环境DNA[1](environmental DNA, eDNA)通常指从环境样品(如水样、泥样等)直接获取的DNA。环境样品中一般包含一定区域内存在的生物组织、排泄物以及分泌黏液等,通常被认为是环境DNA的主要来源[2]。从环境样品中提取DNA之后,通过聚合酶链式反应(polymerase chain reaction, PCR)扩增目标DNA片段,进一步检测分析环境DNA所携带的信息,以达到获取某一区域环境生物信息的目的[3-4]。在过去的十几年,环境DNA技术已经被逐步应用于生态环境监测(如判断某些物种的存在与否)的研究中。RONDON等[5]从土壤样品中提取环境DNA研究土壤微生物的多样性,并首次提出了环境DNA这一术语。严格来讲,环境DNA技术是于2008年开始被研究者应用于监测大型生物的[6]。从2010年开始,随着实时荧光定量PCR技术(qPCR)和DNA条形码技术的引入,环境DNA技术的应用从定性分析物种存在与否逐步扩展到定量分析物种丰度[1-2, 7-9]。
近年来,有研究[7]表明,存在于某一区域的生物可以通过环境样品(如水样、泥样等)并采用环境DNA技术检测到,这一新兴检测技术有可能显著提升生态监测效率。与传统生态监测方法相比,环境DNA技术有如下优点:该技术不需要捕获、捕杀目标生物,因此,是更为环境行为友好的监测手段;该技术通过PCR技术扩增目标DNA片段,对DNA的检出限低于1 pg,与传统方法相比,对低丰度生物有更灵敏的检出限;该技术对于物种的鉴别是基于基因序列而非传统方法的人眼判断,与传统方法相比,对于物种鉴别的准确性更强。由于采样方式与判别标准不同于传统生态监测技术,环境DNA技术有望大幅提升生态监测的可行性与准确性。然而作为新兴生态监测手段,环境DNA技术仍然存在一些缺陷,如样品处理与检测手段有待进一步优化,环境DNA在环境中的迁移变化行为尚不明确等。着力解决这些问题可促进该技术的推广与应用,这些问题也是相关研究领域的重点研究课题。而对环境DNA降解动力学及环境影响因素的研究,可提高环境DNA数据对于周边环境的指示意义,如在不同的地域环境下,可根据周边环境特征,通过获取环境DNA数据,更准确地推断周边环境生物的丰度。
Application of environmental DNA in monitorining surface sediment and its relationship to environment variables
摘要: 环境DNA技术是近几年出现的新兴环境生态监测技术,为研究环境变量对表层沉积物中环境DNA变化的影响,通过小试实验模拟海水环境并以日本大螯蜚作为目标生物,引入4组不同的生物丰度,运用环境DNA技术研究了表层沉积物中环境DNA含量变化与周边环境变量的关系。在小试装置中养殖日本大螯蜚4 d后全部取出,之后启动实验。在实验启动后的第0、6、12、18、24、72、144、264、384小时进行取样,提取出的环境DNA片段含量通过实时荧光进行定量PCR检测。结果表明,表层沉积物中的环境DNA在源生物移除后72 h内降低至较低含量水平,与水体中的环境DNA有较为相似的变化特征。通过广义线性回归分析,发现环境DNA降解速率与水质盐度呈显著负相关(P=0.000 5),与pH呈显著正相关(P=0.04),说明表层沉积物中的环境DNA对于周边环境变化具有一定指示意义。上述结果为进一步推动环境DNA技术的应用及其对环境变量影响作用的深入研究提供参考。Abstract: Environmental DNA (eDNA) is an emerging tool for environmental and ecological monitoring in recent years. To clarify the effects of environment variables on the variation of eDNA in surface sediment, through the lab-scale experiments which could simulate marine environment and choose benthic organism Grandidierella japonica as target species with 4 groups of different bioabundance, the relationship between the variation of eDNA in surface sediment and ambient environment variables was investigated by using environmental DNA technology. After Grandidierella japonica were cultured for 4 days, and they were taken out from the experimental devices, then the following experiments start-up. The surface sediment samples and water samples were collected at 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 72, 144, 264, 384 h from the start-up of the eperiments, the eDNA was extracted from these surface sediment samples and target eDNA copy numbers were determined by quantitative PCR with species-specific primers. The results showed that after removal of Grandidierella japonica, environmental DNA in surface sediment decreased to low level within 72 hours, which was similar to the decreasing characteristics of environmental DNA in water. The general linear modelling regression showed that the eDNA decay rate was significantly and negatively (P=0.000 5) related to the water salinity and significantly and positively (P=0.04) related to the pH value, indicating that environment DNA in surface sediment could reflect the changes of surrounding environment at a certain degree. This study provide a reference for promoting the application of eDNA and profoundly studying its effects on environment variables.
表 1 小试实验条件设置
Table 1. Setup of lab-scale experiment
实验组 被测生物数量/只 石英砂/g 人造海水/mL 平行样数量/个 A 10 70 180 3 B 20 70 180 3 C 30 70 180 3 D 50 70 180 3 空白样 0 70 180 4 表 2 引物序列及PCR退火温度
Table 2. Nucleotide sequence of primers and PCR annealing temperature
引物名称 核苷酸序列 (5′~3′) 产物长度/bp 扩增目标区 退火温度/℃ 126F GTTTTAGGTGCTTGGGCCAG 126 线粒体COI基因 60 126R AGCATGCGCTGTTACTGAGA 413F CTTCGTTTTAGGTGCTTGGGC 413 线粒体COI基因 55 413R AGGAGGCCCCTGCTAAATGA 表 3 环境DNA片段降解速率与环境变量广义线性回归结果
Table 3. Results of general linear regression between eDNA decay rate and environmental variables
自变量 回归系数 标准差 t值 P值 生物丰度 3.34 4.02 1.830 0.41 总活菌量 0.000 006 0.000 017 0.366 0.72 pH 830.2 387.2 2.144 0.04 盐度 −6 022 1 549 −3.888 0.000 5 溶解氧 300 601 0.500 0.62 -
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