Key active components and sources of volatile organic compounds in ambient air of Lanzhou City
摘要: 为明确兰州市不同采样点环境空气中挥发性有机物组分特征、关键活性组分以及来源.在2017年12月至2018年6月期间,选取5个采样点,依据EPA TO-17的挥发性有机物测定方法,采用TENAX吸附管进行采样,TD-GC-MS分析;获得各个采样点功能区VOCs组分在采暖季与非采暖季的特征、含量变化趋势;采用最大增量反应活性系数(MIR)、·OH自由基消耗速率常数评估采样点功能区关键活性组分,利用比率与因子分析法进行来源解析.结果表明,共确定出106种挥发性有机物成分,各个采样点功能区VOCs浓度特征与时空变化明显不同;其浓度最高的物种为甲苯、苯乙烯,2-甲基戊烷、三氯乙烯、苯乙烯、苯、甲苯、乙基苯、间二甲苯、邻二甲苯、萘、丙酮等次之;而VOCs的关键活性组分有正己烷、甲基环戊烷、反-2-戊烯、甲苯等;VOCs组分的·OH自由基消耗速率与OFP贡献值在各个采样点具有明显的差异性.由因子分析法的结果显示,5个采样点功能区的4个因子提取了空气VOCs源成分85.32%以上的信息量,且这4个因子的内容将成为人们关注的对象;因子分析结果表明,交通排放源、柴油燃烧和工业涂料释放为主要来源,其中生物源与人为活动,环境背景源也是不容忽视的来源之一.
- 兰州市 /
- 挥发性有机物(VOCs) /
- 关键活性组分 /
- 来源解析
Abstract: In order to clarify the characteristics, key active components and sources of volatile organic compounds in the ambient air at different sampling sites in Lanzhou City, five sampling sites were selected from December 2017 to June 2018, according to the EPA TO-17 method for the determination of volatile organic compounds, using TENAX adsorption tube for sampling and TD-GC-MS analysis. The characteristics and content trends of the VOCs in the functional zone of each sampling site during the heating and non-heating seasons were obtained. The maximum active reactivity coefficient (MIR) and ·OH radical consumption rate constant were used to evaluate the key active components in the sampling site functional area. The source and factor analysis methods were used for source analysis. One hundred and six volatile organic compounds were identified, and the characteristic concentrations of VOCs in the functional areas of each sampling site were significantly different from those in time and space. The main VOCs with the highest concentrations were toluene, styrene, 2-methylpentane, trichloroethylene, benzene, ethylene, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m-xylene, o-xylene, naphthalene and acetone, and the key active components of VOCs were n-hexane, methyl-cyclopentane, trans-2-pentene, toluene, etc. The ·OH radical consumption rate and ozone generation potential contribution of VOCs components were significantly different at each sampling site. The results of the factor analysis method showed that the four factors of the five sampling sites function area extracted more than 85.32% information on the content of VOCs source components, and the contents of these four factors became the objects of interest. The results of factor analysis showed that traffic emissions, diesel combustion and industrial coating release were the main VOCs sources. The results also indicated that biological sources human activities, and environmental background sources couldn't be ignored. -
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