NOx是主要的大气污染物,其大量排放会破坏臭氧层形成酸雨[1-2],危害人群和动植物的健康[3-4]。我国已相继出台一系列严格的NOx排放行业限值标准,有效降低NOx排放已成为行业关注重点。选择性催化还原 (selective catalytic reduction,SCR) 技术为最有效且应用最广泛的NOx脱除技术之一[5-6]。蜂窝状催化剂具有机械强度好、床层阻力小等优点[7],而涂覆法具有操作方法简单、前驱体材料用量少、活性组分利用率高等优点[8]。通过涂覆方法制备的蜂窝状V2O5-WO3-TiO2整体式催化剂占据了大部分市场。KONG等[9]和DE-LA-TORRE等[10]等均证明了在没有添加剂的情况下,催化剂的负载量和牢固性极差,这表明添加剂在涂覆整体催化剂过程中的重要性。孟鹏通等[11]使用聚乙烯醇 (polyvinyl alcohol,PVA) 和拟薄水铝石 (SB粉) 两种粘结剂制备Cu-SSZ-13/堇青石整体式催化剂,发现PVA制备的催化剂具有更好的涂层稳定性和脱硝活性。虽然涂覆式蜂窝状催化剂应用广泛,但其工艺仍存在涂覆不均匀[12]、涂层不稳定等缺点,故导致其涂覆效果差,从而降低脱硝性能。除此之外,烟气成分较复杂,存在HC、SOx、H2O等物质,其均会造成SCR催化剂中毒失活,从而影响催化剂的脱硝效果[13]。目前,针对整体式催化剂的中毒影响原因的分析较少,尤其是针对HCs对SCR催化剂中毒的研究。
为提高催化剂的脱硝效率,本课题组拟探究涂覆式蜂窝状钒钨钛催化剂的涂优化配方,重点分析C3H8、SO2和H2O对催化剂的影响原因。本研究以蜂窝状V2O5-WO3-TiO2/堇青石催化剂为基础,首先采用正交实验的方法,以PVA的质量分数 (0.2%、0.3%、0.4%、0.5%) 、吐温-20的质量分数 (0.05%、0.1%、0.15%、0.2%) 、pH (1.5、4.5、7.5、10) 为3因素,以负载率、附着率以及200~550 ℃的NO转化率作为响应值,进行3因素4水平的正交实验。通过正交实验得到最优配方后,进行整体式蜂窝状V2O5-WO3-TiO2/堇青石催化剂的制备,并对其进行活性、抗C3H8、SO2和H2O中毒性能瞬态和稳定性测试,最后通过粒径检测、SEM、XPS、H2-TPR和NH3-TPD的表征手段,对SCR性能的影响因素进行分析,探究其对蜂窝状V2O5-WO3-TiO2/堇青石催化剂涂覆效果及SCR性能影响,以期为涂覆式蜂窝状催化剂的优化合成及其实际应用提供参考。
SCR and anti-poisoning properties of coated honeycomb vanadium-tungsten-titanium oxides catalyst
摘要: 为制备性能优异的涂覆式蜂窝状SCR催化剂用于高效去除NOx,采用正交实验探究添加剂对催化剂的涂覆效果及SCR性能影响。结果表明,当PVA和吐温-20含量分别为0.2%和0.1%,pH为1.5时制备的浆料有较好的负载率、附着率和NO转化率。而后对整体式蜂窝状V2O5-WO3-TiO2/堇青石催化剂进行SCR性能测试,其在350~500 ℃区间活性、耐C3H8、SO2和H2O反应催化活性均在80%以上,在350 ℃时稳定性均高于88%。通过粒径分析、SEM的表征结果表明,该配方制备的浆料能有效减少组分团聚作用,使其小于堇青石孔径,从而拥有较高的负载率和附着率。通过XPS、H2-TPR和NH3-TPD的表征结果表明,C3H8、SO2和H2O物质的加入会使促进反应的活性物质含量降低,与反应物竞争活性位点,从而降低催化剂氧化还原性能,进而影响催化剂催化活性。但在中高温区间,通过该配方制备的催化剂仍保持良好的酸性位和酸性数量,且与反应物竞争作用降低,从而在中高温度区间仍能保持良好的性能。本研究可为涂覆式蜂窝状催化剂的优化合成、提升其去除氮氧化物及抗中毒性能提供参考。Abstract: In order to prepare a coated honeycomb SCR catalyst with excellent performance for efficient NOx removal, orthogonal test was used to investigate its influence on the coating effect and SCR performance of the catalyst. The results showed that when the content of PVA and Tween-20 were 0.2% and 0.1%, respectively, and the pH was 1.5, the slurry had better load rate, adhesion rate and NO conversion rate. After obtaining the optimal formula, the SCR performance of the monolithic honeycomb V2O5-WO3-TiO2/cordierite catalyst was tested. The catalytic activity of C3H8、SO2 and H2O were all greater than 80% in the range of 350 ℃ to 500 ℃, and the stability was higher than 88% at 350 ℃. Finally, the characterization results by particle size analysis and SEM showed that the slurry prepared by this formulation effectively reduced the agglomeration effect of components to be smaller than the cordierite pore size, thus possessing a high loading and adhesion rate. The characterization results by XPS, H2-TPR and NH3-TPD showed that the addition of C3H8、SO2 and H2O substances decreased the content of active substances that promoted the reaction and competed with the reactants for the active sites, thus reducing the catalyst redox performance and consequently affecting the catalytic activity. However, in the middle and high temperature intervals, the catalysts prepared by this formulation still maintained good acidic sites and acidic amounts with the reduced competition with reactants, thus maintaining good performance in the middle and high temperature intervals. This study can provid a reference for the optimal synthesis of coated honeycomb catalysts and improving the nitrogen oxide removal and anti-poisoning properties.
Key words:
- honeycomb catalyst /
- coating /
- selective catalytic reduction /
- cordierite carrier /
- orthogonal test /
- toxic resistance
表 1 3因素4水平正交实验表 (负载率、附着率)
Table 1. Table of three-factor, four-level orthogonal experiments (loading rate, adhesion rate)
编号 PVA质量分数 吐温质量分数 pH 负载率 附着率 1 0.2% 0.05% 1.5 24.59% 91.86% 2 0.2% 0.1% 4.5 29.66% 61.53% 3 0.2% 0.15% 7.5 29.02% 55.70% 4 0.2% 0.2% 10 22.86% 61.94% 5 0.3% 0.05% 4.5 26.67% 54.99% 6 0.3% 0.1% 1.5 27.26% 84.93% 7 0.3% 0.15% 10 21.41% 49.33% 8 0.3% 0.2% 7.5 28.85% 47.79% 9 0.4% 0.05% 7.5 29.51% 47.19% 10 0.4% 0.1% 10 23.96% 66.97% 11 0.4% 0.15% 1.5 25.06% 96.12% 12 0.4% 0.2% 4.5 26.76% 67.60% 13 0.5% 0.05% 10 23.87% 50.14% 14 0.5% 0.1% 7.5 25.42% 69.58% 15 0.5% 0.15% 4.5 24.93% 82.15% 16 0.5% 0.2% 1.5 25.23% 84.87% 表 2 3因素4水平正交实验表 (200~550 ℃的NO转化率)
Table 2. Table of three-factor four-level orthogonal experiments (NO conversion at 200~550 °C)
编号 PVA
质量分数pH 反应温度 200 ℃ 250 ℃ 300 ℃ 350 ℃ 400 ℃ 450 ℃ 500 ℃ 550 ℃ 1 0.2% 0.05% 1.5 35.05% 60.59% 93.41% 94.73% 95.25% 92.64% 90.67% 81.78% 2 0.2% 0.1% 4.5 28.32% 57.62% 92.99% 93.92% 95.64% 92.84% 90.87% 81.98% 5 0.3% 0.05% 4.5 29.31% 53.07% 93.00% 87.58% 94.46% 92.84% 91.07% 82.97% 6 0.3% 0.1% 1.5 33.86% 59.83% 94.10% 92.34% 94.85% 93.04% 90.48% 81.39% 11 0.4% 0.15% 1.5 35.64% 60.00% 95.56% 95.11% 95.84% 92.45% 90.87% 82.97% 12 0.4% 0.2% 4.5 31.68% 57.03% 86.48% 90.16% 95.25% 93.04% 90.28% 81.39% 15 0.5% 0.15% 4.5 22.38% 51.09% 87.66% 94.12% 94.26% 92.64% 89.29% 78.02% 16 0.5% 0.2% 1.5 34.85% 61.58% 93.99% 94.91% 94.23% 93.44% 90.48% 79.80% 表 3 催化剂负载效果验证表
Table 3. Verification table of catalyst coating effect
效果参数 样品1 样品2 样品3 样品4 样品5 样品6 均值 负载率 26.29% 26.12% 28.02% 26.03% 26.31% 27.35% 26.69% 附着率 93.23% 93.72% 94.49% 92.69% 97.05% 91.53% 93.79% 表 4 不同反应条件下V-W-Ti/CC催化剂的表面物种类型及价态分布情况
Table 4. Surface species types and valence distribution of V-W-Ti/CC catalysts for different reaction cases
样品名称 Oα+β V3++V4+ W5+ V-W-Ti/CC 41.3% 87.2% 25.1% V-W-Ti/CC C3H8反应后 35.2% 94.9% 3.3% V-W-Ti/CC SO2反应后 40.7% 72.8% 69.9% V-W-Ti/CC H2O反应后 36.2% 38.5% 99.7% 表 5 V-W-Ti/CC催化剂反应前后表面酸性对比
Table 5. Comparison of surface acidity of V-W-Ti/CC catalysts before and after the reaction
样品名称 峰位置及酸量 低温区/ ℃ 酸量/ (μmol·g−1) 中温区/ ℃ 酸量/ (μmol·g−1) 高温区/ ℃ 酸量/ (μmol·g−1) 总酸量/ (μmol·g−1) V-W-Ti/CC 169 71 385 293 546 445 808 V-W-Ti/CC C3H8反应后 169 69 388 381 538 486 936 V-W-Ti/CC SO2反应后 169 67 389 358 534 498 923 V-W-Ti/CC H2O反应后 169 70 385 348 534 551 969 -
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