Environmental Exposure, Risk Assessment and Control of Benzene in China
摘要: 我国苯生产量大,且用途广泛。与此同时,大量的苯系物通过化石燃料燃烧、汽车尾气排放以及生产使用过程中泄漏的方式进入环境。结合国内外对苯的毒理研究成果,探索了苯在环境中释放与转归路径,统计了我国大气、土壤、地下水、地表水、沉积物及食物链中苯的赋存现状。由于苯有致癌性,长期或频繁地暴露在苯环境中的人群存在致癌风险。环境中苯主要以气态相存在,呼吸吸入是人体苯暴露的主要途径,研究采用美国环境保护局(US EPA)吸入风险评估模型,计算人群在苯暴露下的致癌风险。根据化工区、交通干道两侧和地下车库3个区域空气苯的统计数据,开展人体健康风险评估,致癌风险分别为3.98×10-5、9.66×10-5和1.44×10-6,风险不可接受;以可接受风险水平10-6为目标,反推以上3种情景下苯的最大允许暴露浓度分别为0.0002、0.0002和0.0321 mg·m-3。上述研究结果为确定我国环境空气质量标准中苯的控制限值和保护人体健康提供了基础数据。Abstract: Benzene has been produced with a large quantity and numerous applications in China. Meanwhile, a large amount of benzene series enters the environment through fossil fuel combustion, automobile exhaust emissions, leakage of liquid benzene during production and storage. Based on the international results of toxicological studies, the path of benzene release and fate in the environment was explored, and the occurrence status of benzene in China's atmosphere, soil, groundwater, surface water, sediment and food chain was calculated. Benzene is carcinogenic, people who are exposed to the benzene environment for long or frequent periods have high risk of cancer. Benzene mainly exists in the gaseous phase in the environment, and inhalation is the main route of human exposure to benzene. This study used the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) inhalation risk assessment model to calculate the carcinogenic risk of human who were expoesd to benzene. Human health risk assessments were carried out according to the statistical data of atmospheric benzene in three typical areas, including chemical industry area, both sides of the main road and the underground garage. When the carcinogenic risk is 3.98×10-5, 9.66×10-5, and 1.44×10-6, it is unacceptable. With an acceptable risk level of 10-6 as the target, the maximum allowable exposure concentrations of benzene under the above three scenarios are 0.0002, 0.0002 and 0.0321 mg·m-3, respectively. The results presented in this study would provide basic data for establishing ambient air quality criteria of benzene and protecting the human health.
Key words:
- benzene /
- environmental exposure /
- risk assessment /
- risk management
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