Development and verification of integrated reactor with sequencing batch aerobic fermentation
摘要: 好氧堆肥是农村有机废弃物资源化利用、减少农村面源污染的有效途径之一,为解决农村固废堆肥的设备短缺的问题,设计了一种序批式好氧发酵一体化反应器,并开展了反应器堆肥验证实验。设备主要包括5个发酵单元、除臭系统、密闭箱体和自动控制系统,发酵仓采用“U”型结构,有效容积100 L,可提供最大25 L?min-1空气量,曝气精度0.1 L?min-1,翻抛轴转速7.2 r?min-1,采用离子除臭装置在密闭箱体内完成除臭过程。自控系统可实现5组发酵装置的自动控制和数据管理,通过不同含水率的物料进行好氧堆肥实验,进行物理、化学指标的综合评价,结果表明,该反应器一体化程度高,堆肥效果符合有机肥无害化标准,可实现序批式堆肥。该设备解决了传统堆肥连续性差、自动化程度低的问题,可为农业废弃物资源化利用提供技术支撑。Abstract: Aerobic composting is one of the effective ways to recycle organic waste and reduce rural non-point source pollution in rural areas. However, it is a hortage of organic solid waste composting equipment. In this study, a sequential batch aerobic fermentation integrated reactor was designed and a reactor compost verification test was conducted, respectively. The equipment mainly includes five fermentation units, deodorization system, sealed box and automatic control system. The fermentation tank adopts a “U” type structure, and the effective volume is 100 L,which can provide a maximum air volume of 25 L?min-1 , aeration accuracy of 0.1 L?min-1,and the rotating shaft speed of 7.2 r?min-1, and the deodorization process is completed in an enclosed box using an ion deodorizing device. The automatic control and data management of five groups of fermentation device can be realized. The comprehensive physical and chemical evaluation of aerobic composting test is carried out through the materials with different moisture content. The results showed that the reactor with a high integration can realize the hamless production and sequencing batch aerobic fermentation, whose effect is considence with standard of organic fertilizers.The problems such as traditional poor continuity and low automation can be solved by using this equioment, which can provide technical support for the resource utilization of agricultural waste in villages and towns.
Key words:
- rural waste /
- integrated /
- aerobic fermentation /
- reactor
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