大气细颗粒物 (PM2.5)是影响我国大多数城市空气质量的主要污染物[1-2]。碳质气溶胶是PM2.5的重要组成部分,主要组分包括有机碳(OC)和元素碳(EC),约占PM2.5质量的20%—70%[3-5]。OC来源复杂,除污染源(如机动车、化石燃料、生物质燃烧等)直接排放的一次有机碳(POC)外,还有来自光化学反应生成的二次有机碳(SOC)[6];EC主要来自化石燃料和生物质的不完全燃烧[7]。研究表明,碳质气溶胶对能见度、空气质量和区域气候都有很大影响[8-9]。因此,研究碳质气溶胶的污染特征及来源对有效控制碳质颗粒物至关重要。
阳泉市位于山西省东部,是京津冀大气污染传输通道“2+26”城市之一。电力、煤炭、水泥、有色金属冶炼及加工等是阳泉市主导产业,经济结构整体偏重,再加上近些年机动车保有量逐年上升,导致阳泉市大气颗粒物污染问题日益突出,阳泉市2018年全年污染天数120 d,占比达33.0%,PM2.5浓度为59 μg·m−3是国家Ⅱ类标准限值[16](35 μg·m−3) 的1.7倍.已有的研究包括利用空气质量模式对阳泉市重污染过程中PM2.5的来源进行分析,利用受体模型对阳泉市秋冬季PM2.5化学组分及来源分析等[17-18],但鲜有文献对阳泉市不同季节PM2.5中碳质气溶胶进行研究。
Pollution characteristics and sources analysis of carbonaceous aerosols in PM2.5 in Yangquan
摘要: 采集了阳泉市城区2018年7月—2019年3月PM2.5样品,分析了样品中有机碳(OC)和元素碳(EC)组分含量,使用最小相关系数法估算了二次有机碳(SOC)的浓度,并利用比值分析、相关性分析及潜在源贡献因子等方法研究了PM2.5中碳质气溶胶的来源。结果表明,采样期间ρ(PM2.5)为(69.4±26.6) μg·m−3,其中春季ρ(PM2.5)为(81.8±28.4) μg·m−3,高于夏季和秋冬季(48.6±11.7) μg·m−3和(74.0±28.6) μg·m−3。OC、EC的浓度分别为(8.0±2.8)、(3.6±1.5) μg·m−3,均呈秋冬季>春季>夏季的季节变化趋势. PM2.5中SOC的平均浓度为(3.0±1.4) µg·m−3,在OC中为38%,在春季和夏季的占比(40%)高于秋冬季(35%)。OC、EC与气态污染物SO2、NO2和CO均显著相关,表明燃煤源和机动车尾气对碳质组分的影响较大。各季节碳质亚组分分析显示PM2.5中碳质气溶胶主要来源于机动车尾气、燃煤源和扬尘源,其中扬尘对春季和秋冬季碳质气溶胶的贡献高于夏季。对潜在源区分析表明,碳质组分受到本地和近距离区域排放影响较大,秋冬季和春季的EC也受到远距离传输的较大影响。Abstract: PM2.5 samples were collected from July 2018 to March 2019 in the urban area of Yangquan, and the carbon component of organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) in the PM2.5 samples were analyzed. The concentration of secondary organic carbon (SOC) was estimated by the minimum phase relation number method (MRS), and sources of carbonaceous aerosols in PM2.5 were conducted by ratio analysis, correlation analysis and potential source contribution factor analysis (PSCF). The results showed that the PM2.5 concentration during the sampling period was (69.4±26.6) μg·m−3, while the concentration of (81.8±28.4) μg·m−3 in the spring was higher than that in the summer ((48.6±11.7)μg·m−3) and autumn-winter ((74.0±28.6)μg·m−3). The concentrations of OC and EC were (8.0±2.8)μg·m−3 and (3.6±1.5) μg·m−3, respectively, with a seasonal trend of autumn-winter>spring>summer. The average SOC concentration was (3.0±1.4) μg·m−3, which accounted for 38% of OC. The proportions of SOC in OC were higher in the spring (40%) and summer (40%) than in the autumn-winter (35%). OC and EC were significantly correlated with gaseous pollutants of SO2, NO2, and CO, which indicated that coal combustion and vehicle emissions had a great influence on carbonaceous aerosols. The analysis of carbon subcomponents in each season showed that the main sources of carbonaceous aerosols in PM2.5 were vehicle emissions, coal combustion and dust, and the contribution of dust in the spring and autumn-winter was higher than that in the summer. Potential source contribution function (PSCF) analysis showed that the carbon components were strongly influenced by local and nearby area emissions, while the EC was also significantly affected by long-range transport in the spring and autumn-winter.
表 1 采样期间PM2.5、OC、EC浓度以及气象参数
Table 1. The concentration of PM2.5, OC, and EC, and meteorological parameters during the sampling period
Wind speedPM2.5/
(µg·m−3)(OC/PM2.5)/% (EC/PM2.5)/% 春季 8±3 47±11 1.4±0.7 81.8±28.4 7.9±1.9 3.5±1.1 9.6 4.3 夏季 26±2 88±7 0.7±0.4 48.6±11.7 5.1±1.0 2.0±0.4 10.4 4.1 秋冬季 8±3 69±12 0.8±0.6 74.0±28.6 9.8±2.9 4.6±1.7 13.3 6.2 平均 13±7 69±17 0.9±0.6 69.4±26.6 8.0±2.8 3.6±1.5 11.5 5.2 表 2 阳泉市OC、EC、TCA浓度及TCA/PM2.5与国内其它城市比较
Table 2. Comparison of OC、EC and TCA concentrations, and TCA/PM2.5 values in Yangquan and other Chinese cities
(μg·m−3)(TCA/PM2.5)//% 分析方法
Reference阳泉 2018.07—2019.3 8.0±2.8 3.6±1.5 16.4 23.6 IMPROVE TOR 本研究 太原 2014.03—2014.12 13.5±14.0 6.5±6.1 28.1 20 IMPROVE TOR [13] 广州 2015.06—2016.05 8.2±5.0 1.8±0.8 14.9 22 IMPROVE TOR [14] 北京 2017.12—2018.12 11.2±7.8 1.2±0.8 19.1 25 IMPROVE TOR [15] 天津 2016.02—2016.08 10.6 4.2 21.2 27 IMPROVE TOR [16] 武汉 2011.07—2012.02 19.4 2.9 34.4 27 IMPROVE TOR [17] 菏泽 2015.08—2016.04 13.2±9.6 5.2±3.6 26.3 25 IMPROVE TOR [18] 表 3 采样期间二次有机碳浓度特征
Table 3. Concentration characteristics of second organic carbon during the sampling period
季节Season OC/EC (OC/EC)pri SOC/(µg·m−3) POC/(µg·m−3) (SOC/OC)/% 春季 2.5±0.7 1.37 3.2±1.4 4.8±1.5 40 夏季 2.6±0.4 1.53 2.0±0.7 3.0±0.7 40 秋冬季 2.3±0.5 1.39 3.4±1.6 6.4±2.4 35 平均 2.4±0.6 1.43 3.0±1.4 5.1±2.1 38 表 4 采样期间PM2.5中碳质组分与气态污染物间相关性
Table 4. Correlation of carbon components in PM2.5 with gaseous pollutants during the sampling period
季节Season 碳质组分 SO2/(µg·m−3) NO2/(µg·m−3) CO/(mg·m−3) O3/(µg·m−3) 全年 OC 0.839** 0.744** 0.729** −0.470** EC 0.824** 0.772** 0.593** −0.514** SOC 0.421** 0.310** 0.494** −0.196 夏季 OC 0.417* 0.703** 0.405* 0.731** EC 0.445* 0.519** 0.642** 0.395* SOC 0.129 0.476* −0.112 0.657** 秋冬季 OC 0.820** 0.639** 0.916** −0.311* EC 0.866** 0.744** 0.775** −0.291 SOC 0.229 0.092 0.499** −0.136 春季 OC 0.695** 0.648** 0.834** 0.185 EC 0.488* 0.485* 0.492* −0.047 SOC 0.512** 0.448* 0.702** 0.303 注:**在0.01水平(双侧)上显著相关;*在0.05水平(双侧)上显著相关.
Note: ** P≤0.01; represents significant correlation; * P≤0.05; represents significant correlation. -
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