随着城市污水处理量的日益增多,伴随产生的大量剩余污泥已成为亟待处理的固体废物[1]。截至2017年6月底,全国共有城镇污水处理厂4 063座,每年产生城市污泥近5×107 t(含水率80%)[2]。据统计[3],2020年城市污泥产量将突破6×107 t(含水率80%)。根据城市污泥富含氮、磷、钾、有机质的特点,可将其作为肥料进行土地利用。其中,林地利用较农用风险低,消纳污泥容量大(我国林地面积达1.7×108 m2),已逐渐成为污泥处置的主要方向之一[3]。
Application effect and risk assessment of urban sludge products in forest land
摘要: 为探究城市污泥产品的林地施用效果,以北京排水集团生产的城市污泥产品(有机营养土、生物碳土、复合生物碳土)为研究对象,在北京市大兴区建立了城市污泥产品林地施用示范区。通过现场施用,研究3种城市污泥产品在不同施肥方式、不同施肥量下对林地环境及毛白杨生长的影响。结果表明,土壤的酸碱度与施肥前相比有小幅度的上升,最终稳定在7.1左右,土壤电导率随施肥比例的增加而明显增高,最高达1 457 μS·cm−1,但尚未产生盐度风险;施用城市污泥产品后,土壤中各类营养物质含量明显增加,且起到了促进植物生长的作用;综合比较各施肥样方内营养物质含量变化及植物生长情况后发现,施用3 kg·m−2复合生物碳土的效果最佳。污泥产品的施用,在起到培肥地力、促进植物生长的同时,确实导致了土壤中重金属含量的上升,但均满足《土壤质量标准农用地土壤污染风险管控标准》的相关要求,处于低风险状态。Abstract: To explore the application effect of urban sludge products in forest land. In this study, three kinds municipal sludge products (i.e., organic nutrient soil, biochar soil, and compound biochar soil) produced from Beijing Drainage Group were selected as research objects, and demonstration area for their application in forest was established in Daxing District, Beijing to evaluate the land application effect of those municipal sludge products in forest. The effects of three kinds of municipal sludge products on forest environment and Populus tomentosa growth under different fertilization methods and amounts were investigated via the field experiments. It was found that the pH value of soil increased slightly and finally stabilized at about 7.1 after fertilization. The conductivity of acid-base soil increased with the increase of fertilization ratio, whose highest value was over 1400 μS·cm−1, but there was no salinity risk. After applying municipal sludge products, the contents of all kinds of nutrients in the soil increased significantly and played a dominant role in promoting the growth of plants. The results also showed that the effect of 3 kg·m−2 of application of composite biochar soil was the best. The application of sludge products could promote the growth of plants, improve the fertility of soil and lead to the slightly increase of heavy metals contents in the soil, but all of them met the relevant requirements of the soil quality standard in soil pollution risk control standard for agricultural land and were in a low risk state during the whole monitoring period.
Key words:
- sludge products /
- populus tomentosa /
- heavy metals /
- risk assessment
表 1 污泥产品成分
Table 1. Compositions of sludge products
污泥产品 全氮/(g·kg−1) 全磷/(g·kg−1) 全钾/(g·kg−1) 有机质/(g·kg−1) 水分/% pH 有机营养土 18.8 12.7 1.908 291 57.8 7.55 生物碳土 18.7 10.3 2.090 265 48.3 7.46 复合生物碳土 20.0 11.2 2.900 311 42.2 7.81 污泥产品 EC/(μS·cm−1) 粪大肠菌群菌值 蛔虫卵死亡率 苯并(a)芘/(μg·kg−1) 多环芳烃/(μg·kg−1) 矿物油/(mg·kg−1) 有机营养土 2 020 0.4 未检出 低于检出限 低于检出限 2.60×103 生物碳土 2 600 0.4 未检出 低于检出限 低于检出限 2.80×103 复合生物碳土 2 740 0.4 未检出 低于检出限 低于检出限 2.95×103 表 2 潜在生态危害指数风险等级
Table 2. Potential ecological hazard index risk level
风险指数 轻微生态危害 中等生态危害 强生态危害 很强生态危害 极强生态危害 EI ≤40 40~80 80~160 160~320 >320 RI ≤150 150~300 300~600 600~1 200 >1 200 注:风险等级参见已有研究中的方法[9]。 -
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