污水处理厂污泥是污水处理过程中的副产物。随着我国城市生活污水处理系统的发展,污泥产量逐年增加[1]。污泥富集了大量有机物、营养物质、病原微生物和重金属等有毒有害物质[2],在处理处置及储运过程中不可避免地释放恶臭气味,极易形成二次污染,在严重时可能会构成污染公害事件[3]。尽管污泥产量仅为污水总量的0.3%~0.5% (体积分数) [4],但污泥处理过程是污水处理厂恶臭释放的主要来源[5]。处理后的污泥若仍存在恶臭 (或较强烈异味) ,将在极大程度上限制污泥土地利用等多种处置方式的实施。除污水来源及其处理工艺外,污泥处理与处置工艺和实际运行对污泥的性质有较大影响,从而导致污泥在处理过程中和处置利用时的恶臭释放特征存在显著差异[6]。因此,污泥恶臭污染有效控制是提高污泥处理效率、实现污泥资源化利用必须解决的技术难题。由于我国污泥产量快速增加,对污泥恶臭污染控制的技术需求更为迫切。
Odor characteristics of wastewater treatment plant sludge during treatment and disposal and emission reduction control measures: A short review
摘要: 随着污水处理厂规模的不断扩大,污泥产量持续增加。虽然“重水轻泥”现象已有所改变,但污泥处理处置技术仍面临各种挑战。污泥处理处置过程中的恶臭污染会对周围环境和人群健康造成不利影响,极易引发民众投诉,是提高污泥处理效率、实现污泥资源化利用的难点之一。污泥释放的恶臭物质组分复杂,且影响污泥恶臭释放的因素较多,目前针对污泥处理处置过程中恶臭产生机制和释放规律的研究尚不深入,导致污泥控臭除臭处理的效果仍不理想。因此,在归纳总结污泥常见恶臭物质及其产生来源的基础上,详细阐述了不同处理处置方式下污泥的恶臭污染特征与产生机制,从源头减排、过程控制、末端治理、排放管理4个方面评述了污泥恶臭减排控制措施的原理和发展前景,讨论了污泥恶臭污染防治的复杂性和挑战,以期为污泥恶臭污染防控提供参考。Abstract: As the scale of sewage treatment plants expanded, the production of sludge continuously increased in China. Although the treatment of sludge has been gradually paid more attention, the development of sludge treatment technology is still facing various challenges. Odor pollution emitted from sludge treatment and disposal cause negative effects on the surrounding environment and public health, and easily lead to public complaints. The deodorization is one of the technical problems that must be solved to improve the sludge treatment efficiency and to implement the sludge resource utilization. The component of malodorous compounds emitted from sludge are variable and complex, affecting by many different factors including the physical-chemical properties of sludge and the surrounding conditions. However, due to the lake of knowledge in the generation mechanism of odorants and the principle of odor formation, the performance of sludge odor control is often unsatisfactory. Thus, based on summarizing the general production sources of odorous substances in sludge, the pollution characteristics and generation mechanism of sludge odor upon different processing methods were expounded. The principles and development of various odor control measures were then reviewed from the perspectives of source emission reduction, process control, end-of-pipe treatment and discharge management to show the complexity and challenges in the sludge odor pollution prevention.
Key words:
- sludge /
- sludge treatment /
- sludge disposal /
- odor characteristics /
- emission reduction control measures
表 1 污泥处理处置过程中主要的恶臭物质嗅阈值及气味特征[11]
Table 1. Odor threshold and sensory properties during sludge treatment and disposal[11]
分类 物质名称 分子式 感官性质 嗅阈值/(mg·m−3) 含硫化合物 硫化氢 H2S 臭鸡蛋味 0.001 8 甲硫醇 CH3SH 烂菜心气味 0.000 1 二甲基硫醚 (CH3)2S 海鲜腥味 0.005 5 二甲基二硫醚 (CH3)2S2 洋葱味 0.046 3 含氮化合物 氨 NH3 强烈刺激性气味 0.227 7 三甲胺 (CH3)3N 鱼腥味 0.002 4 酸类 丙酸 CH3CH2COOH 刺激性气味 0.028 8 正丁酸 C3H7COOH 汗味、酸臭味 0.005 1 醛类 乙醛 CH3CHO 刺激性气味 0.035 4 丙醛 CH3CH2CHO 水果香味 0.041 5 苯系物 甲苯 C7H8 芳香气味 0.403 1 乙苯 C8H10 芳香气味 0.085 3 苯乙烯 C8H8 塑料味 0.158 1 对二甲苯 C8H10 芳香气味、水果香味 0.568 7 -
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