Scheme of water quality maintenance for Longjing Lake in Chongqing Garden Expo Park and water pollution control for its upper reach basin
摘要: 龙景湖是典型的河道型新建水库,维持其水质优良是使重庆园博园成为高品质生态旅游观光和休闲景区的关键。龙景湖上游流域仍处于待建期,其主要污染物是氮、磷和TSS。以IV类水为水质目标,通过开展削减负荷计算和水环境容量河段,从外源清水入湖、园区污染控制和湖体水质保持等方面,形成了龙景湖水质保持及其上游流域水污染治理方案的总体布局和任务措施。目标可达行分析显示若本规划技术方案顺利实施,将可以完成龙景湖水质保持的预期目标,从而为重庆水体污染治理和水质保持提供可借鉴的思路。Abstract: Longjing Lake is a newly formed river-type reservoir. Its good water quality maintenance is a crucial point to ensure Chongqing Garden Expo Park as a high quality spot for eco-tourism and leisure scenery. At present, the upstream basin of Longjing Lake is still under construction and its main pollutants are nitrogen, phosphorus and total suspended solids (TSS). Thus, class IV standard was taken as the water quality target, the water environment capacity of Longjing Lake watershed was calculated, and pollution loading reduction was also estimated based on dividing of several control units. According to the above results, the overall layout and task measurements for water quality improvement for Longjing Lake and water pollution controlling scheme were proposed, which involved its upper reach basin pollution loading reduction of input tributaries, pollution control in the garden and water quality maintenance in the Lake. Moreover, Target accessibility analysis based on loading reduction indicates that the expected target for water quality maintenance of Longjing Lake will be fulfilled if the technical scheme could be carried out. The results would provide technical and planning support for water pollution control and water quality maintenance of aquatic systems in mountain city like Chongqing.
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