水华(algal bloom)是在一定的营养、气候和水文条件下藻类等浮游生物大量繁殖并在水体表面聚集,使水体颜色发生变化的现象[1]. 水华的发生可能引起严重的生态环境问题,大量繁殖的藻类死亡后耗氧分解会造成水体缺氧,这严重威胁了水体中其他生物的生存,从而导致生态失衡,而如果饮用水源发生水华则会影响饮用水安全,造成严重的经济损失[2]. 一直以来,水华都是国内外研究学者重点关注的生态环境问题之一.
湖光岩玛珥湖(以下简称湖光岩)是距今14—16万年前由平地火山喷发后火山口下沉形成的湖泊,是世界上最大且保存最完整的玛珥湖[3]. 湖光岩是封闭性湖泊,四周被火山碎屑岩包围,且没有河流的注入与流出,湖水水位的变化主要取决于大气降水和地下水位的变化[4]. 前人有关湖光岩生态问题的研究主要集中在水体营养盐的时空分布[3]、浮游植物对溶解态氮的吸收[5]以及浮游植物种属的季节性变化[6]等方面,而有关湖光岩水华问题的研究尚未有过报道. 早在2009年以及2011年便有新闻报道关于湖光岩的湖面漂浮着蓝藻,但当时却未引起各学界的重视[7]. 2021年12月—2022年3月,笔者注意到湖光岩的湖面漂浮着大量的浮游藻类,东、北部水域的湖水浑浊且湖滩被一层绿色的藻泥所覆盖,此外在东、北部湖滩也发现了不少已经死亡的乌龟(图1),经观察确认湖光岩暴发了水华. 鉴于有关湖光岩水华现象的研究尚未有过报道,故本文对湖光岩的水华现象开展初步的研究分析,以期为认识湖光岩水华发生的机理提供科学依据.
湖光岩为封闭性湖泊,是研究认识较为单纯的水文条件下水华形成与发展的理想场所,对研究封闭性湖泊水华的发生具有独特的科学意义. 此外,湖光岩为国家4A级旅游景点,水华的发生必然对湖泊水体及周围的生态环境有所影响,因此分析和探讨湖光岩发生水华的原因具有积极的理论与实际意义. 本研究通过对湖光岩水华暴发的主要藻种鉴定以及水体样品的水质分析等,试图从营养盐、水文条件以及气象因素等方面探讨分析湖光岩发生水华的原因,以期认识玛珥湖水华发生的影响控制因素,同时也为湖光岩水华的治理与预防提供科学依据.
The dominant algal species and the controlling factors triggered 2021—2022 Huguangyan Maar Lake algal bloom event
摘要: 水华(algal bloom)是水体中藻类过度繁殖所引起的生态环境问题,水华的暴发会对水体环境以及水生生态平衡造成严重的破坏. 湖光岩玛珥湖是低平地区火山口形成的湖泊,具有相对封闭的水体环境,是研究认识较为单纯的水文条件下水华形成与发展的理想场所,研究其水华暴发期间的主要藻种构成及水生态环境条件对认识水华形成的原因具有积极的意义. 本文对2021年12月—2022年3月期间湖光岩水华暴发的主要藻类进行了分析鉴定,并从营养盐条件、水文条件、气象因素等方面探讨分析湖光岩水华暴发的原因. 结果表明:(1)湖光岩水华暴发的主要藻种为绿藻门中的小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)以及蓝藻门中的铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa);(2)湖光岩表层水营养盐含量分析显示,SiO32−-Si的含量最高,PO43−-P的含量最低,NO2−-N、NO3−-N、NH4+-N的含量在不同采样点基本保持稳定,而与前人在没有发生水华的年份所做的湖光岩水体营养盐含量分析相比,水华期间SiO32−-Si、PO43−-P以及NH4+-N的含量显著增加,而其他营养盐组分则变化不大,PO43−-P、NH4+-N为调控湖光岩浮游藻类生长的重要营养盐因子,因此水体中PO43−-P、NH4+-N含量的增加是造成湖光岩发生水华的主要原因;(3)湖光岩水华的暴发主要与水体中营养盐的浓度变化有关,而适宜的水文环境以及气候条件等也有利于水华的暴发.Abstract: Algal bloom is an ecological and environmental problem caused by the overbreeding of algal in the water, and the outbreak of algal bloom will cause serious damage to the water environment and aquatic ecological balance. Huguangyan Maar lake is a lake formed by volcanic craters in low-flat areas, with a relatively closed hydrological environment, it is an ideal place to study the occurrence of algal bloom under relatively simple hydrological conditions, and the study of the main algal species and ecological conditions of lake water environmental conditions during the outbreaks of algal bloom is significance for understanding the causes of algal bloom. This study has analyzed and identified the dominant algal species which caused the algal bloom in Huguangyan Maar lake from December 2021 to March 2022, and discussed the outbreak causes of algal bloom in terms of nutrient conditions, hydrological conditions, meteorological factors. The results showed that (1) the dominant algal species that consisting of the algal bloom are chlorella vulgaris of the phylum Chlorellavulgaris and microcystis aeruginosa of the cyanobacteria phylum; (2) the analysis of the surface water nutrients show that the content of SiO32−-Si is the highest nutrient as the PO43−-P being the lowest one; the content of NO2−-N、NO3−-N、NH4+-N is basically same at all four sampling sites. By comparing with the earlier nutrient data of the surface water in Huguangyan Maar lake in previous studies, the content of SiO32−-Si, PO43−-P and NH4+-N show significant increase during the algal bloom, while other nutrients are generally remain same, PO43−-P、NH4+-N are important nutrient factors regulating the growth of the planktonic algal in Huguangyan Maar lake, therefore it seems that the increase content of PO43−-P and NH4+-N in the lake water are likely the main reason for the outbreak of algal bloom in Huguangyan Maar lake; (3) the outbreak of algal bloom in Huguangyan Maar lake is mainly related to the change of nutrients concentration in water, and the appropriate hydrological environment and climatic conditions aggravate the outbreak process.
Key words:
- algal bloom /
- dominant algal species /
- nutrients of surface water /
- Huguangyan Maar Lake.
表 1 湖光岩不同采样站点理化因子的测定结果
Table 1. Determination results of physical and chemical factors at various stations of the Huguangyan
StationsT/℃ pH S/% NH4+-N/
(mg·L−1)N:P S1 27.4 8.601 0.006 0.137 0.192 0.003 0.004 4.140 83 S2 29.2 8.665 0.006 0.136 0.139 0.003 0.003 1.700 93 S3 25.2 7.980 0.006 0.091 0.133 0.003 0.001 0.164 227 S4 25.1 8.017 0.006 0.097 0.143 0.003 0.002 0.141 122 表 2 湖光岩表层水营养盐含量历史对比分析表
Table 2. Table for historical comparison and analysis of nutrient content determination in the surface water of the Huguangyan
TimeT/℃ pH NH4+-N/
(mg·L−1)N:P 参考文献
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