Effects of washing methods on recovery efficiency of manganese from manganese residue and harmless treatment
摘要: 以化浆-滤饼洗涤代替传统化浆洗涤回收锰渣中的硫酸锰及对洗涤后的锰渣进行无害化处置,对比洗涤方式对电解锰渣中锰回收效率及无害化处理的影响。结果表明,在同等6倍渣重用水量的情况下,化浆-滤饼洗涤比传统化浆洗涤硫酸锰回收率提高10%以上,可达到95.82%。同时回收锰后的锰渣用氢氧化钠无害化处置,在保证锰渣浸出液中锰、氨氮离子满足污水综合排放标准(GB 8978-1996)要求的前提下,药剂用量相比未水洗的节省70%以上,大幅度节约药剂成本。洗涤液以碳酸钠为沉锰药剂回收碳酸锰产品,可产生一定的经济价值,进一步降低锰渣无害化处理成本。Abstract: Slurrying-cake washing was used instead of the slurrying washing to investigate the recovery efficiency of manganese sulfate from manganese residues and to examine the effect on the subsequent harmless treatment of manganese residues. The recovery rate of manganese sulfate reached 95.82% when slurrying-cake washing was used, 10% higher than the rate achieved when slurrying washing was used. The recovered manganese residue was disposed harmlessly using sodium hydroxide, meeting the requirement of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB 8978-1996) on manganese residue leaching solution of manganese and ammonia ion. Compared with the treatment of the manganese residues without washing, reagent dosage was reduced by 70% in the harmless treatment of manganese residue.
Key words:
- cake washing /
- slurrying washing /
- rate of recovery /
- harmless treatment
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