基于村镇地区技术人员少、运维力量相对薄弱等客观条件[12],本系统采用风-光互补发电驱动,通过可编程逻辑控制器(programmable logic controller, PLC)以实现基于无人值守、少维护为核心特点的低能耗高效污水处理,生物和物理处理技术的耦合,实现两者的协同作用去除污水中污染物,针对冬季低温的环境中微生物活性较弱处理效果不佳的情况,本系统可以最大限度的利用物理处理工艺的作用,有效改善北方村镇普遍存在的污水处理设施冬季运行效果差的问题。本研究通过对太阳能和风能的变化规律及对应不同气象条件下发电量、用电量效能进行分析,对生物物理耦合处理系统污染物去除效果的研究,在一定程度上对推动风-光互补驱动农村生活污水处理的规模化应用提供指导意见。
Wind-solar complementation drives the development of bio-physical coupling multi-stage treatment system for rural sewage
摘要: 目前,清洁能源应用于污水处理领域最大的挑战是易受天气状况影响导致电能无法稳定输出,负载无法连续正常工作。因此,为保证电能的稳定输出和设施正常运行,采用风-光互补蓄电池供能模式,通过对不同季节太阳能和风能强度变化监测与分析,确定太阳能与风能具有季节互补性。在此基础上,设计了风-光互补驱动农村污水生物-物理耦合多级处理设施的集成系统,采用生物和物理技术的耦合实现高效稳定去除污水中的污染物。202 d连续运行实验结果表明:通过系统的效能分析,证明风能对于太阳能发电的补充,有效地提高了供电系统的稳定性,实现发电系统电能输出稳定,且能源利用率可达90%以上;系统对污水中COD、NH4+-N、TN、TP和SS的去除率分别为86.73%±2.89%、87.82%±6.59%、75.63%±11.79%、78.65%±6.39%、94.59%±0.89%;出水满足《内蒙古自治区农村生活污水处理设施污染物排放标准 (试行) 》 (DBHJ/001-2020) 一级标准。研究结果证明利用风-光能互补驱动生物物理耦合处理农村生活污水可行。Abstract: At present, the biggest challenge in the application of clean energy in the field of sewage treatment is that it is susceptible to weather conditions, resulting in unstable output of electric energy and continuous normal operation of the load. Therefore, in order to ensure the stable output of electric energy and the normal operation of facilities, the wind-solar hybrid battery energy supply mode was adopted, and the seasonal complementarity of solar and wind energy was determined by monitoring and analyzing the changes of solar and wind energy intensity in different seasons. On this basis, an integrated system of wind-solar complementary driving bio-physical coupling multi-stage treatment facilities for rural sewage was designed, and the coupling of biological and physical technology was used to achieve efficient and stable removal of pollutants in sewage. The results of 202 days of continuous operation showed that through the efficiency analysis of the system, it was proved that wind energy can supplement solar power generation, effectively improve the stability of the power supply system, realize the stable power output of the power generation system, and the energy utilization rate can reach more than 90%. The removal rates of COD, NH4 +-N, TN, TP and SS in sewage were 86.73%±2.89%, 87.82%±6.59%, 75.63%±11.79%, 78.65%±6.39%, 94.59%±0.89%, respectively. The effluent met the first-level standard of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Pollutant Discharge Standard for Rural Domestic Sewage Treatment Facilities (Trial) (DBHJ/001-2020). The results proved that it was feasible to use wind-solar energy complementarity to drive biophysical coupling to treat rural domestic sewage.
表 1 系统进水水质
Table 1. System influent water quality
序号 参数 浓度范围/
(mg·L−1)1 COD 108.00~453.00 211.61±47.00 2 NH4+-N 40.18~104.80 57.81±12.17 3 TN 54.40~108.90 63.22±7.95 4 TP 3.10~7.30 4.91±0.94 5 SS 72.14~243.10 127.31±36.79 6 pH 7.08~8.24 7.75±0.22 表 2 系统各反应单元水质浓度均值情况表
Table 2. Mean water concentration of each reaction unit of the system
项目名称 COD/(mg·L−1) NH4+-N/(mg·L−1) TN/(mg·L−1) TP/(mg·L−1) SS/(mg·L−1) 进水 211 57.81 63.2 4.9 127.31 A1 176 46.32 52.6 4.4 71.30 O1 130 33.85 39.7 3.8 46.31 A2 98 26.05 32.8 3.5 24.79 O2 49 11.87 20.2 2.9 16.29 一级过滤池 40 10.05 17.8 1.6 9.14 二级过滤池 (出水) 28 7.04 15.3 1.0 6.83 表 3 2种模式全生命周期成本核算表
Table 3. Life cycle costing table of the two modes
核算阶段 核算项目 模式1 /元 模式2 /元 建设阶段 初始化成本 7 350 14 800 后期投资 未来运行折现值 16 473 0 运行阶段 设备更新折现成本 3 808 7 117 拆除阶段 净残值 446 877 全生命周期成本 27 185 21 040 -
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