随着工业生产技术发展,重金属对全球水环境的污染日趋严重. 重金属废水无序排放严重污染周边的水体环境,直接或间接地危害人类健康[1],亟待有效处理. 其中酸性重金属废水如酸性矿山废水和电镀废水因其pH低、重金属种类多含量高、毒性大、成分复杂等特点,处理尤为困难[2-3]. 用于酸性重金属废水处理的传统工业水处理技术如加碱沉淀、吸附、离子交换和膜处理等存在成本高、二次污染严重、运行时间长、操作复杂等缺点[4-7]. 而电絮凝技术因其去除效率高、无需外加药剂、设备简单、絮凝产物可资源化等特点逐渐发展成为重金属废水处理领域研究热点[8-11].
对电絮凝所产生絮体产量和种类的调控是优化电絮凝工艺效能的关键[12]. 已有研究表明电絮凝溶液中不同支持电解质种类以及曝气条件会导致不同矿物的生成[12-14]. 针铁矿(goethite)、磁铁矿(magnetite)、赤铁矿(hematite)、水铁矿(ferrihydrite)和绿锈(green rust)等是电絮凝过程中常见的一次或二次生成的铁矿物[14]. 其中绿锈和磁铁矿通常在较低溶解氧(DO)浓度的电絮凝过程中产生,且都具有层状双金属氧化物(LDHs)结构,因而二者具有较高的比表面积和反应活性. 近年来,磷酸亚铁矿物蓝铁矿因其具备对砷、铀、钴和氯化有机化合物的吸附和还原能力而备受关注[15],然而电絮凝形成蓝铁矿(vivianite)的研究甚少,这与磷酸盐在中性条件下对铁阳极的钝化作用有关. 目前针对电絮凝吸附固载重金属的研究主要聚焦于中性或碱性条件[8-9, 12, 16],例如,有研究报道了中性和碱性条件下不同电解质阴离子和溶解氧浓度对于铁基电絮凝成矿种类的影响规律和影响机制[12] . 现阶段,酸性条件下铁电絮凝成矿过程缺乏关注;实际上,探讨酸性铁电絮凝用于实际重金属废水处理具有一定应用价值,这是因为阴极自产碱有利于提高系统pH,进而有效节省碱耗;较低pH能够提高溶液导电率及铁阳极法拉第效率,还使得在中性和碱性条件下易导致阳极钝化的电解质(如磷酸盐),在酸性条件下能够适用于电絮凝处理[17].
本研究着重讨论了酸性条件下铁基电絮凝的成矿规律及其对典型重金属的固载效果. 通过构建铁阳极、不锈钢阴极的电絮凝体系,考察不同支持电解质(NaCl、Na2SO4、NaH2PO4、NaNO3)和有无曝气对成矿种类的影响,以及不同铁矿物对重金属去除效果的影响;其次,通过检测溶液态铁Feaq(铁离子、亚铁离子及其溶液态羟基结合物种等)浓度在不同条件下铁电絮凝的变化规律,帮助深入解了酸性铁电絮凝的反应过程. 研究成果为酸性重金属废水的铁电絮凝处理提供理论参考,为电絮凝产物的资源化回收提供数据支撑.
Impacts of supporting electrolyte and aeration conditions on Fe mineral formation and heavy metal immobilization in Fe-electrocoagulation at acidic pH
摘要: 本文针对酸性重金属废水开展了一系列铁电絮凝实验,重点考察不同电解质种类以及曝气与否对形成铁矿物种类和絮凝性能的影响. 研究发现,酸性电絮凝过程可分为铁积累阶段和成矿阶段,积累阶段主要是Fe(Ⅱ)/Fe(Ⅲ)的生成与富集,矿物形成和重金属去除主要发生在成矿阶段. 使用NaNO3作为电解质易使铁阳极钝化,导致低成矿量和重金属去除率;在无曝气条件下NaCl、Na2SO4、NaH2PO4电解质体系产生的主要铁矿物分别为磁铁矿、绿锈和蓝铁矿;曝气条件下NaCl、Na2SO4体系产生氢氧化铁,NaH2PO4体系产生磷酸铁. 重金属固载实验结果表明,磁铁矿和绿锈对Cd(Ⅱ)、Cu(Ⅱ)和Ni(Ⅱ)均表现出优异的吸附效果,但磁铁矿对于Cd(Ⅱ)的吸附效率高于绿锈;蓝铁矿和磷酸铁对Cu(Ⅱ)和Cd(Ⅱ)吸附效果优异,对Ni(Ⅱ)较差;氢氧化铁絮体对4种重金属的固载效果均较差. 浸出实验说明磁铁矿和绿锈对重金属固载稳定性优于其他铁矿物. 研究结果为铁电絮凝技术应用于酸性重金属废水处理提供重要证据.Abstract: In this study, a series of experiments on Fe-electrocoagulation were conducted to treat acidic heavy metal wastewaters. The effects of the type of supporting electrolyte and aeration on the performance of electrocoagulation and the species of Fe minerals were investigated. The results of the research showed that the acidic electrocoagulation process can be divided into two stages: Fe accumulation stage and Fe mineralization stage. The accumulation stage mainly involves the generation and enrichment of Fe(Ⅱ)/Fe(Ⅲ), while mineral formation and immobilization of heavy metals mainly occur in the latter stage. The use of NaNO3 as the supporting electrolyte resulted in the passivation of Fe anodes, leading to a low mineralization rate and heavy metal removal efficiency. Without aeration, Fe-electrocoagulation systems with NaCl, Na2SO4, and NaH2PO4 as supporting electrolytes generated magnetite, green rust, and vivianite, respectively. Under aeration conditions, iron hydroxide was formed in NaCl and Na2SO4 electrolyte systems, while iron phosphate was produced in the NaH2PO4 electrolyte system. Magnetite and green rust were found to have high adsorption efficiencies for the heavy metals Cd(Ⅱ), Cu(Ⅱ), and Ni(Ⅱ), with magnetite demonstrating a higher adsorption efficiency for Cd(Ⅱ) than green rust. Meanwhile, vivianite and iron phosphate effectively fixed Cu(Ⅱ) and Cd(Ⅱ), while Ni(Ⅱ) had poor adsorption on both minerals. The adsorption efficiencies of the four types of heavy metals for iron hydroxide were low. The results of leaching experiments showed that the adsorption stability of heavy metals on magnetite and green rust was better than that on vivianite, iron hydroxide, and iron phosphate. Overall, the findings of this study provide important evidence for the potential use of Fe-electrocoagulation as an effective method for treating acidic heavy metal wastewaters.
Key words:
- electrocoagulation /
- supporting electrolyte /
- aeration /
- iron minerals /
- heavy metal immobilization
图 1 (a)不同电絮凝体系成矿量,(b)不曝气和(c)曝气情况下于不同支持电解质中产生铁矿物XRD图和(d)不同支持电解质体系(1)NaCl、(2)Na2SO4、(3)NaH2PO4、(4)NaCl(曝气)和(5)NaH2PO4(曝气)成矿的SEM图
Figure 1. (a) Quantities of Fe minerals formed under different conditions; XRD patterns of Fe minerals produced in different supporting electrolytes (b) without and (c) with aeration; (d) SEM images of Fe minerals produced in different supporting electrolytes: (1) NaCl (without aeration), (2) Na2SO4 (without aeration), (3) NaH2PO4 (without aeration), (4) NaCl (with aeration), and (5) NaH2PO4 (with aeration)
图 7 电解质和曝气条件对铁电絮凝同步去除Cd(Ⅱ)(a. 不曝气、d. 曝气)、Cu(Ⅱ) (b. 不曝气、e. 曝气)、Ni(Ⅱ) (c. 不曝气、f. 曝气)的影响
Figure 7. Effects of supporting electrolyte and aeration conditions on the simultaneous removal of Cd(Ⅱ) (a. without and d. with aeration), Cu(Ⅱ) (b. without and e. with aeration), and Ni(Ⅱ) (c. without aeration, f. with aeration) by Fe-electrocoagulation
表 1 不同支持电解质和曝气条件对电絮凝处理酸性废水法拉第效率的影响
Table 1. Effects of type of supporting electrolyte and aeration on Faradic efficiency of electrocoagulation in treating acidic wastewater
Supporting electrolyte曝气条件
Aeration condition法拉第效率
Faradic efficiencyNaCl without aeration 0.91 with aeration 0.92 Na2SO4 without aeration 0.92 with aeration 0.92 NaH2PO4 without aeration 0.89 with aeration 0.83 NaNO3 without aeration 0.19 with aeration 0.12 -
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