印染行业是纺织产业链中提高产品附加值的关键行业,也是能耗和水耗较高、废水排放量较大的行业,约占纺织废水排放量的80%[1],仅江浙地区印染行业的废水排放量即可达到2×106~3×106 t·d−1[2]。印染行业废水排放量的不断增加,成为我国工业系统中重点污染源之一,而污染治理带来的高成本严重削弱了企业的竞争力,成为制约纺织印染行业健康、可持续发展的瓶颈[3]。目前,印染废水处理的方法主要包括物理法、化学法以及生物法。其中,利用生物技术处理印染废水成本低廉、对环境的二次污染小、污泥产量少、不需要复杂的设备,具有良好的环境效应和经济效应,故其成为最常用的印染废水处理技术[4]。
Bio-treatment feature and its quantitative evaluation of dyeing wastewater in pipeline
摘要: 生物处理技术因其成本低廉、具有良好的环境效应和经济效应,成为印染废水最常用的处理技术之一。为适应对印染废水水质的高标准处理需求,同时考虑污水中污染物组分的复杂性,需对其生物处理特性进行评价,以印染企业内部处理后排放到污水处理厂的纳管废水为研究对象,通过分析确定不同降解难度的有机物所占比例,实现对废水中有机物降解特性定量评价。结果表明:当印染废水的B/C值为0.26时,在实际运行工况下,该类印染废水中仅有18.6%的有机物可被生物降解,在这些可被生物降解的有机物中,生物快速降解、生物易降解、生物可降解有机物的平均含量分别为15.48%、64.29%、20.83%;通过增加氮源和磷源的含量,印染废水中可被生物降解的有机物含量可提高53.45%~60.34%,其中氮源主要提高生物快速降解的有机物含量,磷源主要提高生物易降解的有机物含量。对印染废水的生物处理特性评价方法及评价结果,可作为污水处理中水征指标评价方法与理论体系的一部分,有利于重新认识现有污水处理工艺和水质标准、优化现有技术和工艺组合及其运行操作。Abstract: Bio-treatment has become one of common treatment technologies for wastewater due to its low cost, simple equipment, economic and environmental benefits. In order to adapt to the high standard requirements in effluent quality in dyeing wastewater treatment, and consider the complexity of pollutant composition, the bio-treatment characteristics of dyeing wastewater need to be evaluated. In this study, the wastewater in pipeline to the wastewater plant discharged from the treated dyeing wastewater in the enterprises was taken as object, the quantitatively evaluation of biodegradation characteristics of organics in wastewater was achieved by analyzing the proportions of organic pollutions with different biodegradation difficulties. The result showed that when the B/C value of the dyeing wastewater was 0.26, only 18.60% organic matters in it could be biodegradable under the practical operational conditions. Among these biodegradable organic matters, the average contents of rapid biodegradable, easy biodegradable and normal biodegradable organic matters were 15.48%, 64.29% and 20.83%, respectively. Through increasing the nitrogen source and phosphorus source, the content of biodegradable organic matter in the dyeing wastewater increased by 53.45%~60.34%. Of which, nitrogen source mainly increased rapid biodegradable organic matters, phosphorus source mainly increased easy biodegradable organic matters. The evaluation method and result of dyeing wastewater bio-treatment feature could be taken as one part of the theorical system and evaluation method for water characteristic indexes in wastewater treatment, which is conducive to knowing the current wastewater treatment process and water quality standard again, and optimizing the current technologies, processes combination and their operation.
Key words:
- biodegradation characteristics /
- dyeing wastewater /
- wastewater treatment /
- high standard
表 1 营养源种类及投加情况
Table 1. Types of nutrient sources and their doses in test
mg·L−1 营养源种类 投加浓度
该类营养源的浓度TN TP Fe3+ 尿素 15 15.67 — — 30 22.67 — — 45 29.67 — — K2HPO4 14 — 2.67 — 28 — 5.17 — 42 — 7.66 — FeCl3 0.15 — — 0.15 0.30 — — 0.20 0.60 — — 0.31 注:—表示废水中并未额外投加该类营养源。 表 2 不同曝气时间条件下有机物降解难易程度分布
Table 2. Distribution of degradation difficulty degree of organic matters in dyeing wastewater at different aeration times
mg·L−1 有机物类型 曝气0 min后COD 曝气5 min后COD 曝气10 min后COD 曝气20 min后COD 生物快速处理 0 13 7 6 易生物处理 8 37 37 34 可生物处理 42 11 11 13 不可生物处理 278 267 273 275 表 3 抽滤处理前后下有机物降解难易程度分布
Table 3. Distribution of degradation difficulty degree of organic matters in dyeing wastewater before and after filtration treatment
mg·L−1 有机物类型 抽滤前COD 抽滤后COD 生物快速处理 9 18 易生物处理 0 9 可生物处理 42 32 不可生物处理 277 261 表 4 外加营养源条件下有机物(以COD计)降解难易程度分布
Table 4. Distribution of degradation difficulty degree of organic matters (as COD) in dyeing wastewater with different nutrients addition
mg·L−1 有机物类型 KB A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 生物快速处理 0 0 13 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 易生物处理 16 39 57 63 26 35 39 21 25 31 可生物处理 42 36 17 16 25 42 54 25 26 33 不可生物处理 262 245 233 231 269 243 227 274 269 256 注:KB表示废水中未投加任何营养源;A1、A2、A3分别表示废水中投加15、30、45 mg·L−1尿素;B1、B2、B3分别表示废水中投加14、28、42 mg·L−1 K2HPO4;C1、C2、C3分别表示废水中投加0.15、0.30、0.60 mg·L−1 FeCl3。 -
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