2018 Volume 12 Issue 3
Article Contents

HU Chengzhi, LIU Huijuan, QU Jiuhui. Research progress of electrochemical technologies for water treatment[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2018, 12(3): 677-696. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201801179
Citation: HU Chengzhi, LIU Huijuan, QU Jiuhui. Research progress of electrochemical technologies for water treatment[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2018, 12(3): 677-696. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201801179

Research progress of electrochemical technologies for water treatment

  • Accepted Date: 25/01/2018
    Available Online: 22/03/2018
    Fund Project:
  • Electrochemical technologies are capable of keeping environmental interfacial processes at high rate and efficiency through directionally and accurately controlling the electron transfer. It is becoming a new strategy in dealing with water pollution and water scarcity for its extraordinary features and superiorities. In the past ten years, electrochemical technologies for water treatment and recycling have achieved great progress, which is heading for efficient electrodes, coupling technical processes, low-carbon operations. To thoroughly study the mechanism of electrochemical water treatment and recycling technologies, and further discuss the application of electrochemical technologies, attention has been focused on designing of electrode materials, exploiting of high-performance reactors, combination of technical processes, and recovery of resources and energy in wastewater. This article reviews the research progresses of electro-coagulation, electro-oxidation, electro-reduction, electro-(re)dialysis and electro-adsorption. In the end, this article puts forward a conclusion on technology development of electrochemical water treatment and recycling so as to get an outlook in this field.
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Research progress of electrochemical technologies for water treatment

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Abstract: Electrochemical technologies are capable of keeping environmental interfacial processes at high rate and efficiency through directionally and accurately controlling the electron transfer. It is becoming a new strategy in dealing with water pollution and water scarcity for its extraordinary features and superiorities. In the past ten years, electrochemical technologies for water treatment and recycling have achieved great progress, which is heading for efficient electrodes, coupling technical processes, low-carbon operations. To thoroughly study the mechanism of electrochemical water treatment and recycling technologies, and further discuss the application of electrochemical technologies, attention has been focused on designing of electrode materials, exploiting of high-performance reactors, combination of technical processes, and recovery of resources and energy in wastewater. This article reviews the research progresses of electro-coagulation, electro-oxidation, electro-reduction, electro-(re)dialysis and electro-adsorption. In the end, this article puts forward a conclusion on technology development of electrochemical water treatment and recycling so as to get an outlook in this field.

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