非靶向筛查在水环境研究中的应用——基于Web of Science文献计量分析
Application of Non-target Screening in Water Environment Research: A Bibliometric Analysis Based on Web of Science
摘要: 非靶向筛查(non-target screening, NTS)包括色谱法、质谱法、光谱法等,具有无差别筛选、质量精度高、重现性好以及定性分析能力优异等特点,常用于环境中各类污染物质的识别和定性分析。为深入了解NTS在水环境研究中的最新研究进展、研究热点及趋势,客观反映国家、机构及个人在该领域的贡献,本文根据Web of Science核心数据库所提供的数据,利用Citespace、HistCite Pro和VOSviewer可视化分析软件对2000—2024年间NTS在水环境中应用研究的相关文献进行计量分析。其结果表明美国(1 212篇)、中国科学院(112篇)与葡萄牙阿威罗大学(112篇)及意大利的Benelli Giovanni(45篇)是在该领域发文量最多的国家、机构和个人;瑞士的Hollender Juliane首次提出了NTS化合物鉴定的置信度分级标准,是在该领域最具代表性和权威性的研究者。而将NTS用于水环境中新污染物及其代谢物和代谢途径的识别,以及水环境生物毒性和生物蓄积性的风险评价正是当下的研究热点,检测结果的数据共享也将是一种趋势。
- 非靶向 /
- 水环境 /
- Citespace /
- HistCite Pro /
- 研究热点
Abstract: Non-target screening (NTS), including chromatography, mass spectrometry, and spectroscopy, is commonly used for the identification, characterization, and quantitative analysis of various types of pollutants in the environment because of its characteristics of non-discriminatory screening, high qualitative accuracy, good reproduci-bility, and excellent qualitative analytical capability. In order to deeply understand the latest research progress, hotspots and trends in the application of NTS in the water environment, and to objectively reflect the contributions of countries, institutions and individuals in this field, this paper is based on the core database of Web of Science. In this paper, based on the data provided by the core database of Web of Science, the related literature on the research of NTS application in water environment from 2000 to 2024 were analyzed econometrically by using Citespace, HistCite Pro and VOSviewer visual analysis software. The results showed that the United States (1 212 articles), the Chinese Academy of Sciences in China (112 articles) and the University of Aveiro in Portugal (112 articles) and Benelli Giovanni (45 articles) from Italy are the countries, institutions and individuals with the largest number of publications in the field; however, Hollender Juliane of Switzerland first proposed the confidence grading standard for the identification of NTS compounds, which is the most representative and authoritative researcher in this field. The application of NTS to the identification of new pollutants, their metabolites and metabolic pathways in the aquatic environment as well as for the risk evaluation of biotoxicity and bioaccumulation in water environmental organisms is a hot research topic nowadays, and the data sharing of the test results will also be a trend.-
Key words:
- non-target /
- aqueous environment /
- Citespace /
- HistCite Pro /
- research hotspots
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