然而,中国生活污水水质和欧美等国家具有显著的差别,我国生活污水普遍呈现出低碳氮比和低COD特点。据统计[13],在全国127个污水处理厂中,大多数水厂原水BOD5/TN<2.59,80%的污水处理厂BOD5/TN<3.6,仅有10%的污水处理厂BOD5/TN>4。一般将COD低于200 mg·L−1,C/N低于8的污水成为低碳氮比污水[14]。据报道[15],世界范围内市政污水处理厂的典型进水C/N在10.5~12.6,COD值也显著高于中国的市政污水。因此,该技术在中国的推广应用还未获得实质性的突破。
Performance and analysis of aerobic granular sludge treating actual domestic sewage with low C/N ratios
摘要: 以低碳氮比实际生活污水为基质,在不外加碳源的前提下,在序批式活性污泥反应器(SBR)内培养好氧颗粒污泥(AGS)。结果表明:经过30 d的连续运行可成功培养出好氧颗粒污泥,成熟的好氧颗粒污泥SVI约为50 mL·g−1,MLSS为4.5 g·L−1左右,平均粒径达到608.3 μm;反应器连续运行超过180 d,在整个运行过程中,以C/N为2~6的实际生活污水为基质,COD平均去除率为89.5%,TN平均去除率为78.5%,TP平均去除率可达70%以上。好氧颗粒污泥脱氮除磷的沿程实验结果显示,其可实现同步高效脱氮除磷,氮的去除主要源于同步硝化反硝化,其独特的分层结构能够保证在外部较高的溶解氧环境下颗粒污泥内部同时完成反硝化过程。Abstract: In this study, actual domestic sewage with low C/N ratios was taken as substrate, aerobic granular sludge (AGS) was cultivated in a sequence batch reactor (SBR) without adding extra carbon source. The results showed that AGS was successfully cultivated within 30 d. The MLSS and SVI of mature AGS were about 4.5 g·L−1 and 50 mL·g−1, respectively, and its average size was 608.3 μm. The SBR was continuously operated for longer than 180 d. During the running period, the average removal rates of COD, TN and TP were 87.5%, 78.5%, and higher than 70% when the substrate of actual domestic sewage with the C/N ratio of 2~6, respectively. The nitrogen and phosphorus removal experiments for AGS along the typical cycle showed that the simultaneous and high efficient nitrogen and phosphorus removals could be achieved. Nitrogen removal was mainly attributed to the simultaneous nitrification and denitrification. The unique layered structure of AGS could ensure the progress of the denitrification process inside the granular sludge with a high external dissolved oxygen environment.
表 1 不同阶段反应器运行工况
Table 1. Reactor operation conditions at different stages
运行时间/d 日负荷/(kg·(kg·d)−1) 排水比 沉降时间/min 1~10 0.12~0.15 0.45 30~15 10~20 0.15~0.2 0.5~0.7 15~10 20~80 0.2~0.35 0.7 10~7 80~140 0.1~0.25 0.75 9~5 140~180 0.25~0.35 0.75 4~2.5 -
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