氯苯(chlorobenzene)又称一氯代苯,其沸点为132.2 ℃,属挥发性有机物,广泛应用于化工、医药、制革等行业[1]。氯苯具有易扩散、毒性大[2]、降解时间长[3]的特点,对人体中枢神经系统、皮肤和粘膜等均会造成损伤。在氯苯生产、运输、使用过程中,由于倾倒、泄露等造成周边土壤污染[4],进而对人体产生危害。有机氯农药的大量使用是农业用地氯苯污染的主要原因之一。有机氯农药(OCPs)自20世纪80年代初期被禁用,但至今在农业土壤中仍然可检测到残留[5],化工、农药制造企业搬迁遗留场地土壤中检测出有机氯农药浓度严重超标[6]。相关研究表明,我国个别典型氯碱生产基地,包气带土层土壤中氯苯最高含量超过《展览会用地土壤环境质量评价标准(暂行)》B级标准限值3 419倍[7]。
热脱附技术是指通过热介质对污染土壤进行直接或者间接加热,使污染物挥发、分离或裂解[11],收集气态产物并加以处置的技术[12-14],具有适用范围广、成本低、不破坏土壤结构[15]、不受土壤质地影响等优点,且采用热脱附技术可减少二恶英的生成和排放[16]。热脱附技术根据是否需要挖掘和运输土壤可分为原位热脱附技术和异位热脱附技术。原位热脱附技术优点在于无需挖掘和运输污染土壤,二次污染风险小;根据加热温度高低,原位热脱附技术又可分为低温原位热脱附技术(100~350 ℃)和高温原位热脱附技术(350~600 ℃)。原位热脱附技术对PCBs、氯苯、苯[17]、农药(六六六)[18-19]等挥发性[20]、半挥发性有机污染物具有良好的修复效果。张学良等[8]通过燃气原位热脱附技术修复苯、氯苯、石油复合污染场地,历时33 d,平均温度达100~150 ℃,地下9 m处土壤中氯苯去除率为84.3 %,地下18 m处氯苯去除率为73.9 %。
In-situ low temperature thermal desorption for remediation of the chlorobenzene contaminated soil
摘要: 为了考察低温原位热脱附技术对土壤中氯苯的修复效果,以土壤中氯苯为目标污染物,控制热脱附设备设定温度、土壤粒径、土壤含水率,对不同条件下土壤中的氯苯进行测定分析,研究其对热脱附效果的影响。结果表明:原位热脱附过程中土壤温度变化以加热棒为中心,随着距离增加而呈现时间和空间上的滞后效应;原位热脱附设定温度越高,土壤修复效果越好,当土壤设定温度为100 ℃时,90%土壤样品氯苯去除率达99%以上,与设定温度130 ℃修复效果相当;土壤粒径越小,其比表面积大,对污染物吸附效率越高,所需热脱附时间越长;含水率影响氯苯在土壤中的挥发速率、有效孔隙率和透气率,含水率过高或过低都不利于氯苯污染土壤原位热脱附修复。热脱附设备设定温度、土壤粒径、土壤含水率对低温原位热脱附技术去除土壤中氯苯的效果具有较大的影响。Abstract: In order to investigate the effect of low temperature in situ thermal desorption on chlorobenzene in soil, the chlorobenzene in soil was taken as the target pollutant, and the set temperature of the thermal desorption equipment, soil particle size, soil moisture content were controlled, the chlorobenzene in soil under different conditions was determined and analyzed to study their influences on the thermal desorption effect. The results show that the change of soil temperature was centered on the heating rod during the process of in-situ thermal desorption, and presented the hysteresis effects with time and spatial appear as the distance increased. The higher the set temperature of in-situ thermal desorption was, the better the soil remediation effect was. When the set temperature of the soil was 100 ℃, the removal rates of chlorobenzene for 90% soil samples were over 99%, which was equivalent to the remediation effect at set temperature of 130 ℃. For soil with small particle size, it presented a high pollutant adsorption efficiency due to the large specific surface, thus the time for its thermal desorption was longer; The moisture of soil affects volatilization rate of chlorobenzene in soil, and the effective porosity and air permeability of the soil. Too high or low moisture content was not conducive to in situ thermal desorption remediation of chlorobenzene contaminates soil. The set temperature of the thermal desorption equipment, soil particle size and soil moisture content had a great influence on chlorobenzene removal from soil by low temperature in situ thermal desorption technology.
Key words:
- low temperature in-situ thermal desorption /
- chlorobenzene /
- soil remediation /
- temperature /
- moisture /
- particle size
表 1 土壤理化性质
Table 1. Physical and chemical properties of soil
含水率/% 容重/(g·cm-3) 比热容/(kJ·(kg·K)-1) 导热系数/(W·(m·K)-1) 土粒比重/% 压实度/% 25 1.66 1.66 1.42 2.73 78 表 2 实验土壤条件
Table 2. Conditions of the experimental soil
土壤含水率/% 热脱附前土壤中氯苯浓度/(mg·kg-1) 热脱附后土壤中氯苯浓度/(mg·kg-1) 15 113.88 0.88 25 124.29 0.02 -
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