Secondary pollution control of co-disposal system of municipal sludge in thermal power plant
摘要: 控制循环流化床锅炉掺烧城市污泥二次污染物的排放,实现污泥的减量化、无害化处置和资源化利用。方法:利用循环流化床锅炉烟气余热干燥污泥,干化污泥与燃煤掺配燃烧,污泥干燥系统与锅炉DCS控制系统对接,依据机组负荷自动化控制锅炉耗煤量、床温和污泥给入量等运行参数,有效抑制二恶英的形成。结果表明,污泥自动化掺烧系统投运后,烟气中二恶英的排放浓度小时均值不高于0.011 0 ng TEQ·(Nm)-3,飞灰中二恶英含量不高于2.802 2 ng TEQ·kg-1、底渣中二恶英含量不高于0.659 6 ng TEQ·kg-1,符合国家污染控制标准要求。火电厂协同资源化处理城市污泥过程中,污泥自动化掺烧系统投运能够有效控制二次污染物的排放,实现了城市污泥的减量化、无害化处置和资源化利用。Abstract: In order to achieve quantitative reduction, harmless disposal, and resource utilization of municipal sludge, we developed a new method of controlling secondary pollution during co-disposal of municipal sludge in coal-fired circulating fluidized bed combustion. Municipal sludge with high moisture content was dried by flue gas from the coal-fired circulating fluidized bed boiler. Dried sludge was then combusted with coal. According to the connection between the sludge drying system and the distributed control system (DCS), coal consumption, boiler bed temperature, sludge feeding amount, and other operation parameters were automatically controlled. The operation of the sludge automatic blending system effectively inhibited the generation of dioxins:emission concentration of dioxins in flue gas was lower than 0.011 0 ng TEQ·(Nm)-3, mass percent content of dioxins in fly ash was no higher than 2.802 2 ng TEQ·kg-1, and mass percent content of dioxins in bottom ash was no higher than 0.659 6 ng TEQ·kg-1. These results meet national standards for pollution control on dioxins. In conclusion, secondary pollution could be effectively controlled by the sludge automatic blending system and quantitative reduction, harmless disposal, and resource utilization of municipal sludge could be achieved.
Key words:
- municipal sludge /
- co-processing /
- utilization /
- dioxins /
- secondary pollution control /
- automation
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