目前,我国各大城市污泥处理处置压力巨大,多数污水处理厂的污泥未得到有效处理处置[1]。据预测,2020年我国城市污泥产生量将突破6×107 t·a−1(含水率80.0%),北京市的污泥产量也将达到2×106 t·a−1(含水率80.0%)[2]。近年来,北京市实施了污水治理三年行动计划,污水处理量大幅增加,污泥量也随之剧增。据不完全统计,每年北京市约有50.0%污泥得不到有效处置[3]。
Disposal technology and pollution control of directly mixed incineration of municipal sludge in municipal solid waste incineration plant
摘要: 为研究有效处置城市污泥的方法,通过改变掺烧配比、监测燃烧烟气等对燃烧过程的探索,研究了城市污泥直接与城市生活垃圾焚烧厂中的垃圾进行掺烧混烧的处置技术。结果表明:直接掺烧12.5%左右的城市污泥混烧,对生活垃圾入炉量、焚烧炉稳定以及污染物的排放量均未产生较大影响;根据掺烧城市污泥的烟气监测结果,直接掺烧城市污泥后,排放的污染物浓度虽略有升高,但都满足排放要求;掺烧前后产生的固体废物产生量基本没有太大变化,也未对周围环境造成影响。生活垃圾焚烧厂按照一定比例直接掺烧城市污泥(含水率80.0%)在技术上可行,可为城市污泥处置提供新思路。Abstract: In order to study the effective disposal method of municipal sludge, and avoid the secondary pollution of organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metal, bacteria and pathogenic bacteria in the sludge to the environment, the disposal technology of mixed incineration of municipal sludge and rubbish in municipal solid waste incineration plant was explored. The results show that the direct combustion of 12.5% municipal sludge had no significant impact on the amount of municipal solid waste into the incinerator, the stability of the incinerator and the emission of pollutants. According to the flue gas monitoring results of mixed incineration of municipal sludge, although the discharged pollutant concentrations slightly increased after directly mixed incineration of municipal sludge, they all could meet the emission requirements. The amount of produced solid waste before and after mixed incineration showed slightly change, and did not result in effect on the surrounding environment. It is technically feasible for directly mixed incineration of a certain proportion of municipal sludge (moisture content 80.0%) in a municipal solid waste incineration plant, which can provide new ideas for municipal sludge disposal.
Key words:
- municipal sludge /
- municipal solid waste /
- incineration /
- directly mixed incineration
表 1 掺烧城市污泥所占混合试样的比例计算
Table 1. Proportion calculation of mixed incineration municipal sludge in the mixed samples
混合试样QL/(kJ·kg−1) 污泥提供热值/(kJ·kg−1) 污泥所占比例X 3 340.0 519.5 0.649 4 180.0 426.7 0.533 5 000.0 336.2 0.420 6 000.0 225.7 0.282 6 595.2 160.0 0.200 7 138.5 100.0 0.125 表 2 城市污泥掺烧前后废气排口污染物监测数据
Table 2. Pollutant monitoring data of waste gas outlet before and after mixed incineration of municipal sludge
mg·m−3 工况及标准 颗粒物 氮氧化物 二氧化硫 氯化氢(以HCl计) 掺烧前 1.33~6.00 58.30~100.30 3.30~5.00 4.69~9.14 掺烧后 7.64×10−2~11.30 54.00~118.00 3.00~7.00 4.73~14.40 GB 18485-2014 ≤30 ≤300 ≤100 ≤60 工况及标准 汞及其化合物(以Hg计) 一氧化碳 镉、铊及其化合物
锰、镍及其化合物掺烧前 <0.003 2.10~6.30 2.71×10−5~2.58×10−3 4.74×10−2~1.10×10−2 掺烧后 1.0×10−3~1.1×10−2 3.00~11.00 8.20×10−5~6.60×10−3 8.10×10−3~11.10×10−2 GB 18485-2014 ≤0.05 ≤100 ≤0.1 ≤1.0 表 3 掺烧城市污泥前后垃圾焚烧炉二恶英废气监测结果
Table 3. Monitoring results of dioxin waste gas from municipal solid waste incinerator before and after mixed incineration of municipal sludge
ng·m−3 工况 监测日期 二恶英类毒性当量(TEQ)质量浓度 监测数值 平均值 城市污泥
掺烧前2017-02-27 0.012 0~0.096 0 0.039 5 2017-10-26 0.002 5~0.015 0 0.006 4 城市污泥
掺烧后2018-01-31 0.004 4~0.049 0 0.013 7 -
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