Echelon use of 48 V flexible packing power Li-ion manganite battery in electric vehicles
摘要: 针对我国面临的体量巨大的电动踏板车的动力锂离子电池退役后处理处置问题,研究了动力电池回收再梯次利用的具体方法。以市场上大量退役的48V软包锰酸锂动力电池为研究对象,对退役电池的容量、内阻、放电性能以及电池组的损耗分布进行了研究,从而提出了修复后梯次利用作为电动踏板车动力电池的策略。研究结果表明:不同损耗程度的电池组的损耗各有差异,剩余电量为70%的损耗组以个别单体损耗为主但其余未损耗单体一致性较好,可进行更换修复后重新服役;40%损耗组损耗单体数增加同时一致性尚可,更换受损单体后无法直接服役,需定制并联组形式重新使用;20%单体与一致性均较差,可直接拆解回收再利用。Abstract: Aiming at the problems of disposing the large amounts of the retired Li-ion batteries in electric vehicles of our country, the methods for the recovery and echelon use of these power batteries were studied. Then, the retired 48 V flexible packing power Li-ion manganite batteries were taken as a model to study its electricity capacity, resistance, and discharging performance of single battery cell, and the loss distribution of battery pack, and a strategy for reclamation and echelon use of the used Li-ion batteries in scooters was suggested. The results show that there are some discrepancies among the battery packs with different loss. In the retired battery pack with 70% remained power, some specific cells presented much loss while other cells without loss presented good consistency, the former could be replaced, then the retired battery pack could be rebuilt and reused. For the retired battery pack with 40% remained power, the amounts of the retried cells increased and the consistency of other cells without loss was well, but this retired battery pack could not be directly reused even the retried cells were replaced, and a specific mode of parallel discharging could be suitable for its reuse. As for the retired battery pack with 40% remained power, the increased amount of the retired cells and the inconsistency of other cells could result in directly disassemble this pack for the further recovery and reuse.
Key words:
- lithium manganite /
- Li-ion battery /
- scooter /
- echelon use
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