由于具有废物产生量少、成本低、保护森林资源等优点,废纸回收利用是实现造纸工业环境友好型发展的有效途径[1]。不过,废纸制浆过程会产生大量的脱墨废水,其具有废水量大、有机物和总悬浮物固体(total suspended solid ,TSS)含量高、pH高、水质复杂等特点[2],且BOD5/COD很低,含具有生物毒性的化学品[3],故可生化性差。因此,经常规的二级生化处理后,该废水的有机物含量仍然比较高[4],须经深度处理才能达到我国相关排放标准或回用要求。
作为一种安全高效的废水深度处理技术[5],膜技术目前在处理造纸白水[6]、漂白废水[7]、 造纸黑液[8]以及废纸造纸产生的非脱墨废水和脱墨废水[9]等方面发挥了重要的作用,且微滤和超滤能够有效去除脱墨废水中的水基油墨,尤其是超滤的效果更好[10]。不过,膜污染仍是制约膜技术广泛应用于脱墨废水处理的关键[11]。
混凝是一种应用较广泛的膜污染控制技术[12-13],具有成本低廉、效果显著等优点[14]。而与传统混凝相比,强化混凝能显著提高废水中有机物的去除率[15]。本研究团队前期开发了强化混凝-平板折转错流膜分离工艺,发现聚合氯化铝(polyaluminum chloride ,PACl)在一定范围内的高投加量下的强化混凝可有效缓解平板折转错流超滤过程的膜污染,提高出水水质,且膜过滤总阻力随着PACl投加量的增加而减小[16]。但该工艺投入实际运行后的运行方式、清洗方式、运行稳定性等参数尚需优化和验证。因此,本研究以石家庄某造纸厂废纸脱墨废水的二级生化出水作为研究对象, 采用强化混凝-平板折转错流膜分离工艺开展了中试规模的实验研究,探索了该工艺在实际工况下的运行过程,并对相关操作参数进行了优化,以期为进一步的工程应用提供参考。
Deinking wastewater treatment by a hybrid process of enhanced coagulation and flat-plate ultrafiltration in turn-around cross-flow mode
摘要: 采用强化混凝-平板折转错流膜分离技术对脱墨废水的二级生化出水进行了深度处理中试研究,从运行方式、超滤膜种类、清洗方式、长期运行稳定性等方面评估了工艺适用性。结果表明,间歇运行方式可有效降低滤饼层阻力(Rc)和浓差极化阻力(Rg),缓解膜污染,提高水通量和出水水质。亲水性强、截留分子质量(30 kDa)较大的聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)超滤膜可以延缓膜污染,提高产水率和出水水质;比截留分子质量(8 kDa)较小的PES膜更适宜脱墨废水二级生化出水的处理。正反同步冲洗可有效清洗膜表面及膜孔内部,显著降低滤饼层阻力(Rc)、孔堵阻力(Rf)、浓差极化阻力(Rg),且可避免反冲洗损伤膜表面功能层。在跨膜压差为0.025 MPa、聚合氯化铝投加量为2 g·L−1条件下,采用停歇2 min、运行8 min操作方式,PVDF超滤膜可在膜通量为80 L·(m2·h)−1以上连续运行50 h,COD、浊度、色度的平均去除率分别可达79.1%、99.9%和99.4%,满足我国《工业用水水质标准》(GB/T 19923-2005)中循环冷却水系统补水要求,且清洗后水通量可恢复95%以上,表明该技术具有深度处理脱墨废水的应用潜力。Abstract: A pilot study on advanced treatment of the deinking wastewater from the secondary sedimentation tank in a paper mill was conducted using a hybrid process of enhanced coagulation at a high dosage of polyaluminum chloride (PACl) and flat-plate ultrafiltration in turn-around cross-flow mode. The applicability of the process was evaluated from some aspects including the operation mode, the membrane type, the cleaning mode, and the stability of long-term operation. The experimental results showed that an intermittent operation could effectively reduce the cake layer resistance (Rc) and the concentration polarization resistance (Rg), alleviate membrane fouling, and improve water flux and effluent quality. The PVDF membrane with hydrophilicity and higher molecular weight cut-off (30 kD) could alleviate membrane fouling and improve water yield and effluent quality, and consequently be more suitable for treating the deinking wastewater than the PES membrane with a MWCO of 8 kD. The simultaneous flushing along membrane surface and backwashing could effectively remove the foulants on membrane surface or in membrane pore, and significantly reduced Rc, Rg, and the pore blocking resistance (Rf). Furthermore, backwashing could avoid the damage to the active layer of membrane. The PVDF membrane could continuously run for 50 h at the PACl dosage of 2 g·L−1, with a flux of 80 L·m−2·h−1 or more under the TMP of 0.025 MPa. The average removal rates of COD, turbidity, and chroma could reach 79.1%, 99.9% and 99.4%, respectively, which can meet the requirements of The reuse of urban recycling water – Water quality standard for industrial use (GB/T 19923-2005). Moreover, the flux recovery rate could reach over 95% after cleaning. All these indicate the hybrid process is feasible for advanced treatment of the deinking wastewater.
表 1 实验用水水质特征
Table 1. Characteristics of the raw water from the secondary clarifier
统计值 浊度/NTU pH 色度/CU COD/(mg·L-1) 范围值 108~1969 6.94~8.22 323~1980 214~650 平均值 177.8 7.45 981.3 412.4 表 2 超滤膜参数
Table 2. Parameters of ultrafiltration membranes
实验用膜 材质 截留分子质量/Da 接触角/(°) PVDF 聚偏氟乙烯 30 000 62 PES 聚醚砜 8 000 92 表 3 不同超滤膜操作条件
Table 3. Different ultrafiltration membrane operating conditions
实验用膜 跨膜压差/MPa 纯水通量/L·(m2·h)−1 膜固有阻力/m−1 药剂及投加量 运行方式 PVDF 0.025 177.39±13.96 (2.64±0.21)×1011 2 g·L−1 PACl 运行8 min,停歇2 min,运行期间不清洗 PES 0.1 103.89 ±7.96 (1.80±0.14)×1012 -
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