目前,有关磷肥最佳施用量的研究结果存在一定的分歧。一些研究者认为,磷与重金属的摩尔比为3∶5较为合适[9-10],而另一些研究者认为,磷与重金属的摩尔比为4∶1较好[11-12]。有研究发现,磷肥加入单一Pb、Cu、Zn污染土壤时,均会使Pb、Cu、Zn的有效性降低[13-14];而向Pb、Cu、Zn复合污染土壤中添加磷肥时,则会使Pb的有效性降低,Cu、Zn的有效性略微增加[15]。施尧等[16]运用水溶性磷肥重过磷酸钙和难溶性磷肥磷灰石矿尾料(施磷量7 g·kg−1)钝化修复Pb、Cu和Zn复合污染土壤,发现重过磷酸钙相比于磷灰石矿尾料对重金属的钝化效果较好,但重过磷酸钙相比于磷灰石矿尾料更易导致下层土壤中磷的质量分数升高。姚臻晖等[17]在田间实验中施用钙镁磷肥(750 kg·hm−2)使农田土壤重金属Cd的钝化率达到46.90%,当磷肥施用量增加到1 500 kg·hm−2时,对Cd的钝化率仅为54.50%,且随着磷肥施用量的成倍增加而显著增加了土壤60~90 cm深度渗滤水中磷的质量浓度。陈世宝等[18]通过土柱淋溶实验,分别向污染土壤中施加5 g·kg−1不同溶解性的磷肥,会使土壤有效态Pb质量分数下降81.10%~89.70%;同时,水溶性磷肥相较于枸溶性磷肥也更易导致土壤表层以下(<70 cm)有效磷和全磷质量分数增加。MIGNARDI等[19]发现,磷肥能有效降低重金属复合污染土壤中的重金属有效性,但施用高溶解性磷肥也可能造成水体富营养化的风险。可见,施用不同溶解性磷肥及不同用量治理重金属或多种重金属复合污染时,重金属钝化效果和磷肥迁移流失风险存在较大关系。因此,迫切需要理清不同溶解性磷肥及用量对复合污染土壤中不同重金属的钝化效果和磷肥的迁移流失风险,并结合磷肥的钝化效果和磷肥的迁移流失风险合理选择磷肥的类型和用量。
Immobilization remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil by phosphate fertilizer and its environmental risk
摘要: 磷肥广泛应用于农田重金属污染土壤钝化修复,但不同类型磷肥对多种重金属复合污染土壤的修复效果及其环境风险尚不明确。通过室内土壤培养和土柱淋溶模拟实验,研究枸溶性磷肥-钙镁磷肥(CMP)和水溶性磷肥-磷酸二氢钾(MPP)对重金属Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn复合污染土壤的钝化效果以及磷在土壤剖面中的淋溶损失特征。结果表明,CMP和MPP施用量(以P2O5计)为8 g·kg−1时,Pb、Cd的钝化率分别为35.05%和71.72%、31.76%和40.99%,而Cu、Zn则出现一定程度的活化(最高达29.62%)。MPP对Pb的钝化效果显著优于CMP,但对Cd而言,2者差异不明显,且磷肥用量的成倍增加并不能显著提升钝化效果。土柱中土壤全磷、有效磷和淋溶液总磷的质量分数均随着深度(20~65 cm)递增而显著下降,且在某一深度上随着施磷量(1~8 g·kg−1)的增加而显著升高。MPP在高用量下造成的磷淋溶风险显著大于CMP。采用磷肥钝化修复复合重金属污染土壤应综合重金属类型、钝化效果以及潜在的磷流失风险,选择适当的磷肥种类和用量。本研究结果可为磷肥钝化修复重金属污染土壤提供参考。Abstract: Phosphate fertilizer is widely used in the passivation remediation of heavy metal contaminated soils in farmland. However, the remediation effect and environmental risk of different types of phosphate fertilizer on soil contaminated by multiple heavy metals have not been fully concerned. By indoor soil culture and soil column leaching simulation experiments, the passivation effect of calcium-magnesia phosphate (CMP) (citric soluble) and monopotassium phosphate (MPP) (water soluble) on Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn contaminated soil and the characteristics of phosphorus leaching loss in soil profile were investigated. The results showed that when the application rate of CMP and MPP (measured by P2O5) was 8 g·kg−1, the passivation rates of Pb, Cd were 35.05% and 71.72%, 31.76% and 40.99%, respectively, while Cu and Zn were activated to a certain extent (up to 29.62%). The passivation effect of MPP on Pb was obvious better than that of CMP, but for Cd, the difference was not obvious, and the doubling of the amount of phosphate fertilizer did not obvious improve the passivation effect. The mass fraction of soil total P, available P and total P in leaching solution in the soil column decreased significantly with the increase of depth (20~65 cm), and at a certain depth, with the application of phosphorus (1~8 g·kg−1) increased significantly. The risk of phosphorus leaching caused by MPP at high application rate was obvious higher than that caused by CMP. When using phosphate fertilizer passivation to remediate multiple heavy metal contaminated soil, the types of heavy metals, the passivation effect and the potential risk of phosphorus loss should be synthetically considered, and the appropriate type and amount of phosphate fertilizer should be selected. The results of this study can provide a reference for the remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil by phosphate fertilizer passivation.
Key words:
- heavy metal /
- phosphate fertilizer /
- passivation /
- soil column leaching /
- phosphorus migration and loss
表 1 土壤基本理化性质
Table 1. Basic physical and chemical properties of soil
pH 有机质/(g·kg−1) 有效磷/(mg·kg−1) 全磷/(g·kg−1) 总Pb/(mg·kg−1) 总Cd/(mg·kg−1) 总Cu/(mg·kg−1) 总Zn/(mg·kg−1) 5.34 32.25 13.49 0.61 533.37 7.99 761.46 707.43 表 2 2种磷肥的性质
Table 2. Properties of two phosphate fertilizers
供试肥料 pH 溶解性 P2O5量 磷酸二氢钾(MPP) 4.64 水溶性 52% 钙镁磷肥(CMP) 8.43 枸溶性 12% -
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