随着我国规模化畜禽养殖业的快速发展,畜禽粪便对环境的污染问题日益凸显。目前,畜禽粪便污染物总量已达近40×108 t[1-3],有效处理量不到50%,开展无害资源化处理与合理利用迫在眉睫[4-5]。同时,我国在农业生产过程中产生了大量的农业废弃物—作物秸秆,年产生总量在10.4×108 t,可收集资源量约9×108 t[6],秸秆综合利用率在一些区域较低,缺乏有效的资源化利用手段,导致随意丢弃或焚烧等问题较为严重[7]。
传统大中型沼气工程在建设、运营、技术及管理水平上存在较多问题,国家和地方虽然投入大量扶持资金但还成效不明显[13-15]。为此,在2015—2017年连续3年中,国家有关部门着手大中型沼气工程的转型升级,鼓励发展日产10 000 m3以上规模化生物天然气(BNG)工程,共支持了64座中央预算内投资计划项目,本项目由此孕育而生。然而,64座项目进展非常不乐观,至2019年6月,运行及试运行仅22座(约1/3),严重打击了行业发展积极性。其原因主要为缺乏盈利模式,这已成为行业能否持续健康发展的核心推动因素。为此,本项目同时整合了其他相关互利项目,如畜禽污染整县推进战略-高台县畜禽粪污资源化利用项目和高台县现代农业示范园区绿色生态循环发展(沼液)项目,从全局角度治理县域内的畜禽粪便和秸秆等废弃物,探索治污费和“气-肥并举”联合盈利模式,示范效应明显。
Technical scheme and implementation of national pilot large-scale bio-natrual gas project in Gaotai county, Gansu province, China
- Received Date: 25/09/2019
- Available Online: 01/07/2020
Key words:
- biogas engineering /
- bio-natural gas (BNG) /
- crop straw /
- livestock manure /
- water scrubbing biogas upgrading
Abstract: The use of agricultural organic waste to produce biogas and bio-natural gas (BNG) is one of the important technical means to solve the agricultural non-point source pollution problem in China, and the large-scale BNG project has become the development direction. This paper takes the national pilot project of the large-scale BNG project in Gaotai county, Gansu province as a research case. Process technologies and equipment, engineering design features and implementation effects were involved. Biological and chemical mechanisms of “return slurry + inorganic fertilizer” for dry straw pretreatment, control factors of high concentration joint anaerobic fermentation of straw/excrement, and technical advantages of water scrubbing biogas upgrading in application were analyzed. The engineering design ideas, such as two raw material channels, integrated process pipe gallery and cold area energy saving, were introduced. Practice showed that the project was in good running conditions with high system stability. After implementing the profit model of “governance fee + gas-fertilizer combination”, the project entered a benign operation track, which could provide technical and engineering references for large-scale BNG industry development in China.