Hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopic characteristics of geothermal hot spring water in Shigatse region, Tibet
摘要: 西藏日喀则区域内地热资源丰富,但针对这些地热温泉水氢氧稳定同位素特征研究相对匮乏。本研究对西藏日喀则区域内27处地热温泉、54个泉眼水样的δD和δ18O含量时空变化、补给来源、补给高程和补给温度开展了研究。结果表明,氢同位素在空间变化上整体表现为自东南向西北呈先减小再升高再减小的趋势,氧同位素自东南向西北呈先减少再升高的趋势,其蒸发量和水-岩作用可能是研究区地热温泉水δD、δ18O分布的主要影响因素。在被研究的54个泉眼中,与西藏其他区域情况类似,研究区内的地热温泉水主要受大气降水补给,且丰水期影响较枯水期明显。但除康布(KB)温泉的11个泉眼以外,其余43个泉眼样点受区域海拔高度、降水量、蒸发量、温泉水温和游离CO2含量高低的影响,地热温泉水-岩作用的强烈程度不同,导致地热温泉水存在不同程度的18O飘移,从而表现出地热温泉水中氢氧稳定同位素的空间异质性。研究区内除康布(KB)温泉以外,水-岩作用和地热温泉水的补给方式是地下热水中物质组成的影响因素。而康布(KB)温泉,因无明显的水-岩作用,使得其与大气降水的关系更为紧密。利用大气降水中δD和δ18O的高程效应和温度效应的计算可以得出康布(KB)温泉的补给高程为4264—4301 m,补给温度为−6.27—−5.53 ℃。这进一步表明康布(KB)温泉地下热水主要受地热温泉出露区附近所在山体接受的大气降水入渗补给影响。Abstract: The Shigatse region of Tibet is rich in thermal resources, but there are few studies on the hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopic characteristics of these geothermal hot spring waters and their significance. In this study, the temporal and spatial variations of δD and δ18O contents, recharge sources, recharge elevation and recharge temperature of 27 geothermal hot springs (all together with 54 spring water samples) in Shigatse region ,Tibet were studied. The results showed that the overall spatial variation of hydrogen isotopes showed a trend of decreasing and then increasing, and decreasing at the end from southeast to northwest direction. Oxygen isotopes were as decreasing and then increasing from southeast to northwest. The evaporation and water-rock interaction may be the main factors influencing the distribution of δD and δ18O in geothermal hot spring waters. Among the 54 spring samples studied, similar to the other regions in Tibet, the geothermal hot spring waters in the study area were mainly recharged by atmospheric precipitation, and the impact was more obvious in the wet season than in the dry season. However, except for the 11 springs samples from Khambu (KB) hot spring, the remaining 43 spring samples were affected by the regional altitude, precipitation, evaporation, hot spring water temperature and free CO2 contents. The intensity of the hydrothermal effect of geothermal hot springs was different, resulting from different degrees of 18O drift in geothermal hot spring waters, thus showing the spatial heterogeneity of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes in geothermal hot spring waters. Except for the Khambu (KB) hot springs in the study area, the water-rock interaction and the replenishment method of the geothermal hot spring waters were the influencing factors of the material composition of the underground hot waters. The Khambu (KB) hot springs had no obvious water-rock interaction, which made it more closely related to atmospheric precipitation. It can be concluded that the recharge elevation of the Khambu (KB) hot spring is 4264—4301 m, and the recharge temperature is −6.27—−5.53 ℃. This further indicates that the geothermal waters of the Khambu (KB) hot springs was mainly affected by the infiltration and recharge of atmospheric precipitation received by the mountains near the geothermal hot springs.
表 1 西藏日喀则区域地热温泉样点基本信息表
Table 1. Basic information of geothermal hot spring sampling sites in Shigatse region, Tibet
Serial number地热温泉名称
Name of geothermal hot spring泉眼编号 - 地热温泉类型
Spring sampling number - Geothermal spring type海拔/m
The county1 荣满东温泉(RMD) 2个采样点:枯(RMD1、RMD2)- 热泉;
丰(RMD2)→低温温泉4096 仁布县 2 雅江温泉(YJ) 1个采样点:枯(YJ)- 热泉;丰
→未采样3720 3 查当微温泉(CDW) 1个采样点:(CD)- 微温泉 4177 康马县 4 拉布普温泉(LBP) 1个采样点:(LBP)- 温泉 4368 南木林县 5 碧碧龙喷泉(BBL) 1个采样点:(BBL)- 沸泉 4548 6 欧布堆(OBD) 2个采样点:枯(OBD1)-热泉;(OBD2)-低温温泉;
丰(OBD2)→温泉4455 7 金嘎温泉(JG) 2个样点:(JG1、JG3)- 温泉 4316 江孜县 8 康布温泉(KB) 11个样点:枯(A、B、C、D、E、I、J、K、M)- 热泉,
(F、G-温泉);丰(D、E、J、K、M)→温泉4259 亚东县 9 塔杰温泉(TJ) 1个采样点:(TJ)-热泉 4492 岗巴县 10 龙中温泉(LZ) 3个采样点:枯:(LZ1)-热泉,(LZ2)-温泉,(LZ3)-沸泉;
丰(LZ1)→温泉4512 11 孔玛温泉(KM) 2个采样点:枯(KM1)-温泉、(KM2)-热泉;
丰(KM2)→未采样4697 12 东拉热泉(DL) 1个采样点:(DL)-温泉 4776 定结县 13 果琼温泉(GQ) 1个采样点:(GQ)-热泉 3923 谢通门县 14 卡嘎温泉(KG) 1个采样点:(KG)-热泉 3946 15 卡乌温泉(KW) 3个采样点:枯(KW1、KW3)- 热泉;(KW2)-温泉;
丰(KW1)→沸泉,(KW2)→低温温泉4619 萨迦县 16 芒普温泉(MP) 2个采样点:枯(MP1、MP2)- 温泉;丰(MP2)→热泉 4607 拉孜县 17 锡钦温泉(XQ) 1个采样点:(XQ)-热泉 4013 18 尼夏温泉(NX) 1个样点:(NX)-热泉 4173 定日县 19 鲁鲁温泉(LL) 4个采样点:枯(LL1、LL2)-热泉,(LL3)-低温温泉,
(LL4)- 温泉;丰(LL3)→未采样4421 20 仓木达温泉(CDM) 1个采样点:(CDM)-温泉 4398 21 搭格架间歇喷泉(DGJ) 3个样点:枯(DGJ1、DGJ3)- 沸泉,(DGJ2)—热泉;
丰(DGJ2)→沸泉,(DGJ3)→亚沸泉5065 昂仁县 22 热龙温泉(RL) 1个采样点:(RL)-温泉 4383 昂仁县 23 阿当微(ADW) 1个样点:(ADW)-微温泉 4352 聂拉木县 24 仲玛低温温泉(ZM) 1个采样点:枯(ZM)-微温泉;丰:(ZM)→热泉 4291 吉隆县 25 卡龙温泉(KL) 1个采样点:(KL)-温泉 4443 26 如角沸泉(RJ) 3个采样点:枯(RJ1-RJ3)-热泉;丰(RJ1)→沸泉,
(RJ3)→未采样5128 萨嘎县 27 斯冲温泉(SC) 2个泉眼:(SC1、SC2)-低温温泉 5120 仲巴县 表 2 西藏日喀则区域地热温泉氢氧稳定同位素和温度数据
Table 2. Hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes and temperature data of geothermal hot springs in Shigatse region, Tibet
Serial number泉眼编号
Spring sample number丰水期 (Wet season) 枯水期 (Dry season) δ18O/‰ δD/‰ t/℃ δ18O/‰ δD/‰ t/℃ 1 荣满东(RMD)温泉RMD1泉眼 −17.72 −151.9 59 −12.81 −153.2 54 2 荣满东(RMD)温泉RMD2泉眼 −15.82 −147.4 24 −16.55 −152.3 63 3 雅江(RMD)温泉YJ泉眼 — — — −18.45 −162.3 78 4 查当微(CDW)温泉CDW泉眼 −22.22 −148.5 18 −19.12 −148.6 17 5 拉布普(LBP)温泉LBP泉眼 −20.54 −165.4 42 −18.37 −165.8 36 6 碧碧龙(BBL)喷泉BBL泉眼 −21.65 −165.7 91 −15.30 −165.0 85 7 欧布堆(OBD)温泉OBD1泉眼 −21.63 −170.1 72 −16.47 −167.3 66 8 欧布堆(OBD)温泉OBD2泉眼 −21.75 −178.9 39 −15.91 −166.8 28 9 金嘎(JG)温泉JG1泉眼 −20.27 −149.3 43 −18.22 −149.4 40 10 金嘎(JG)温泉JG3泉眼 −21.78 −149.3 39 −19.11 −153.5 40 11 康布(KB)温泉A泉眼 −17.41 −108.2 50 −14.93 −110.2 54 12 康布(KB)温泉B泉眼 −16.85 −107.9 47.5 −14.92 −108.6 52 13 康布(KB)温泉C泉眼 −16.97 −109.8 48 −14.93 −110.3 51 14 康布(KB)温泉D泉眼 −16.16 −108.8 44.5 −14.51 −109.1 48 15 康布(KB)温泉E泉眼 −15.92 −107.9 44 −14.65 −109.1 49 16 康布(KB)温泉F泉眼 −15.88 −107.6 44 −14.88 −110.1 45 17 康布(KB)温泉G泉眼 −16.13 −109 43 −14.79 −110.1 41.5 18 康布(KB)温泉I泉眼 −15.99 −109.9 48 −14.80 −110.3 50 19 康布(KB)温泉J泉眼 −15.36 −108.7 42 −14.72 −110.5 46 20 康布(KB)温泉K泉眼 −15.63 −108.9 45 −14.76 −110.8 50 21 康布(KB)温泉M泉眼 −15.17 −107.3 39 −14.78 −110.1 43 22 塔杰(TJ)温泉TJ泉眼 −19.69 −155.2 53 −18.30 −155.8 50 23 龙中(LZ)温泉LZ1泉眼 −19.27 −154 37 −18.01 −155.8 77 24 龙中(LZ)温泉LZ2泉眼 −18.74 −153.2 42 −17.76 −153.8 41 25 龙中(LZ)温泉LZ3泉眼 −19.19 −155.4 88 −18.01 −154.8 84.5 26 孔玛(KM)温泉KM1泉眼 −18.65 −158.4 43 −17.04 −158.0 45 27 孔玛(KM)温泉KM2泉眼 — — — −16.84 −156.5 53 28 东拉(DL)温泉DL泉眼 −23.28 −174.3 44 −22.34 −176.3 40 29 果琼(GQ)温泉GQ泉眼 −18.97 −160.6 60 −17.82 −160.3 57 30 卡嘎(KG)温泉KG泉眼 −20.98 −167.1 55 −20.30 −168.3 48 31 卡乌(KW)沸泉KW1泉眼 −20.93 −169.8 87 −17.63 −165.5 75 32 卡乌(KW)沸泉KW2泉眼 −17.3 −158.2 22 −17.87 −163.3 39 33 卡乌(KW)沸泉KW3泉眼 −19.47 −173.2 61 −18.04 −164.3 54 34 芒普(MP)温泉MP1泉眼 −21.69 −167.1 44 −20.90 −168.0 40 35 芒普(MP)温泉MP2泉眼 −21.91 −168.5 46 −21.20 −169.1 45 36 锡钦(XQ)温泉XQ泉眼 −22.04 −182.1 53 −20.43 −171.6 50 37 尼夏(NX)温泉NX泉眼 −22.97 −172.7 50 −20.83 −169.7 48 38 鲁鲁(LL)温泉LL1泉眼 −20.94 −169.1 58 −19.70 −169.0 61 39 鲁鲁(LL)温泉LL2泉眼 −19.38 −166.1 57 −17.23 −165.9 66 40 鲁鲁(LL)温泉LL3泉眼 — — — −19.18 −167.2 32 41 鲁鲁(LL)温泉LL4泉眼 −19.84 −167.1 44 −18.44 −168.4 43 42 参木达(CDW)温泉CDM泉眼 −20.33 −161.4 39.5 −19.84 −165.0 44 43 搭格架(DGJ)间歇喷泉DGJ1泉眼 −19.44 −158.2 91 −18.73 −158.4 87 44 搭格架(DGJ)间歇喷泉DGJ2泉眼 −19.48 −159.6 84 −18.51 −159.4 78 45 搭格架(DGJ)间歇喷泉DGJ3泉眼 −20.13 −162.1 81 −18.59 −159.8 85 46 热龙(RL)温泉RL泉眼 −19.24 −156.7 37 −18.98 −159.6 41 47 阿当微(ADW)温泉ADW泉眼 −18.04 −131.9 18 −15.22 −133.5 19 48 仲玛(ZM)低温温泉ZM泉眼 −19.66 −161.1 48.5 −17.80 −150.0 13 49 卡龙(KL)温泉KL泉眼 −18.93 −160.5 42.5 −15.35 −155.3 40 50 如角(RJ)沸泉RJ1泉眼 −21.63 −172.2 84 −16.85 −166.5 79 51 如角(RJ)沸泉RJ2泉眼 −21.59 −166.2 75 −16.73 −167.0 70 52 如角(RJ)沸泉RJ3泉眼 — — — −16.81 −168.0 80 53 斯冲(SC)温泉SC1泉眼 −20.38 −159.2 32 −15.90 −162.9 32 54 斯冲(SC)温泉SC2泉眼 −20.51 −161.4 35 −20.53 −161.1 21 表 3 西藏日喀则区域康布(KB)温泉补给区高程计算结果统计表
Table 3. Statistical table of elevation calculation results of Khambu (KB) hot spring supply area in Shigatse region, Tibet
Spring numberδG(18O)/‰ δP(18O)/‰ 采样高程/m
Sampling elevationK/‰ H/m 平均高程/m
Average elevation公式1
Formula 1公式2
Formula 2公式3
Formula 3A −16.17 −13 4254 −0.31 4264 2740 5172 4058.67 B −15.885 −13 4292 −0.31 4301 2708 5014 4007.67 C −15.95 −13 4261 −0.31 4271 2768 5050 4029.67 D −15.335 −13 4260 −0.31 4268 2732 4708 3902.67 E −15.285 −13 4260 −0.31 4267 2717 4681 3888.33 F −15.38 −13 4263 −0.31 4271 2728 4733 3910.67 G −15.46 −13 4259 −0.31 4267 2752 4778 3932.33 I −15.395 −13 4263 −0.31 4271 2770 4742 3927.67 J −15.04 −13 4252 −0.31 4259 2753 4544 3852.00 K −15.195 −13 4245 −0.31 4252 2762 4631 3881.67 M −14.975 −13 4257 −0.31 4263 2723 4508 3831.33 表 4 西藏日喀则区域康布(KB)温泉补给区温度估算结果
Table 4. Estimation results of Khambu(KB) hot spring supply area temperature in Shigatse region, Tibet
Spring numberδ18O/‰ δD/‰ t/℃ 平均值/℃
Average value公式4
Formula 4公式5
Formula 5公式6
Formula 6A −16.17 −109.20 0.06 −6.07 −1.91 −2.64 B −15.89 −108.25 0.08 −5.53 −1.90 −2.45 C −15.95 −110.05 0.06 −6.10 −1.91 −2.65 D −15.34 −108.95 0.86 −5.70 −1.31 −2.05 E −15.29 −108.50 0.60 −5.70 −1.51 −2.21 F −15.38 −108.85 0.15 −6.03 −1.84 −2.57 G −15.46 −109.55 0.33 −6.03 −1.71 −2.47 I −15.40 −110.10 0.31 −6.10 −1.73 −2.51 J −15.04 −109.60 0.46 −6.17 −1.61 −2.44 K −15.20 −109.85 0.38 −6.27 −1.67 −2.52 M −14.98 −108.70 0.35 −6.03 −1.70 −2.46 -
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