合流制管网溢流(combined sewer overflows, CSOs)污染是地表水体突出的瞬时污染源,由于合流制管网部分位于城市河段的亲水景观区域,因此,对亲水空间的水环境质量影响较大,CSOs事件的发生往往会引发突出的环境问题和公共安全风险[1-3]。CSOs污水水质、水量动态过程的特征较为复杂[4-8],受到降水径流、生活污水、管道沉积物等诸多因素的影响,因此,其与降雨强度、降雨历时及晴天累计数等密切相关[6, 9-10]。
目前,有研究者[11-13]采用决策树、聚类分析、回归模型等统计分析方法对溢流事件进行了预测,包括溢流次数和溢流持续时间,但这些研究均没有给出具体的CSOs污染物浓度和污染物的排放量。还有一些研究者[10, 14]通过PCA (主成分分析)、相关性分析和回归模型等统计学方法探究了CSOs污染特征的动态变化,发现CSOs污染特征与降雨特征(如旱天天数、累积降雨量、最大降雨强度等因素)有一定的相关性,但对主要影响因素说明相对模糊。
Effect of rainfall on the pollution characteristics of combined sewer overflows
摘要: 为明确北运河流域合流制管网溢流污染特性的影响因素,选取上游城乡结合部的合流制溢流口为对象,基于现场连续监测和采样调查结果,采用条件回归树方法分析了合流制管网溢流污染的水质水量等参数与降雨特征之间的响应关系,并通过分析典型强降雨形成的溢流污染过程,验证了条件回归树预测的阈值。结果表明:沙河库区合流制管网溢流的污水流量与降雨特征密切相关,次降雨量在15~19 mm时发生溢流,溢流事件和溢流量高峰滞后于降雨强度高峰15~60 min,初期溢流污染物浓度高峰在持续(45±5) min后达到稳定水平;次降雨量显著影响溢流的流量和浊度(P<0.001),次降雨量(P=0.029)、平均降雨强度(P<0.001)均显著影响溢流COD。研究结果可为北运河消减合流制管网溢流污染提供参考。Abstract: To determine the influence factors of pollution characteristics in combined sewer overflows in North Canal basin, one outlet of the combined sewer in the urban-rural junction area of the upstream was selected. The conditional regression tree method was implemented in this study to analyze the relationship between the pollution indicators such as water quality and overflow quantity and the rainfall characteristics, based on results of continuous monitoring and sampling surveys. Moreover, the predicted threshold of the conditional regression tree was verified by analyzing the typical process of the overflow pollution caused by heavy rainfall. Results showed that the overflow flux of the CSOs was significantly correlated with the rainfall in Shahe reservoir area. The overflows occurred at the overall rainfall of 15~19 mm per event. The overflows and its peak flux lagged behind the peaks of rainfall intensity for 15~60 min, the peak concentrations of pollutants in the initial CSOs reached stable after its lasting for (45±5) min. The cumulative rainfall per event significantly affected the quantity and turbidity of the CSOs (P<0.001). The cumulative rainfall per event (P=0.029) and average rainfall intensity (P<0.001) significantly affected the COD values of the CSOs. The research results can provide a reference for the North Canal to reduce the combined sewer overflows pollution.
Key words:
- combined sewer overflows /
- conditional regression tree /
- rainfall characteristics /
- COD /
- turbidity
表 1 2018—2019年的5场降雨特征
Table 1. Five rainfall characteristics from 2018 to 2019
编号 采样日期 次降雨
量/mm降雨历时/h 最大降雨强度/
(mm·(10 min)−1)平均降雨
强度/(mm·h−1)干旱时间/d 降雨类型
(以24 h计)[19]A 2018-07-03 16.6 8.2 2.3 2.0 2 中雨 B 2018-07-16 21.8 5.5 5.4 4.0 5 中雨 C 2018-08-08 75.2 5.3 13.4 14.2 9 暴雨 D 2019-04-24 21.4 15 0.5 1.4 5 中雨 E 2019-07-22 53.4 6.5 7.2 8.2 23 暴雨 表 2 5场降雨事件的溢流污染特征
Table 2. Pollution characteristics of CSOs during 5 rainfall events
编号 溢流历时/
NTUA 90 46 69.0 79.4 46.4 83 3.2 60 221 B 2 910 140.8 6 828.6 376 89.6 445 612.1 62 150 C 1 020 121.5 2 066.3 351 112.7 420 232.9 71 336 D 410 142.2 971.7 280 371.8 1 120 361.3 117.3 448 E 1 040 198.9 3 448.7 1 011 173.1 1 718 597.0 56.9 984 注:B组溢流事件由3次降雨引起,第1次降雨量为21.8 mm,第2次降雨量为6.2 mm,第3次降雨量为9.2 mm;3次降雨间隔时间为690 min和760 min。 -
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