对流层臭氧(ozone,O3)是重要的大气光化学氧化剂和典型的光化学污染产物[1]。臭氧对人体健康、植物生长以及粮食产量等均存在负面影响[2-4];同时,臭氧还是主要的温室气体,具有强烈的红外吸收功能,会促进全球气候变暖[5-6]。挥发性有机物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)和氮氧化物(nitrogen oxides,NOx)的光化学反应是对流层臭氧的主要来源[7],在光照条件下,VOCs与·OH自由基反应构成ROx(ROx=RO2+HO2+OH)循环,ROx循环能够为NOx(NOx=NO+NO2)循环不断提供HO2和RO2自由基,促进NO氧化为NO2,NO2进一步光解生成臭氧[8]。臭氧的生成量与其前体物浓度之间存在明显的非线性关系[9],因此,掌握臭氧与其前体物之间的敏感性关系,是制定臭氧污染控制对策的一个重要前提。
Analysis of pollution characteristics of atmospheric ozone and precursors at typical sites in Yinchuan Metropolitan Area
摘要: 本文分析了银川都市圈的商业/交通/居民混合区和工业区两类典型站点的大气挥发性有机物(VOCs)的日变化特征,并通过臭氧生成潜势(OFP)对其生成臭氧潜力进行了评估,此外,基于观测的光化学模型(OBM模型)分析了银川都市圈臭氧生成对前体物的敏感性。观测结果表明,观测期间银川都市圈臭氧呈单峰型日变化,其中商业/交通/居民混合区采样点峰值出现在16:00—18:00,臭氧日最高小时浓度范围为131—200 μg·m−3;工业区采样点峰值出现在14:00—17:00,臭氧日最高小时浓度范围为155—186 μg·m−3。商业/交通/居民混合区采样点和工业区采样点总挥发性有机物(TVOCs)日变化浓度均呈现出早晚高、日间低的趋势,最大浓度分别为28.70
$ \times $ 10−9、165.84$ \times $ 10−9。烯烃对两个采样点臭氧生成潜势均有较大贡献,商业/交通/居民混合区和工业区采样点的贡献率分别为21.58%—67.59%和57.42%—89.73%。银川都市圈大气臭氧生成速率对VOCs中的烯烃和芳香烃的增量变化最为敏感,对CO以及烷烃的敏感性较弱,对于NO的增量通常为负响应。此外,文章还讨论了不同气团来向的臭氧生成对前体物的敏感的差异性。Abstract: Diurnal variation of ambient volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were analyzed at two typical sites in the commercial/traffic/residential mixed area and industrial area of Yinchuan Metropolitan Area in the present work. The contributions of VOCs categories to ozone (O3) production were assessed by ozone formation potential (OFP) calculations. In addition, an observation-based model (OBM) was used to identify the sensitivity of ozone generation to precursors in the Yinchuan metropolitan area. Observations showed that ozone in Yinchuan depicted a single-peak diurnal pattern during the observed period. In the commercial/traffic/residential mixed area, the O3 daily peak occurred between 16:00 and 18:00, with daily maximum hourly concentrations of ozone ranged from 131 μg·m−3 to 200 μg·m−3. The O3 daily peak in the industrial area occurred between 14:00 and 17:00, and the daily maximum hourly O3 ranged from 155 μg·m−3 to 186 μg·m−3. The total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) were higher at morning and night than midday. At the commercial/traffic/residential mixed sampling site, the observed maximum TVOCs concentration was 28.70$ \times $ 10−9 and at the industrial sampling site was 165.84$ \times $ 10−9. Alkenes made the largest contribution to ozone formation potentials (OFP), which respectively accounted for 67.59% and 89.73% of the OFP in the commercial/traffic/residential mixed sampling site and industrial sampling site. Relative incremental reactivity (RIR) analysis suggests that the ozone formation rate in the Yinchuan Metropolitan Area was most sensitive to the changes of alkenes and aromatics, while less sensitive to CO and alkanes. The present work also illustrates the variations of ozone formation sensitivity to precursors between air masses originating from different directions. -
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