我国水库众多,目前库容10万m3以上水库约10万座,其中小型水库(库容小于1 000万m3)占比超过96%[1]。国内小型水库分布不均,主要分布在湖南省、广东省、四川省、山东省、湖北省和云南省,合计占全国小型水库超过60%。江苏省共有注册登记水库921座,其中小型水库872座,占95%[2]。小型水库在防洪、灌溉、供水、养殖和生态环境方面发挥了重要的作用。但由于资金和管理方面原因,农村小型水库功能退化,如淤积渗漏严重、蓄水能力下降以及富营养化加剧等[3]。
Water Quality Evaluation and Eutrophication Analysis of Small Reservoirs in Nanjing
摘要: 小型水库数量众多,在防洪、灌溉、供水、养殖和生态环境方面发挥了重要的作用。2018年7月(丰水期)和2019年4月(枯水期)对南京市37个小型水库水质进行了调查。丰水期总氮平均浓度1.01 mg/L,显著低于枯水期的1.49 mg/L。丰水期总磷平均浓度0.057 mg/L,枯水期0.055 mg/L,两个时期无显著差异。高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)丰水期平均浓度4.92 mg/L,不显著高于枯水期的4.58 mg/L。南京市小型水库丰水期以III类水为主(48.7%),V和劣V类占27.0%,影响指标为总氮和总磷;枯水期V类水比例较高(41.7%),其次是IV类水(30.5%),影响指标为总氮。两个时期富营养和中营养水库分别占比约55.0%和45.0%。平原型水库水质劣于丘陵型水库。结果表明,与大中型水库相比,小型水库水质更易受氮磷的影响,应重视小型水库的富营养化问题。Abstract: There is a great amount of the small reservoirs, and they play an important role in the flood control, irrigation, water supply, aquaculture and ecological environment. Thirty-seven small reservoirs in Nanjing were investigated for the water quality in July 2018 (wet season) and April 2019 (dry season). The average concentration of the total nitrogen (TN) in the wet season was 1.01 mg/L, which was significantly lower than that in the dry season (1.49 mg/L). There was no significant difference in the average concentration for the total phosphorus (TP) in the wet season (0.057 mg/L) or in the dry season (0.055 mg/L). The average concentration of CODMn in the wet season was 4.92 mg/L. It was a little higher than that in the dry season (4.58 mg/L). In the wet season, the water of Category III (48.7%) dominated the small reservoirs, and the water of both category V and inferior category V were 27.0% of the total. The influence indexes were TN and TP. In the dry season, there was a great percentage of the category V water (41.7%), followed by the category IV water (30.5%). The TN was the influence index. As for the two seasons, the ratios of the eutrophic and the mesotrophic reservoirs were 55.0% and 45.0%, respectively. The water quality of the plain-typed reservoirs was inferior to that of the hill-typed reservoirs. The results indicated that the water quality of the small reservoirs was easily impacted by the nitrogen and phosphorus compared with the large and middle reservoirs. The eutrophication of the small reservoir needed to be paid more attention.
Key words:
- Total Nitrogen /
- Total Phosphorus /
- Eutrophication /
- Non-point Source Pollution /
- Small Reservoir
表 1 南京市小型水库丰水期和枯水期理化指标平均值
理化指标 丰水期 枯水期 水温/℃ 32.3 17.4 透明度/m 0.98 0.82 pH 8.42 8.75 溶解氧/mg·L−1 6.29 10.62 电导率/ms·cm−1 0.24 0.23 总氮/mg·L−1 1.01 1.49 总磷/mg·L−1 0.06 0.06 叶绿素a/μg·L−1 31.80 21.18 高锰酸盐指数/mg·L−1 4.92 4.58 表 2 南京市平原型水库和丘陵型水库丰水期和枯水期理化指标和综合营养状态指数(TLI)
指标 平原型水库 丘陵型水库 丰水期 枯水期 丰水期 枯水期 总氮/mg·L−1 1.09±0.10 1.53±0.13 0.91±0.09 1.45±0.10 总磷/mg·L−1 0.08±0.01 0.07±0.01 0.03±0.00 0.04±0.01 叶绿素a /μg·L−1 47.27±5.52 28.71±5.24 11.50±2.73 11.77±2.83 透明度/m 0.55±0.05 0.64±0.07 1.54±0.18 1.03±0.14 高锰酸盐指数/mg·L−1 5.71±0.27 5.30±0.31 3.88±0.26 3.69±0.32 TLI 56.95±1.38 55.08±1.46 42.58±1.95 46.83±1.89 -
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