工程应用中要求所用植物具有富集能力强、生长速度快、生物量大、易于栽培和生命力旺盛等特点,较为成熟的Cd污染农田土壤植物修复案例鲜有报道。籽粒苋(Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.) [17]是一种耐干旱、耐贫瘠、耐盐碱、产量高的植物,其对土壤Cd有一定的富集能力。本研究选择阳朔[6]Cd污染农田作为田间实验区,选择籽粒苋作为修复植物,探讨了其修复农田镉污染土壤的修复效率。
Potential for cadmium contaminated farmland remediation with Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.
摘要: 针对农田土壤镉污染问题,采用超富集植物籽粒苋并配施不同组合的外源活化剂进行盆栽实验和田间实验,并测定籽粒苋及根系土壤中镉含量并计算富集系数。结果表明,在盆栽实验的不同处理组中,施加磷酸二氢钾(0.74 mmol·kg-1)、EDTA(2 mmol·kg-1)和柠檬酸(4 mmol·kg-1)最有助于提高籽粒苋对Cd的提取修复效率。田间实验中添加活化剂(EDTA和柠檬酸)后籽粒苋的根、茎和叶组织对Cd的富集能力分别是不添加活化剂处理组的2.10、1.84和2.76倍;与对照组相比,籽粒苋的根、茎和叶部分的Cd含量都显著提高(P < 0.05),这说明外源活化剂促进了籽粒苋对土壤中Cd的吸收,提高了修复效率。每年种植两茬籽粒苋并添加活化剂,Cd的去除率可达4%~10%。种植超富集植物并配施活化剂既可以提高修复效率,又可以节约修复成本。Abstract: In view of the problem of cadmium pollution in farmland soil, phytoremediation technology has become a research hotspot. Pot experiments and field trials were conducted using a kind of hyperaccumulator Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. and different combinations of exogenous activators. The cadmium contents in Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. and root soil were tested and the corresponding enrichment factors were determined. The results showed that in different treatment groups of the pot experiment, the most helpful effect for the improvement of Cd extraction and restoration efficiency occurred at potassium dihydrogen phosphate (0.1 g·kg-1), EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) (2 mmol·kg-1) and citric acid (4 mmol·kg-1). The addition of activators (EDTA and citric acid) in the field trials showed that Cd enrichment abilities of roots, stems and leaves of Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. were 2.10, 1.84 and 2.76 times as high as those without activator, respectively. In comparison with the control group, the contents of Cd in the roots, stems and leaves of the Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. increased significantly (P < 0.05), indicating that the exogenous activator promoted the absorption of Cd in the soil by the Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. and improved the repair efficiency. Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. is planted twice every year and activator is added. The Cd removal rate is 4%~10%. Planting Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. in combination with an activator can both improve the repair efficiency and save the repair cost.
Key words:
- Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. /
- cadmium /
- farmland soil /
- activator /
- phytoremediation
表 1 供试土壤基本性质
Table 1. Basic properties of the tested soil
pH 全Cd/(mg·kg-1) 有效态Cd/(mg·kg-1) 有机质/(g·kg-1) 碱解氮/(mg·kg-1) 有效磷/(mg·kg-1) 速效钾/(mg·kg-1) 6.5 0.71 0.12 23.5 100.3 0.36 1 213 表 2 田间实验添加活化剂前后籽粒苋根、茎和叶Cd含量(鲜重)
Table 2. Cadmium content in roots, stems and leaves of plant before and after the addition of activating agents in the field trial (fresh weight
mg·kg-1 植株序号 根 茎 叶 修复前 修复后 修复前 修复后 修复前 修复后 1 0.141 0.174 0.173 0.344 0.232 0.348 2 0.147 0.429 0.269 0.417 0.321 0.775 3 0.147 0.452 0.269 0.348 0.321 0.740 4 0.139 0.305 0.093 0.318 0.217 0.220 5 0.081 0.327 0.058 0.332 0.217 0.325 6 0.104 0.617 0.081 0.116 0.211 0.232 7 0.617 0.637 0.176 0.394 0.233 0.996 8 0.237 0.406 0.222 0.313 0.272 1.424 9 0.237 0.278 0.174 0.205 0.226 0.568 10 0.133 0.347 0.093 0.112 0.221 0.289 11 0.112 0.116 0.081 0.143 0.210 0.278 12 0.104 0.146 0.142 0.221 0.229 0.266 13 0.104 0.230 0.081 0.227 0.307 0.406 14 0.194 0.208 0.155 0.174 0.265 0.476 15 0.081 0.225 0.186 0.209 0.284 0.567 16 0.115 0.174 0.150 0.263 0.347 0.523 17 0.185 0.232 0.162 0.211 0.240 0.429 18 0.151 0.317 0.139 0.323 0.405 0.425 19 0.218 0.532 0.252 0.428 0.299 1.133 20 0.179 0.440 0.417 0.479 0.350 1.287 21 0.116 0.339 0.104 0.304 0.357 0.532 22 0.257 0.289 0.274 0.324 0.409 0.926 23 0.231 0.824 0.247 0.777 0.198 3.251 24 0.231 0.859 0.247 0.729 0.198 2.246 25 0.127 0.281 0.093 0.249 0.356 0.474 平均含量 0.176 0.367 0.173 0.318 0.277 0.766 表 3 田间实验中活化组与对照组籽粒苋各指标的对比(含量以鲜重计)
Table 3. Comparison of various indicators of plant in the activation group and the control group in the field trials(content is based on fresh weight)
统计值 株高/cm 根/(mg·kg-1) 茎/(mg·kg-1) 叶/(mg·kg-1) 活化组 对照组 活化组 对照组 活化组 对照组 活化组 对照组 样本数 25 22 25 22 25 22 25 22 极小值 122 105 0.081 0.035 0.058 0.035 0.220 0.104 极大值 195 235 0.859 0.289 0.777 0.372 3.251 1.251 均值 153 157 0.294 0.153 0.251 0.162 0.765 0.495 几何均值 152 155 0.226 0.121 0.192 0.123 0.584 0.362 表 4 田间实验中添加活化剂与对照组农田土壤各指标的对比
Table 4. Comparison of the farmland soil indicators between the addition of activating agents and the control group in the field trials
统计值 pH 全Cd/(mg·kg-1) 有效态Cd/(mg·kg-1) 活化组 对照组 活化组 对照组 活化组 对照组 样本数 25 22 25 22 25 22 极小值 5.90 0.40 0.317 0.469 0.150 0.460 极大值 8.20 8.40 1.348 1.194 4.675 0.705 均值 7.49 6.80 0.773 0.895 0.601 0.550 几何均值 7.47 5.69 0.736 0.878 0.556 0.546 -
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