Remediation project of black and odorous waterbody of Fuchuangxi and Dapaigou with one river and one policy
摘要: 福创溪-大排沟位于海口市桂林洋经济开发区,受周边农业面源污染、养殖废水、生活污水等影响,河道呈黑臭状态。福创溪下游河段属感潮河段,河水盐度较高,传统的水体修复技术受到限制。根据一河一策治理方案,开展内源清淤-截污纳管-污水处理-曝气增氧-红树林生态系统技术,对福创溪-大排沟黑臭水体进行了治理。现场8个月的检测数据显示,断面DO浓度均大于2 mg·L-1,ORP大于50 mV,NH3-N小于8 mg·L-1,河水透明度大于25 cm,实现了消除黑臭的目标。Abstract: Fuchuangxi-Dapaigou is located in Guilinyang economic development zone in Haikou city. The pollution of agricultural non-point source, aquaculture wastewater and domestic sewage around it resulted in a state of black and odorous in this river. The lower reach of Fuchuangxi river belongs to a tidal one, and a high saline water appears which limits the remediation effect by traditional technologies. According to the treatment scheme of one river and one policy, a series of technologies of dredging waterway, sewage interception, wastewater treatment, aeration and mangroves ecosystem were used to remediate the black and odorous waterbody of Fuchuangxi-Dapaigou river. The water quality data in monitoring sections during eight months showed that their dissolved oxygen contents were above 2 mg·L-1, oxidation-reduction potentials were above 50 mV, ammonia nitrogen concentrations were lower than 8 mg·L-1 and water opacity was larger than 25 cm, which indicated that the elimination of its black color and odorous state was realized.
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