Figure 15 ,Table 0
    • 图  1  风洞实验装置图

      Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of the wind tunnel platform

    • 图  2  风洞实验各测点分布图

      Figure 2.  Distribution of the sampling points in the wind tunnel platform

    • 图  3  几何模型与外部计算域示意图

      Figure 3.  Diagram of geometric model and external computational domain

    • 图  4  数值模型网格与混合网格节点连接图

      Figure 4.  Grid of numerical model and node connection of hybrid grid

    • 图  5  风速2 m·s-1各测点风速数值模拟值与实验值

      Figure 5.  Numerical simulation and experimental value s at each sampling point s with wind speed of 2 m·s -1

    • 图  6  风速4 m·s-1各测点风速数值模拟值与实验值

      Figure 6.  Numerical simulation and experimental value s at each sampling point with wind speed of 4 m·s -1

    • 图  7  实地油库周边地形图

      Figure 7.  Satellite map of the field oil depot and the surrounding areas

    • 图  8  罐区几何模型与外部计算域示意图

      Figure 8.  Geometric model of tank farm and schematic diagram of external computational domain

    • 图  9  罐区建筑编号示意图

      Figure 9.  Building number of the tank farm

    • 图  10  罐区压力分布云图(风速2 m·s-1)

      Figure 10.  Cloud map of the distribution of the wind pressure in the tank farm (wind speed: 2 m · s -1)

    • 图  11  不同风速下大型罐区内气流流动轨迹

      Figure 11.  Air flow trajectory in large-scale tank farm at different wind speeds

    • 图  12  不同风速下大型罐区xz截面风速云图

      Figure 12.  Speed distribution of xz plane of large-scale tank farm at different wind speeds

    • 图  13  罐区xy截面油气质量分数分布云图

      Figure 13.  Cloud map of oil vapor concentration distribution in tank farm on the xy plane

    • 图  14  大型罐区xz截面油气质量分数分布云图

      Figure 14.  Cloud map of oil vapor concentration distribution in large-scale tank farm on the xz plane

    • 图  15  不同风速下大型罐区xz截面油气质量分数分布云图

      Figure 15.  Cloud map of oil vapor concentration distribution in large-scale tank farm on the xz plane