
曾俊钦, 邱春生, 孙力平, 钟远, 骆尚廉. 储存控制条件对尿液氮磷的影响[J]. 环境工程学报, 2016, 10(10): 5605-5610. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201505094
引用本文: 曾俊钦, 邱春生, 孙力平, 钟远, 骆尚廉. 储存控制条件对尿液氮磷的影响[J]. 环境工程学报, 2016, 10(10): 5605-5610. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201505094
ZENG Junqin, QIU Chunsheng, SUN Liping, ZHONG Yuan, LUO Shanglian. Effects of storage and control conditions for urine on nitrogen and phosphorus content[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2016, 10(10): 5605-5610. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201505094
Citation: ZENG Junqin, QIU Chunsheng, SUN Liping, ZHONG Yuan, LUO Shanglian. Effects of storage and control conditions for urine on nitrogen and phosphorus content[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2016, 10(10): 5605-5610. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201505094


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Effects of storage and control conditions for urine on nitrogen and phosphorus content

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  • 摘要: 尿液源分离技术是现阶段国际研究热点,但其收集贮存过程中的尿素水解与磷沉淀问题影响该技术的推广应用。为了考察新鲜尿液的储存变化,对稀释、酸化和稀释酸化等储存控制条件对尿液尿素水解过程中pH、氨氮和磷酸盐的影响进行了研究。结果表明:稀释储存时,尿素会发生水解,pH值升高至9.19~9.25,氨氮量会升高,磷酸盐会减少20%~36%,而稀释因子1增加到6,沉淀减少了450~650 mg。初始酸化储存时,在初始pH小于4.00条件下,尿素水解会受到控制,磷沉淀损失会减少。稀释酸化储存时,在pH小于3.00及稀释因子2或3的条件下,尿素水解会受抑制且不发生磷沉淀。
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  • 收稿日期:  2015-06-22
  • 刊出日期:  2016-10-20
曾俊钦, 邱春生, 孙力平, 钟远, 骆尚廉. 储存控制条件对尿液氮磷的影响[J]. 环境工程学报, 2016, 10(10): 5605-5610. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201505094
引用本文: 曾俊钦, 邱春生, 孙力平, 钟远, 骆尚廉. 储存控制条件对尿液氮磷的影响[J]. 环境工程学报, 2016, 10(10): 5605-5610. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201505094
ZENG Junqin, QIU Chunsheng, SUN Liping, ZHONG Yuan, LUO Shanglian. Effects of storage and control conditions for urine on nitrogen and phosphorus content[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2016, 10(10): 5605-5610. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201505094
Citation: ZENG Junqin, QIU Chunsheng, SUN Liping, ZHONG Yuan, LUO Shanglian. Effects of storage and control conditions for urine on nitrogen and phosphorus content[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2016, 10(10): 5605-5610. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201505094


  • 1.  天津城建大学环境与市政工程学院, 天津 300384
  • 2.  天津市水质科学与技术重点实验室, 天津 300384
  • 3.  台湾大学环境工程学研究所, 台北 10673



摘要: 尿液源分离技术是现阶段国际研究热点,但其收集贮存过程中的尿素水解与磷沉淀问题影响该技术的推广应用。为了考察新鲜尿液的储存变化,对稀释、酸化和稀释酸化等储存控制条件对尿液尿素水解过程中pH、氨氮和磷酸盐的影响进行了研究。结果表明:稀释储存时,尿素会发生水解,pH值升高至9.19~9.25,氨氮量会升高,磷酸盐会减少20%~36%,而稀释因子1增加到6,沉淀减少了450~650 mg。初始酸化储存时,在初始pH小于4.00条件下,尿素水解会受到控制,磷沉淀损失会减少。稀释酸化储存时,在pH小于3.00及稀释因子2或3的条件下,尿素水解会受抑制且不发生磷沉淀。

English Abstract

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