Human Health Risk Assessment of Hazardous Air Pollutants in Typical Petrochemical Enterprises
摘要: 石化行业生产过程中会产生有毒有害大气污染物,并可能对人体健康产生危害。为贯彻落实《大气污染防治法》第七十八条中对有毒有害大气污染物(hazardous air pollutants,HAPs)实行风险管理,评估环境风险的要求,有必要开展石化企业排放HAPs的人体健康风险评估。本研究采用美国环境保护局(US EPA)发布的人体健康风险评估手册F部分吸入风险评估指南中的方法,推算出HAPs物质对人体健康的致癌风险值和非致癌风险值;通过CALPUFF模型模拟预测出典型石化企业HAPs物质扩散范围及空气中的浓度,并将模拟预测得到的污染物浓度与推算得到的风险值进行比较,进而表征园区内该企业排放HAPs对人体健康的风险。结果表明,基于最坏情况分析,该石化企业排放的HAPs致癌风险值为0.421 μ g·m-3,非致癌风险值为2.212 μ g·m-3,CALPUFF模拟预测空气中污染物浓度最大为0.62 μ g·m-3,且模型预测的月均浓度均未超过致癌和非致癌风险值,风险表征结果表明,该石化企业排放的HAPs物质对人体健康不存在致癌和非致癌风险。但本研究仅针对某石化企业开展人体健康风险评估,并不能代表石化行业排放有毒有害大气污染物对人体健康风险的整体水平。Abstract: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) will be produced in the production process of petrochemical industry, and some VOCs are toxic, which may cause harm to human health. In order to implement article 78 of the air pollution control law that requires conducting risk management and assessing the environmental risk of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), it is necessary to carry out research on the human health risk assessment of HAPs substances in petrochemical enterprises. In this study, the threshold values of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks of HAPs to human health were calculated using the methods in part F of the human health risk assessment manual published by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). CALPUFF Model was used to simulate and predict the diffusion range of HAPs and the concentration of pollutants in the air of typical petrochemical enterprises. We compared the predicted value with the calculated risk threshold to characterize the risks of HAPs emitted by the enterprise to human health in the park. Results showed that, based on the worst-case analysis, the carcinogenic risk threshold of the emissions of HAPs from petrochemical enterprises was 0.421 μg·m-3, the non-carcinogenic risk threshold was 2.212 μg·m-3, and the predicted value of the maximum air pollutant concentration by CALPUFF simulation was 0.62 μg·m-3. Besides, the monthly average concentrations predicted by models are less than carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic threshold. It is indicated that the petrochemical company's emission of HAPs poses little carcinogenic or non-carcinogenic risks to human health. However, this study did not consider the emission of all toxic and harmful air pollutants in the petrochemical industry, so the assessment results cannot represent its overall level of human health risks.
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