Distribution, Transformation and Ecotoxicity of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Aquatic Environments: A Review
摘要: 多溴联苯醚(poly brominated diphenyl ethers,PBDEs)作为一种持久性有机污染物,在水体环境中分布广泛且检出率高,一直受到广泛关注。本综述从PBDEs类污染物在水体中的分布、转化再到生态毒性,比较全面地阐述了目前水环境中PBDEs的污染现状。对PBDEs在水环境中的分布特征和组成特征研究发现,PBDEs在水环境中已无处不在,海洋和地下水均遭受到污染,且在淡水水体中工业区的污染严重程度远高于低工业区。在水环境中以BDE-209污染为主,随着与污染源距离增大,BDE-209的相对丰度呈现下降趋势。PBDEs可在水生生物体内进行转化,高溴代PBDEs转化为低溴代PBDEs或者氧化还原为其他PBDEs的衍生物。在水环境中的PBDEs对水生生物具有生殖毒性、神经毒性以及血管毒性等毒性效应,可以抑制胚胎发育和生物的生长繁殖。本文从分布、转化和生物效应3个方面概述PBDEs在水体中的环境行为以及潜在风险,为之后PBDEs的研究以及风险评估提供了一定的参考价值,能够推动对PBDEs治理的科学化、精准化和系统化。Abstract: As persistent organic pollutants, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were widely distributed in the aquatic environments with high detection rates. In this study, the distribution and transformation of PBDE pollutants in aquatic environments and their ecological toxicity were systematically reviewed, and their pollution situation was comprehensively explained. The study on the distribution and composition of PBDEs in the aquatic environments showed that PBDEs were ubiquitous, and their pollution in the ocean and groundwater was inevitable. Moreover, for the fresh water, the pollution level of PBDEs in industrial areas was much higher than that in low industrial areas. BDE-209 was the dominant PBDEs in the aquatic environments, and its relative abundance decreased with the distance from pollution sources. The distribution and composition of PBDEs in low industrial areas were affected by seasonal rainfall and removal efficiency by sewage treatment plants. With the increase of rainfall, the concentrations of PBDEs decreased significantly. The pollution of low brominated PBDEs increased significantly after the treatment in wastewater treatment plants. PBDEs can be transformed in the aquatic organisms, and high brominated PBDEs were transformed into low brominated PBDEs or reduced to other PBDEs derivatives by oxidation. PBDEs were biodegraded by aquatic animals, phytoplankton and microorganisms, and different species have different characteristics in their biodegradation. PBDEs in the aquatic environments posed reproductive toxicity, neurotoxicity and vascular toxicity, which also inhibited embryonic development, biological growth and reproduction. This study summarized the environmental behaviors and potential risks of PBDEs in the aquatic environments from three aspects, i.e., distribution, transformation and biological effects, so as to provide scientific basis for the future treatment of PBDE pollution.
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