Current situation, difficulties and solutions of urban village sewage treatment in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region represented by Beijing
摘要: 通过实地调研分析以北京城市副中心为代表的京津冀地区城中村污水处理现状及技术难点,发现目前城中村污水治理进度普遍滞后于城市建设发展速度。主要问题有污水收集处理设施欠缺、污染源复杂且治理难度大。其中,面源及溢流污染已逐渐成为城中村水环境治理的主要难题。针对京津冀地区城中村污水处理现状及难点,提出了一种基于独立排水单元的雨季入河污染消减技术,并于通州区北寺庄村进行了相关示范工程应用,为城中村小微水体治理、面源及溢流污染控制提供参考。Abstract: Based on the field investigation and analysis of the current situation and difficulties of urban village sewage treatment in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region represented by Beijing Sub Center, this paper finds that the progress of urban village sewage treatment generally lags behind the development speed of urban construction. The main problems are the lack of sewage collection and treatment facilities, complex pollution sources and difficult treatment, among which non-point source and overflow pollution have gradually become the main problems The main problem of water environment management in urban villages. Aiming at the current situation and difficulties of urban village sewage treatment in Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, this paper proposes a river pollution reduction technology based on independent drainage unit in rainy season, and carries out relevant demonstration project application in beisizhuang village of Tongzhou District, which provides a new solution for small and micro water treatment, non-point source and Overflow Pollution Control of urban village.
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