我国是岩溶地貌最为典型的地区之一,总分布面积可达344×104 km2[12],以滇、黔、桂为主体的西南岩溶区分布最为广泛,东北、内蒙、华北和华东地区也有分布,受气候、地层岩性和地质构造等因素的影响,我国南北方岩溶及岩溶水存在较大的差异。以北方岩溶区为例,大量学者研究表明北方岩溶水水化学特征主要受碳酸盐岩和石膏的风化溶解[13-18]、去白云化的控制[13-15,17-18],同时也受到诸如上覆孔隙水混入[18]、煤系地层伴生硫化物矿物氧化[15-16]、人类工程活动[17]等其他因素的影响,且随着径流途径延伸和深度增加呈现一定的规律变化。而对于南方岩溶区,岩溶水水化学特征则是主要受到碳酸盐岩和石膏的风化溶解[19-25]、阳离子交替吸附作用的控制[19,21],同时也受到诸如硅酸盐矿物溶解[21,25]、孔隙水[24]、采煤活动和农业活动[21-25]等其他因素的制约,大部分地区具有明显的空间分异性[20,22-25]。
Hydrochemical characteristics and genesis of groundwater in karst area of Niulanjiang River watershed of eastern Yunnan Plateau
摘要: 以滇东高原牛栏江流域岩溶区为例,利用水化学数据,探讨区内地下水化学特征及其成因。对研究区24组水样的水化学特征进行分析,结果表明,研究区水化学类型主要是以HCO3-Ca·Mg型和HCO3-Mg·Ca为主,
${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-} $ 和Ca2+是区内主要阴阳离子,反映了水化学特征主要受碳酸盐岩溶解影响。δD与δ18O的关系显示,研究区内地下水主要受大气降水补给。地下水化学演化过程受地层岩性影响显著,岩石风化使东、西两区的地下水水化学特征有较大差异。Mg2+、Ca2+、${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-} $ 、${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-} $ 和Cl-主要受岩石风化、大气降雨等自然条件控制,受到人类活动影响较小,Na++K+则是主要受农业活动等人类活动的影响。本研究对牛栏江-滇池补水工程区的水化学特征、水质保护和滇池生态恢复具有重要意义。Abstract: Based on the data of hydrochemistry, this article mainly discussed the hydrochemical characteristics and genesis of groundwater in the karst area of Niulanjiang river watershed of eastern Yunnan Plateau. Hydrochemical characteristics of 24 samples were analyzed in the study area. The analysis shows that the hydrochemistry type in the study area belonged to HCO3-Ca·Mg type and HCO3-Mg·Ca type.${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-} $ and Ca2+ were the main anions and cations, reflecting that hydrochemical characteristics were mainly affected by the dissolution of carbonate rock. The relationship between δD and δ18O shows that atmospheric precipitation is the main recharge resources of groundwater in the study area. As a result of rock weathering, there are great differences in hydrochemical characteristics between the east and west area. Mg2+, Ca2+,${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-} $ ,${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-} $ , and Cl- were mainly affected by natural conditions, such as rock weathering and atmospheric rainfall; the impact of human activity was little. Meanwhile, Na++K+ was mainly affected by human activities as agricultural activity. This study had a significant value for hydrochemical characteristics and water quality protection of Niulanjiang river-Dianchi lake water supplement project, and for ecological restoration of Dianchi lake.-
Key words:
- eastern Yunnan Plateau /
- karst water /
- hydrochemical characteristics /
- evolution process /
- genesis
表 1 区内含水层分布及特征
Table 1. Characteristics and distribution of aquifer in study area
Main lithologic characteristics水文地质特征
Hydrogeological characteristics富水性
含水层P1m、P1q 灰岩、白云岩等 区内大面积分布,层厚约237—645m,为区内主要的岩溶含水层,岩溶管道极其发育,入渗条件好 强 C3、C2、C1b、C1ds、∈1l 呈NE向条带状分布于研究区中部,岩溶发育,为区内岩溶水的主要排泄层位,地下水动态随季节变化较大 碳酸盐岩夹碎
屑岩含水层T1y、D3zg、S3g、∈2s 碳酸盐岩(灰岩、白云岩)夹碎屑岩(泥岩、页岩等) 呈NE向条带状分布于研究区中部,溶蚀较发育,介质以溶蚀裂隙为主,地下水动态随季节变化较大 中—强 碎屑岩含水层 T1f、D2h 砂岩、页岩、泥岩 呈条带状分布于研究区东侧,富水性、透水性都较弱,水位埋深约100m 中 P1l、C1dw 页岩、砂岩、煤线 呈条带状分布于研究区东侧,水量贫乏,透水性弱,常构成区域相对隔水层 弱 玄武岩含水层 P2β 玄武岩 大面积分布于研究区内,裂隙发育,地下水动态随季节变化大 中—强 表 2 水文地球化学组分统计表(mg·L−1)
Table 2. Statistical table of hydrogeochemical composition
No.pH Na++K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl− ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-} $ ${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-} $ 游离CO2
Free carbon
Corrosive carbon
dioxideTH TDS 取样地层
stratum东区 SY01 7.79 14.44 50.60 33.00 2.83 8.61 342.20 2.07 2.13 262.20 280.60 D3zg SY02 7.27 6.09 51.57 34.18 4.16 12.30 321.90 15.51 1.06 269.50 269.30 C1ds SY03 7.36 4.86 53.35 27.75 5.01 16.40 285.10 8.27 2.13 247.40 249.90 C1ds SY04 7.78 5.38 50.03 71.70 4.26 32.30 478.00 5.17 0.00 420.00 402.70 S3g SY05 7.39 0.19 64.77 60.60 4.68 26.00 460.70 23.78 4.26 411.10 386.60 D3zg SY06 7.50 17.92 21.86 34.82 11.59 5.96 278.60 14.99 0.00 197.90 221.40 D3zg SY07 7.63 140.74 18.54 10.07 2.65 18.60 452.30 2.59 0.00 87.70 416.80 C1ds SY08 7.64 4.66 69.95 5.89 1.62 6.02 244.50 6.20 0.00 198.90 210.40 C1ds SY09 7.54 9.00 80.88 47.88 1.99 22.10 478.90 10.86 0.00 399.00 401.30 C1b SY10 7.34 18.49 100.55 35.20 4.16 27.10 490.30 18.10 0.00 396.00 430.60 C1ds SY11 7.34 1.95 77.32 34.08 2.75 76.70 309.40 13.44 0.00 333.30 347.50 ∈2s SY12 7.70 70.84 7.04 39.78 1.79 40.60 354.40 7.24 0.00 181.30 337.20 S3g SY13 7.89 1.51 101.28 45.49 3.45 107.80 397.80 6.51 0.00 440.10 458.40 S3g SY14 7.58 4.41 70.84 46.16 1.96 31.40 415.80 9.82 112.87 366.90 362.60 S3g SY15 7.16 7.83 96.43 20.87 6.39 48.00 347.20 26.37 10.65 326.70 353.10 P1m SY16 7.20 1.00 92.46 19.45 5.46 35.60 327.20 21.20 10.65 310.90 317.50 P1m 西区 SY17 7.21 2.93 4.78 2.50 1.37 2.35 29.50 3.62 10.65 22.20 28.70 P2β SY18 6.90 5.76 10.44 2.06 1.68 1.08 53.20 9.82 17.04 9.10 47.60 P2β SY19 6.88 4.52 6.56 1.33 1.25 0.82 35.40 7.76 15.97 21.90 32.20 P2β SY20 7.33 3.28 5.18 1.96 1.37 1.91 29.50 2.07 7.45 21.00 28.50 P2β SY21 8.85 12.44 4.70 0.93 1.43 1.79 47.30 0.00 2.13 15.60 68.20 P2β 西区 SY22 7.65 31.92 95.53 16.52 1.42 2.26 453.20 3.10 5.32 306.60 374.20 P2β SY23 7.32 2.63 10.93 4.03 1.35 1.61 56.10 7.76 14.91 43.90 48.60 P2β SY24 9.18 4.71 2.43 1.42 1.51 1.05 23.10 0.00 12.78 11.90 22.70 P2β 最大值 9.18 140.74 101.28 71.70 11.59 107.80 490.30 26.37 112.87 440.10 458.40 最小值 6.88 0.19 2.43 0.93 1.25 0.82 23.10 0.00 0.00 9.10 22.70 平均值 7.56 15.73 47.83 24.90 3.17 22.02 279.65 9.43 9.58 220.88 254.03 标准偏差 0.52 30.44 36.62 20.75 2.36 26.34 171.28 7.37 22.77 155.06 153.82 变异系数 0.07 1.94 0.77 0.83 0.74 1.20 0.61 0.78 2.38 0.70 0.61 表 3 水化学离子Pearson相关系数
Table 3. Pearson correlation coefficient of physiochemical parameters
Na++K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl− ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-} $ ${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-} $ TH TDS pH Na++K+ 1 Ca2+ −0.208 1 Mg2+ −0.076 0.509* 1 Cl− −0.061 0.267 0.396 1 ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-} $ −0.029 0.583** 0.531** 0.184 1 ${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-} $ 0.298 0.739** 0.792** 0.341 0.486* 1 TH −0.162 0.877** 0.859** 0.380 0.642** 0.882** 1 TDS 0.297 0.775** 0.770** 0.327 0.646** 0.978** 0.891** 1 pH 0.084 −0.190 −0.051 −0.180 −0.040 −0.103 −0.131 −0.086 1 注:*P<0.05;**P<0.01. -
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