2021 Volume 16 Issue 5
Article Contents

Zhao Meijing, Xia Bin, Zhu Lin, Sun Xuemei, Zhao Xinguo, Dai Wei, Chen Bijuan, Qu Keming. Research Progress on Interaction and Joint Toxicity of Microplastics with Toxic Pollutants[J]. Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology, 2021, 16(5): 168-185. doi: 10.7524/AJE.1673-5897.20210412001
Citation: Zhao Meijing, Xia Bin, Zhu Lin, Sun Xuemei, Zhao Xinguo, Dai Wei, Chen Bijuan, Qu Keming. Research Progress on Interaction and Joint Toxicity of Microplastics with Toxic Pollutants[J]. Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology, 2021, 16(5): 168-185. doi: 10.7524/AJE.1673-5897.20210412001

Research Progress on Interaction and Joint Toxicity of Microplastics with Toxic Pollutants

  • With the widespread use of plastic products, microplastic pollution has become a major environmental issue of global concern. Microplastics (MPS) in the ocean can interact with toxic pollutants (such as organic pollutants, heavy metals and nanoparticles) and they have combined effects on marine organisms. Therefore, the combined toxic effects of MPS and toxic pollutants in the environment have attracted more and more attention. This review generally summarized the toxic effects and mechanisms of MPS on marine organisms, including shading effects, oxidative stress, immunotoxicity, reproductive toxicity, genetic toxicity, neurotoxicity and behavioral toxicity. Then, this review deeply discussed the combined toxicity of MPS and organic pollutants, heavy metals and nanoparticles, respectively. Based on the adsorption, enrichment and carrier effect of microplastics on pollutants, the interaction between MPs and pollutants were analyzed. It concludes that microplastics can enhance or inhibit the toxicity of pollutants mainly through changing the bioavailability of pollutants, altering the stress response of organisms to pollutants, and interacting with the pollutants. Finally, the combined toxicity action mechanism of microplastics and toxic pollutants were investigated in future study. The future research should focus on the environmental behavior and biological effects between environmentally relevant microplastics and toxic pollutants, especially their trophic transfer through the food chain. This overview aims to provide the theoretical basis for the accurate assessment and in-depth understanding of the risks of microplastics in marine environment and human health.
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Research Progress on Interaction and Joint Toxicity of Microplastics with Toxic Pollutants

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Abstract: With the widespread use of plastic products, microplastic pollution has become a major environmental issue of global concern. Microplastics (MPS) in the ocean can interact with toxic pollutants (such as organic pollutants, heavy metals and nanoparticles) and they have combined effects on marine organisms. Therefore, the combined toxic effects of MPS and toxic pollutants in the environment have attracted more and more attention. This review generally summarized the toxic effects and mechanisms of MPS on marine organisms, including shading effects, oxidative stress, immunotoxicity, reproductive toxicity, genetic toxicity, neurotoxicity and behavioral toxicity. Then, this review deeply discussed the combined toxicity of MPS and organic pollutants, heavy metals and nanoparticles, respectively. Based on the adsorption, enrichment and carrier effect of microplastics on pollutants, the interaction between MPs and pollutants were analyzed. It concludes that microplastics can enhance or inhibit the toxicity of pollutants mainly through changing the bioavailability of pollutants, altering the stress response of organisms to pollutants, and interacting with the pollutants. Finally, the combined toxicity action mechanism of microplastics and toxic pollutants were investigated in future study. The future research should focus on the environmental behavior and biological effects between environmentally relevant microplastics and toxic pollutants, especially their trophic transfer through the food chain. This overview aims to provide the theoretical basis for the accurate assessment and in-depth understanding of the risks of microplastics in marine environment and human health.

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