Figure 5 ,Table 3
    • 图  1  浅层地下水中F-含量分布图

      Figure 1.  Distribution of fluorine content in shallow groundwater

    • 图  2  浅层地下水中pH与F-含量的关系图

      Figure 2.  Relationship between pH and fluorine content in shallow groundwater

    • 图  3  浅层地下水中F-含量与方解石、白云石、萤石、石膏和岩盐饱和指数关系图

      Figure 3.  Relationship between fluorine content and saturation index of calcite, dolomite, fluorite, gypsum and halite in shallow groundwater

    • 图  4  浅层地下水化学Gibbs分布图

      Figure 4.  Gibbs distribution of shallow groundwater chemistry

    • 图  5  浅层地下水中F-含量与氯碱指数的关系图

      Figure 5.  Relationship between fluorine content and Chloro-alkaline index in shallow groundwater