Advanced treatment of refinery wastewater by catalytic ozonation with steel slag sludge ceramsite catalyst
摘要: 采用固相混合法制备了钢渣污泥陶粒催化剂,SEM、XRD测试结果显示,催化剂具有较为发达的孔隙结构,活性组分以MnO2和CuO晶型形态分布于陶粒中。对含盐炼油废水生化尾水进行了臭氧催化氧化研究,考察了废水初始pH、催化剂用量、臭氧投加量等因素对COD去除效果的影响。结果表明,当反应初始pH为7.36、催化剂用量为15 g·L-1、臭氧投加量为4.21 mg·min-1时,反应35 min,废水中COD从86.97 mg·L-1降至48.02 mg·L-1,出水水质达到新修订的《石油炼制工业污染物排放标准》。所制备的催化剂活性稳定、使用寿命长,活性组分锰、铜溶出率低,无二次污染产生。Abstract: A kind of steel slag sludge ceramsite catalyst was prepared by solid phase mixing method, and the relatively developed pore structure was observed in its SEM images. The XRD pattern indicted that the active components were distributed in this ceramsite with MnO2 and CuO crystals. The steel slag sludge ceramsite catalyst was used to treat the biochemical tail water of the saline refinery wastewater, and the effects of initial pH of tail water, catalyst dosage and ozone dosage on chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal were studied. The results indicated that at the initial pH of 7.36, catalyst dosage of 15 g·L-1, ozone dosage of 4.21 mg·min-1, the COD of tail water could be reduced from 86.97 mg·L-1 to 48.02 mg·L-1 after 35min catalytic ozonation, and the effluent could meet the newly revised Emission Standards of Petroleum Refining Industrial Pollutants. The prepared ceramsite catalyst has the advantages of stable activity, long service life and low dissolution rate of manganese and copper, as well as no secondary pollution.
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