specific resistance may be related to the change of flocs structure and morphology after sludge conditioning. For the conditioned sludge, there was a significant positive correlation between the content of soluble organic matter in the supernatant and the amount of potassium persulfate, the content of protein and polysaccharide in EPS decreased after Fe2+ addition, indicating that the intracellular substance and part of the bound water in the sludge flocs were released. The sulfate radicals produced by Fe2+-activated potassium persulfate can greatly improve the sludge dewaterbility.
表 1 实验参数
Table 1. Experimental parameters
实验编号 过硫酸钾/(mmol·L−1) Fe2+/(mmol·L−1) pH 快搅反应时间/min 慢搅反应时间/min 1# 9~21 0 8 10 0 2# 9~21 18 8 10 20 3# 15 15~27 8 10 20 4# 15 18 3~9 10 20 5# 15 18 8 10 5~60 注:所有实验在20 ℃条件下进行;加入K2S2O8后快速搅拌;加入Fe2+后慢速搅拌。 -
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