由于研究区域、时间和对象的不同,污染物对人体健康的影响结果也不同。TIAN et al[4]分析北京地区细颗粒物污染对哮喘的影响发现,PM2.5每增加10 μg/m3,哮喘门诊人次增加0.65%,PM2.5浓度的短期升高可能会增加哮喘恶化的风险;史亚妮等[5]通过研究兰州市空气污染对儿童呼吸系统的影响,发现SO2和CO浓度增加提高了儿童呼吸系统疾病的发病风险;王润华等[6]发现大气环境质量和气象因素可作为儿童哮喘发作的间接或直接诱因;王安旭等[7]分析杭州市空气细颗粒物浓度与哮喘就诊人次的关系,发现当地PM2.5浓度的升高可能会造成3~5 d内哮喘门诊人次的增加,且对男性和老年人影响更为明显。以往多是对整体呼吸系统的研究,而对兰州市哮喘疾病的相关研究甚少。
本文基于兰州市2014~2017年冬季空气污染资料、气象数据和哮喘门诊资料,利用时间序列的广义相加模型(generalized additional model, GAM)定量评价了兰州市空气污染与哮喘就诊人次的关系,希望为易感人群的卫生防护提供一个科学依据。
Effects of air pollution in winter on asthma in Lanzhou
摘要: 基于2014~2017年兰州市冬季空气污染物浓度数据、气象数据及3家三甲医院哮喘门诊资料,在控制长期趋势、节假日效应、星期几效应和气象要素等混杂因素的基础上,利用广义相加模型定量评价兰州市冬季大气污染物质量浓度变化对哮喘日就诊人次的影响。结果表明:SO2累积滞后2 d、NO2累积滞后5 d对哮喘门诊患者的影响最大,且浓度每增加10 μg/m3,相对危险度分别增加 4.1%和 3.3%,且最敏感滞后时间下,污染物与哮喘患者的暴露-反应关系呈波动上升趋势。双污染模型中,SO2对哮喘门诊发病总人次影响在0 d达到最大,哮喘发病增加3.9%,滞后时间提前,发病风险降低;NO2哮喘发病增加4.6%,滞后时间不变,但发病风险升高。单污染模型中SO2对女性和成年患病相对风险更高,NO2对女性和儿童患病相对风险更高,双污染模型中SO2和NO2对女性和儿童的相对风险更高。Abstract: According to the air pollutant concentration data in winter, meteorological data and asthma outpatient data of 3 Grade A class three hospitals in Lanzhou from 2014 to 2017, based on controlling the long-term trends of the time, holiday effects, day of the week effects and meteorological elements, the generalized additive model was performed to quantitatively evaluate the relationship between the changes on air pollutant mass concentration and the number of asthma daily visits. Results showed that when the pollutant concentration increased by an 10 μg/m3, SO2 on lag02 days and the NO2 on lag05 days, it had the greatest impact on asthma patients. The number of patients with asthma increased by 4.1% and 3.3%. Under the optimal lag time condition, the relationship between pollutants and the asthma patients showed a fluctuating upward trend. In the dual-pollution model, the impact of SO2 on the total incidence of asthma reached the maximum at 0 d, the incidence increased by 3.9% with an earlier lag time, while the risk of incidence was reduced. The incidence of NO2 asthma increased by 4.6% with a stable lag time, while the risk of incidence increased. In the single-pollution model, SO2 had a higher relative risk to women and adults, and NO2 had a higher relative risk to women and children. However, in the dual-pollution model, both SO2 and NO2 had a relative higher risk to women and children.
Key words:
- Lanzhou /
- air pollution /
- asthma /
- generalized additive model
表 1 2014~2017年兰州市冬季污染物浓度与哮喘的相关性分析
污染物 全患者 全患者 全患者 男性患者 女性患者 儿童患者 成年患者 老年患者 AQI −0.014 −0.040 0.017 −0.025 −0.015 0.033 PM2.5 0.003 −0.012 0.023 0.014 −0.011 0.044 PM10 0.010 −0.019 0.040 −0.005 0.011 0.048 SO2 0.103* 0.084 0.119* 0.143** 0.073 0.060 CO 0.060 0.053 0.074 0.132** 0.026 0.042 NO2 0.119* 0.083 0.151** 0.032 0.125** 0.156** O3 −0.098* −0.096* −0.101* −0.249** −0.051 −0.001 注:**表示通过了0.01的显著性检验(单侧),*表示通过了0.05的显著性检验(单侧)。 表 2 最佳滞后时间条件下不同人群的RR及95%CI
全患者 全患者 污染物 男性 女性 儿童 成年 老年 SO2 NO2 SO2 NO2 SO2 NO2 SO2 NO2 SO2 NO2 SO2 NO2 单 1.041 3
(1.020 6~
1.062 5)*1.033 0
(1.018 9~
1.047 3)*1.079 5
(1.043 7~
1.116 5)*1.036 4
(1.020 0~
1.053 0)*1.116 1
(1.088 6~
1.144 3)*1.057 7
(1.043 3~
1.072 2)*1.073 0
(1.028 7~
1.119 3)*1.055 7
(1.023 0~
1.089 4)*1.094 4
(1.066 3~
1.123 3)*1.055 1
(1.041 3~
1.069 0)*1.028 3
(0.977 6~
1.081 6)1.020 6
(0.990 3~
1.051 7)双 1.039 0
(1.011 8~
1.067 0)*1.046 0
(1.025 5~
1.066 9)*1.0590
(1.022 0~
1.097 3)*1.0238
(1.004 5~
1.043 5)*1.0752
(1.041 0~
1.110 9)*1.0402
(1.022 4~
1.058 3)*1.0628
(1.005 6~
1.123 3)*1.0660
(1.022 2~
1.111 7)1.0514
(1.021 5~
1.082 2)*1.0470
(1.030 0~
1.064 4)1.0106
(0.938 3~
1.088 5)1.0409
(0.998 9~
1.084 7)注:*表示具有统计学意义,P<0.05。 -
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