纳米银颗粒(silver nanoparticle,AgNPs)因其抗菌广谱、高效和不易产生耐药性等特点,广泛应用于医药、个人护理、家纺和家电等行业[1]。包含AgNPs的产品在其生产、加工、储存、使用和废弃等过程中,不可避免地直接或间接释放到环境中。据估算,约有60%的AgNPs通过污水管网进入市政污水处理厂[2],因此,污水处理系统是AgNPs重要的环境归趋。HOQUE等[3]的研究结果表明,污水中AgNPs的质量浓度一般在100~200 ng·L−1;ZHOU等[4]检测到活性污泥系统污泥中Ag质量分数可达到1.6 mg·kg−1。随着含有AgNPs材料的广泛应用,进入市政污水处理厂的AgNPs浓度会不断增加。活性污泥工艺是目前应用最广泛的污水生物处理技术,该工艺利用活性污泥(微生物聚集体)去除水中的各种污染物[5-6],包含AgNPs的污水可对活性污泥微生物活性产生抑制作用、降低出水水质、给水生生态系统带来负面影响[7-8]。
微生物群体感应(quorum sensing,QS)是指细菌自发产生、释放一些特定的信号分子,并能感知细菌群体中细胞密度变化进行种内或种间信息交流,从而调节微生物的群体行为[9]。作为高菌群密度的生态系统,活性污泥细菌的群体感应对环境变化非常敏感,可参与调控外来污染物胁迫下的自身应激代谢反应[10-11]。在污水处理系统中,细菌可分泌和释放酰基高丝氨酸内酯类(acyl-homeserine lactones,AHLs)信号分子,诱导生物膜形成并促进生物脱氮等过程[12-16]。HAN等[17]的研究表明,活性污泥系统中假单胞菌属细菌分泌AHLs并参与胞外聚合物分泌、种间竞争与脱氮等过程。污水中氮的去除是污水处理厂运行的首要目标之一[18-19]。外源投加信号分子[20-22]和群感菌[23-24]是目前利用微生物群体感应现象强化污水生物脱氮的主要方法。DE CLIPPELEIR等[20]发现,向活性污泥系统中添加适量外源AHLs信号分子可提高氨氧化速率和污泥中氨氧化菌的丰度。目前,关于AgNPs胁迫下活性污泥污水处理系统中微生物分泌AHLs信号分子的变化,以及这种变化与改进系统污染物去除效率间的关系研究鲜有报道。
Effects of silver nanoparticles on nitrogen removal of SBRs and the regulation of exogenous AHLs
摘要: 进入市政污水处理设施的纳米银颗粒(silver nanoparticles,AgNPs)是影响活性污泥污水处理系统中微生物活性的因素。为探究AgNPs对活性污泥污水处理系统脱氮效率的影响,以序批式反应器作为模拟活性污泥污水处理系统,研究了进水中分别添加不同浓度AgNPs(10 mg·L−1和20 mg·L−1 AgNPs)、Ag+(3 mg·L−1和6 mg·L−1 Ag+)时对反应器脱氮性能的影响。实验结果表明:AgNPs及其溶解释放的Ag+分别抑制了活性污泥微生物的硝化和反硝化作用,降低了反应器对总氮的去除率;Illumina Miseq高通量测序结果表明,AgNPs和Ag+影响了活性污泥中硝化细菌和反硝化细菌的相对丰度;与对照相比,在10 mg·L−1 AgNPs胁迫下,活性污泥微生物分泌酰基高丝氨酸内酯类(acyl homeserine lactones,AHLs)信号分子的数量和种类均有变化;向受10 mg·L−1 AgNPs胁迫的活性污泥系统外源添加混合AHLs,5 d后,总氮平均去除率由69.41%提高至93.04%,并在添加AHLs后的5~10 d内维持着较高的总氮去除效率。外源添加AHLs可能是一种提高AgNPs胁迫下活性污泥污水处理系统生物脱氮效率的有效调控措施。Abstract: The growing release of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) into sewage systems and their corresponding inhibitory effects on activated sludge bacteria in wastewater treatment plants have caused the concerns. The effects of AgNPs on the nitrogen removal performance of activated sludge system were evaluated in the sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) when adding 10 mg·L−1 or 20 mg·L−1 AgNPs, 3 mg·L−1 or 6 mg·L−1 Ag+, respectively. Results indicated that addition of AgNPs and Ag+ to the influent significantly decreased the nitrogen removal efficiency of the bioreactors. Nitrification and denitrification inhibitions by AgNPs and the dissolved silver ions in activated sludge systems, which finally affected the removal of nitrogen in the bioreactors. Analyses using Illumina Miseq Sequencing technique showed that AgNPs and the released Ag+ from AgNPs dissolution inhibited nitrification and denitrification of the microorganisms in activated sludge systems, the total nitrogen removal efficiency of SBR decreased accordingly. The results of Illumina miseq high throughput sequencing indicated that AgNPs and the released Ag+ from AgNPs dissolution affected the relative abundance of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria in activated sludge systems, and compared to control reactors, the type and concentration of acyl-homeserine lactones (AHLs) secreted by the sludge bacteria in the SBRs when adding 10 mg·L−1 AgNPs obviously varied. When adding exogenous AHLs to activated sludge systems with 10 mg·L−1 AgNPs stress, the average total nitrogen removal efficiency increased from 69.41% to 93.04% after 5 days, and maintained high value within 5~10 days. These findings suggested that exogenous AHLs addition to the reactor could be an approach to improve the nitrogen removal performance of activated sludge stressed by AgNPs.
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