Theoretical system of resource utilization of hazardous wastes containing heavy metals
摘要: 涉重危废是危险废物中污染属性和资源属性都极为突出的大类类别。从涉重危废中提取昂贵/高价/有价金属不但可从源头上阻断重金属进入环境,而且可实现稀缺金属资源的永续利用,因而成为环境和资源领域的热点课题。当前,涉重危废中金属提取回收工艺研究及工程实践大都基于离散物料的孤立个案和技术人员的个人经验,缺乏系统完整科学的理论指导,难以适应涉重危废高效、高值、高质的资源化利用需求。为此,以涉重危废、金属五分法、重金属三维属性及涉重危废精细化分级分类4组创制概念为基础,阐述了涉重危废精细化分级分类体系、涉重危废无害化处置和资源化利用边际识别指标体系、涉重危废金属提取和危险属性降级技术体系、涉重危废脱毒残渣建材化利用标准体系4大体系建设必要性及建设内容,构建了涉重危废资源化利用的理论体系。本研究结果可为涉重危废的资源化利用提供理论支撑。Abstract: Hazardous wastes containing heavy metals have both serious environmental threats and high recycling value, which result in global contamination of heavy metals and fierce metals resource loss if discarded without proper treatment. The recovery of valuable metals from hazardous wastes containing heavy metals not only eliminates the pollution of heavy metals at the sources but also recycles the non-renewable metals resources, representing a hot issue in both environmental sciences and metals smelting. However, the works concerning hazardous wastes containing heavy metals are discrete, scattered, individual studies and do not form complete and systematic theory to guide the scientific, efficient and sustainable resource utilization of heavy metals-containing hazardous wastes. In the current work, four important fundamental concepts covering hazardous wastes containing heavy metals, five classification methods of metals, three-dimension properties and precise grading and classification were established, and four important branch systems including precise grading and classification system, harmless disposal and resource utilization boundary identification system, metals extraction/separation technology system and detoxification residue-used building materials quality control standard system were reviewed. Based on the four important fundamental concepts and the four important branch systems, the theoretical system of resource utilization of hazardous wastes containing heavy metals was put forward for the first time.
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