随着工农业的迅速发展,氯代烃类有机物作为生产原料和溶剂被人类广泛地应用在工业生产、农药、干洗和医疗等行业[1],造成了一系列环境问题。氯代烃类在环境中随着雨水、径流等渗滤到土壤中[2],被土壤吸附一部分后渗漏到地下含水层,导致地下水污染[3],其中地下水中四氯乙烯、三氯乙烯及四氯化碳等污染尤为普遍[4-6]。本研究中选取一种典型氯代烃PCE作为研究对象,该物质是在常温下易挥发、非易燃的重质非水溶相液体(dense non-aqueous phase liquids,DNAPLs),化学性质稳定,且有很强的生物毒性和潜在的生物累积性,并具有刺激性、致敏性、致突变性、致畸性、致癌性等特性,已被较多国家列为优先控制污染物[7]。一旦PCE通过各种途径进入地下环境,会下渗到地下水深层,严重污染地下水资源,对生态环境和人体健康产生极大的危害[8]。1999年北京市地下水有机污染调查结果表明,北京地区有2处氯代烃污染区域面积超过10 km2,主要污染物为TCE和PCE,最高浓度分别为487.6 μg∙L−1和63.74 μg∙L−1,其中PCE的检出率较高[9]。为了保护生态环境及促进可持续发展,地下水中氯代烃污染问题亟待解决,地下水水质保护和污染修复刻不容缓[10]。
考虑到微生物修复技术具有易于原位修复、处理成本低、无二次污染且可以实现无害化等优点,故进一步研究微生物群落对PCE的降解非常必要[11]。近年来,国内外研究人员对氯代烃的生物降解进行了大量探索和研究[12-19]。在厌氧条件下,氯代烯烃可以作为某些细菌的终端电子受体,通过厌氧微生物作用发生还原脱氯,生成次级产物,最终达到无害化的修复目的,而加入一些有机质进行共代谢可以提高其降解速率[12-14]。有研究[15]发现,将厌氧细菌Y51株和好氧性混合株P. pseudocalcaligenes KF707-D3株综合运用可以将难生物降解的PCE完全分解。实际上,单一的厌氧菌或好氧菌很难彻底快速降解PCE[16]。迄今为止,仅发现Dehalococcoides mccartyi属的菌株能使PCE完全脱氯[17],且该属菌株对碳源要求较高,一般需要醋酸盐作为碳源[18],生长条件较为苛刻。然而,多种常见微生物如脱硫单胞菌,硫磺菌等可以协同合作将PCE还原脱氯[19]。
Co-substrates enhanced bioremediation of groundwater contaminated by tetrachloroethylene
摘要: 针对微生物修复地下水中四氯乙烯 (tetrachloroethylene,PCE) 周期长的问题,通过添加共代谢基质强化微生物修复技术以提高修复速率。以某污水处理厂的厌氧活性污泥为菌种来源,采用振荡培养法进行PCE高效降解菌群的驯化和筛选,对微生物降解PCE的温度、初始pH和PCE初始浓度3种影响因素进行了条件优化;使用甲醇、乙醇、葡萄糖、酵母浸膏以及乳酸钠作为共代谢基质,研究了不同共代谢基质条件下微生物群落对PCE的降解规律,并建立了反应动力学模型。结果表明:在种水平上,梭状芽孢杆菌Clostridium sp. FCB45是优势菌种;PCE初始浓度为1 mg∙L−1,pH在中性,温度为30 ℃,共代谢基质为酵母浸膏时,微生物群落的降解效果最好,PCE降解率可高达96.75%,降解速率常数最高可达0.327 d−1;添加共代谢基质强化的微生物降解过程全部符合一级反应动力学模型。添加共代谢基质的微生物实验结果表明,添加共代谢基质可以有效缩短微生物修复周期,对污染地下水的原位生物修复具有一定的参考价值。Abstract: Aiming at the long remediation timeframe associated with bioremediation of tetrachloroethylene (PCE)-contaminated groundwater, the addition of co-substrates has been explored to improve the biodegradation rate and reduce the remediation duration. In this study, an acclimated microbial consortium for PCE biodegradation was enriched by the shaking cultivation method with a microbial source from anaerobic sludge collected from a wastewater treatment plant. PCE degradation efficiency was determined and the impacts of different environmental factors such as temperature, initial pH and initial concentration of tetrachloroethylene were optimized. In addition, the enhanced biodegradation efficiencies of PCE using different co-substrates, including methanol, ethanol, glucose, yeast extract and sodium lactate, were investigated, and the corresponding biodegradation kinetic models were also developed. Experimental results showed that Clostridium sp. FCB45 played a significant role in PCE biodegradation. The best PCE biodegradation effect occurred with the efficiency up to 96.75% at PCE initial concentration of 1 mg∙L−1, neutral pH, 30 ℃, and co-substrate of yeast extract, and the highest biodegradation rate constant was 0.327 d−1. The enhanced biodegradation using different co-substrates can all be described by the first-order reaction kinetics. It was concluded that the addition of co-substrates can effectively shorten the remediation timeframe, which provides a theoretical and experimental basis for in situ enhanced bioremediation of PCE-contaminated groundwater.
Key words:
- tetrachloroethylene (PCE) /
- bioremediation /
- co-substrates /
- contaminated groundwater
表 1 不同共代谢基质对应的PCE的反应动力学模型方程及相关参数
Table 1. Reaction kinetics equations and parameters of PCE degradation using different co-substrates
共代谢基质 动力学模型 R2 反应速率常数k/d−1 半衰期t1/2/d 甲醇 $ c = 1.39{{\rm{e}}^{ - \frac{t}{{7.02}}}} - 0.682$ 0.972 0.142 1.665 乙醇 $ c = 4.38{{\rm{e}}^{ - \frac{t}{{27.23}}}} - 3.67$ 0.928 0.037 2.296 葡萄糖 $ c = 1.62{{\rm{e}}^{ - \frac{t}{{6.875}}}} - 0.792$ 0.963 0.145 2.095 酵母浸膏 $ c = 1.11{{\rm{e}}^{ - \frac{t}{{3.055}}}} - 0.223$ 0.988 0.327 1.571 乳酸钠 $ c = 1.895{{\rm{e}}^{ - \frac{t}{{8.906}}}} - 1.106$ 0.955 0.112 2.161 无共代谢基质 $ c = 1.746{{\rm{e}}^{ - \frac{t}{{10.155}}}} - 1.061$ 0.884 0.098 2.409 -
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