长江上游地区是我国重要的经济发展带,位于长江上游的中大型城市多以丘陵地貌为主,具有地势落差大、雨污收集速度快、地下水渗入率高等雨污排放特征[1-3]。城市污水处理厂是雨污治理的重要基础设施。一方面,污水处理厂减少了有机污染物、氮磷等污染物的排放,在水环境污染物控制中发挥重要作用[4-6]。城市污水处理厂累计削减的有机污染物 (以COD计) 占全国减排总量的70%以上,且占比逐年增加[7];另一方面,城市污水处理厂需消耗大量电能。污水处理厂的用电量约占全社会用电量的2.6‰[8],且占比逐年上升。此外,城市污水处理厂在深度脱氮除磷中,需使用大量的有机碳源和混凝剂[9-11]。
Characteristics of electricity consumption and chemical dosage of urban wastewater treatment plants in the central area of the southwestern hilly city Luzhou
摘要: 用电量和药剂投加量是城市污水处理厂运行的主要成本,也是污水处理厂减污降碳的重要环节。西南丘陵城市具有地势落差大、雨污收集速度快、地下水渗入率较高等显著区域特征,但其城市污水处理中的电力和药剂使用量和使用效率仍不清楚。分析了西南丘陵城市泸州中心区5座城市污水处理厂电力、混凝剂和碳源的使用量和使用效率。研究发现,电力和药剂使用量具有显著的季节特征,夏季降雨较多时的用电量和药剂用量较高。泸州市中心城区污水处理厂的单位处理水量的用电量为0.28~0.46 kW·h·m−3,位于全国28%~66%;单位总磷去除量的混凝剂用量为25.11~53.57 mg·mg−1,单位总氮去除量的碳源 (折合COD计) 投加量为0.60~4.88 g·g−1,位于全国44%~95%。泸州中心区城市污水处理厂的电力使用效率较高,但碳源使用效率较低,脱氮工艺和操作仍有待优化。本研究可为长江上游地区丘陵城市污水处理厂的优化运行管理和节能降耗工作提供参考。Abstract: Electricity consumption and chemical dosage are major costs in the operation of urban wastewater treatment plants and important aspects of reducing pollution and carbon in wastewater treatment plants. Southwestern hilly cities have significant regional characteristics such as large terrain drop-offs, rapid rainwater collection rates, and high groundwater infiltration rates, but the amount and efficiency of electricity and chemical use in their urban wastewater treatment remains unclear. The usage and efficiency of electricity, coagulant, and carbon source in five urban wastewater treatment plants in the central area of the southwestern hilly city of Luzhou were analyzed in this paper. It was found that electricity consumption and chemical dosage had significant seasonal characteristics, with higher electricity and chemical usage in summer due to more rainfall. The electricity consumption per unit of treated water volume in the central urban wastewater treatment plant in Luzhou ranged from 0.28 to 0.46 kW·h·m−3, located at 28%~66% nationally. The coagulant dosage per unit of total phosphorus removal ranged from 25.11~53.57 mg·mg−1, and the carbon source dosage per unit of total nitrogen removal ranged from 0.60~4.88 g·g−1 (reduced COD value meter), located at 44%~95% nationally. The central area of Luzhou urban wastewater treatment plant had a high efficiency of power utilization but a low efficiency of carbon source utilization, and the denitrification process and operation still needed to be optimized. This study can provide important basic information for the optimal operation and management of urban wastewater treatment plants in hilly cities to save energy and consumption reduction in the upper Yangtze River region.
Key words:
- Luzhou City /
- urban wastewater treatment plant /
- electricity consumption /
- coagulant /
- carbon source
图 4 泸州中心区城市污水处理厂单位处理水量的PFS投加量 (PFSV) 和单位总磷去除量的PFS投加量 (PFSTP) 时间变化和统计分布 (2020年1月—2022年4月)
Figure 4. Temporal variation and statistical distribution of PFS dosage per unit treated water volume (PFSV) and PFS dosage per unit total phosphorus removal (PFSTP) of urban wastewater treatment plants in the central area of Luzhou (2020-01—2022-04)
表 1 泸州中心区5座城市污水处理厂概况
Table 1. Overview of the five urban wastewater treatment plants in the central area of Luzhou
污水处理厂 设计污水处理量/(104 m3·d−1) 主体处理工艺和主要能耗单元 纳溪污水处理厂 2.75 曝气沉砂池-A2/O改良工艺-紫外消毒渠 鸭儿凼污水处理厂 8.0 曝气沉砂池-MBR-紫外消毒渠 二道溪污水处理厂 10.0 曝气沉砂池-A2/O-反硝化滤池-紫外消毒渠 城东污水处理厂 5.0 曝气沉砂池-A2/O改良工艺-D型滤池-紫外消毒渠 城南污水处理厂 5.0 曝气沉砂池-A2/O改良工艺-D型滤池-紫外消毒渠 注:A2/O改良工艺即在厌氧池前端增加了预反硝化单元。 表 2 泸州中心区城市污水处理厂进水和出水水质特征 (2020年1月—2022年4月)
Table 2. Quality characteristics of inlet and outlet water of urban wastewater treatment plants in the central area of Luzhou (2020-01—2022-04)
处理厂BOD5/(mg·L−1) TN/(mg·L−1) [NH3-N]/(mg·L−1) TP/(mg·L−1) 进水 出水 进水 出水 进水 出水 进水 出水 纳溪污水处理厂 198.47±60.79 12.03±3.87 27.80±6.67 9.57±1.10 18.70±5.72 0.61±0.45 2.79±0.72 0.21±0.06 鸭儿凼污水处理厂 197.01±55.66 11.77±1.79 29.85±5.18 7.83±1.54 23.21±2.95 0.51±0.32 3.40±1.01 0.24±0.06 二道溪污水处理厂 231.52±55.01 11.26±2.61 29.85±5.18 7.83±1.54 28.39±9.40 0.04±0.39 3.54±0.85 0.25±0.09 城东污水处理厂 182.33±78.28 19.86±3.55 33.18±8.68 10.20±1.21 25.69±6.69 0.04±0.28 3.28±1.08 0.31±0.03 城南污水处理厂 216.65±65.50 11.97±2.99 28.97±7.55 9.25±1.49 20.73±6.04 0.03±0.03 2.50±0.77 0.24±0.07 表 3 典型城市污水厂处理厂混凝剂药耗水平
Table 3. Coagulant consumption level in a typical urban wastewater treatment plants
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