近年来,城市水体病原微生物污染问题日益突出[1],雨水径流是主要污染源之一。我国城市雨水径流粪大肠菌群(fecal coliforms)浓度为105~107 CFU·L−1,高出地表水环境质量标准[2](III类和V类水体粪大肠菌群不超过10 000 个·L−1和40 000 个·L−1,当粪大肠菌群采用滤膜法或平板计数法测定时,其计数单位为菌落数,表示为CFU·L−1)1~3个数量级[3]。在一些以合流制为主的老城区,含有生活污水的合流制溢流水直接排入城市的河湖,也会引起病原微生物污染,对人体健康及城市水生态造成威胁。
在国外关于雨水滤池或生物滞留池除菌性能的研究中,进水病原菌浓度较低(104~105 CFU·L−1),与国内的实际雨水水质差距较大,而且没有合流制溢流水的相关研究[11]。本研究制备了载铜沸石和载银沸石作为雨水滞留池换土层基质,以细沙作为对照基质,通过静态摇瓶实验和动态填料柱模拟实验,考察其在不同大肠杆菌浓度和合流制溢流水进水情况下的除菌效果,以期为除菌雨水滞留池的基质选择和设计提供参考。
Bacterial removal performance of rainwater retention tank with copper or silver loaded zeolite substrate
摘要: 针对城市水体的病原微生物污染问题,设计了以铜银负载沸石为基质的雨水滞留池模拟柱,用于去除合流制溢流水中的以大肠菌群为指示菌的病原微生物;通过静态实验考察了制备的载铜和载银沸石的铜、银的流失量和除菌效果,并用模拟柱进行了含不同大肠杆菌浓度的进水及合流制溢流水的除菌实验。结果表明:载铜沸石的Cu2+流失量相对于载银沸石的Ag+流失量更小;在105~107 CFU·L−1的进水大肠杆菌浓度下,2种沸石柱的除菌率均在90%以上;在连续18 d的运行过程中,2种沸石实验柱对大肠杆菌浓度为106 CFU·L−1的合流制溢流水的除菌率也保持在90%以上,且未受到水中的COD、TN、TP的影响。载铜和载银沸石基质滞留池可以有效地降低雨水中的病原微生物风险。Abstract: To control pathogenic microorganisms pollution in urban water, a rainwater retention tank with filter media of copper or silver loaded zeolite was designed to remove pathogenic microorganisms with coliform bacteria as indicator bacteria in combined sewer overflow. The metal loss and bacteria-eliminating abilities of copper loaded and silver loaded zeolite were investigated by batch experiments, and the latter was further proved by filled simulated columns test for treating synthetic water with different coliform bacteria concentrations or combined sewer overflow. The results show that Cu2+ loss from copper loaded zeolite was lower than Ag+ loss from silver loaded zeolite. The bacterial removal efficiencies of the two zeolite columns were above 90% at the influent E. coli. concentration of 105~107 CFU·L−1. During 18 d consecutive filtration operation, the bacterial removal efficiencies of the two zeolite columns maintained above 90% for the combined sewer overflow with E. coli. of 106 CFU·L-1, which was not affected by COD, TN and TP. In short, the retention tank with filter media of copper or silver loaded zeolites can effectively reduce the risk of pathogenic bacteria in rainwater runoff.
表 1 3种沸石的比表面积与孔径
Table 1. Specific surface area and pore size of three zeolites
沸石种类 比表面积/(m2·g−1) 总孔容/(cm3·g−1) 平均孔径/nm 天然沸石 34.885 0.083 1 5.339 载银沸石 42.127 0.097 6 4.671 载铜沸石 45.223 0.098 8 4.258 表 2 实验柱对合流制溢流水中COD、TN、TP 和E.coli的去除效果及出水Ag+、Cu2+浓度
Table 2. COD, TN, TP and E.coli removal effects from combined sewer overflow by experimental columns and Ag+, Cu2+ concentrations in effluent
阶段 指标 细沙对照柱 载银沸石柱 载铜沸石柱 进水当天 COD去除率/% 38.72 ± 1.66 40.79 ± 1.84 41.64 ± 1.62 TN去除率/% 49.70 ± 2.43 62.17 ± 1.13 62.77 ± 0.92 TP去除率/% 94.52 ± 0.16 96.96 ± 0.16 97.20 ± 0.21 E.coli去除率/% 48.92 ± 1.26 89.99 ± 0.47 91.80 ± 0.33 Ag+出水浓度/(mg·L−1) 0.003 ± 0.000 0.017 ± 0.004 0.002 ± 0.000 Cu2+出水浓度/(mg·L−1) 0.001 ± 0.000 0.002 ± 0.000 0.009 ± 0.002 滞留期后 COD去除率/% 54.45 ± 1.79 56.20 ± 0.81 56.92 ± 1.18 TN去除率/% 65.23 ± 4.14 71.54 ± 1.16 72.96 ± 2.23 TP去除率/% 97.86 ± 0.78 98.93 ± 0.34 99.05 ± 0.27 E.coli去除率/% 50.31 ± 0.20 90.55 ± 0.51 92.13 ± 0.44 Ag+出水浓度/(mg·L−1) 0.002 ± 0.000 0.016 ± 0.006 0.003 ± 0.000 Cu2+出水浓度/(mg·L−1) 0.002 ± 0.000 0.002 ± 0.000 0.010 ± 0.002 -
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